Shouts about...

Ninjababy 2021

this film manages to deal with very important issues such as unwanted motherhood, abortion, adoption and entry into the adult world, with remarkable sensitivity and irony. I really appreciated the combination of the animated drawings within of the film. An excellent comedy which however makes us reflect on these themes, in a slightly different way

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Like leaving a doctor's appointment with a happy stain in your pants, Ninjababy is an unusually fun examination of contemporary ailments.

The story of a millennial party girl who finds out she's very pregnant, Ninjababy is a refreshing change from the recent glut of "quirky young woman" films that are basically, "I'm not like other rom-coms, I'm cool". Instead of focusing on how all a woman needs is the right man to complete her, Ninjababy is about all the things a woman doesn't need to complete her.

Anchored by Kristine Kujath Thorp's strong performance, Ninjababy is funny, cute and whole heartedly feminist.

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It's probably quite fitting that I watched this on Valentine's Day...

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