Shouts about...

Nomadland 2021


Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-01-05T22:57:02Z— updated 2022-11-08T11:58:24Z

Kind of a mixed bag, I wanted to like this more.
I love how non judgemental it is, they could’ve easily taken the route to criticize the system and make a point about how these people need financial support from the state (like Sorry to Bother You, for example).
Instead, it presents a balanced perspective of both the struggles and charm of this lifestyle.
Also, the characters are interesting, the acting is great and it’s shot extremely well.
However, I find it quite baffling how nobody seems to want to point out the obvious flaw of this film: it lacks drama and .... well, a story.
There is no progression to the characters or the events in this film.
In other words, you could rearrange a lot of bits and it wouldn’t make a single difference.
As a result, the pacing kinda drags, and I started to check out halfway through.
This probably should’ve been a documentary instead.


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This movie reminded me of something Roger Ebert had said ages ago about another movie (My Own Private Idaho) because it describes it perfectly even if the two movies are not exactly alike but have a similar vibe. Ebert said: "The achievement of this film is that it wants to evoke that state of drifting need, and it does. There is no mechanical plot that has to grind to a Hollywood conclusion, and no contrived test for the heroes to pass."

I don't think you could put it any better than that.

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Even the sh***y DVD screener I watched this on could not diminish how astoundingly beautiful and wholesome this film is

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Finally got around to watching this gem! It’s such a beautiful depiction of this community of people, and you can tell that it’s made with so much care and empathy for the stories they had to tell. It’s less of a plot film and more a collection of slices of life which, put together, paint a beautiful picture that transcends the screen for an immersive and emotional viewing experience.

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Frances Mcdormand's performance , the real-life nomads included , the beautiful cinematography and direction by Chloe Zhao make this movie shine

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I didn’t get the hype and I really wanted to like it but I just didn’t. Felt like I wasted 2 hours of my life that I won’t get back. There’s a little story to a couple of characters but that’s it. They don’t delve any further so couldn’t get attached even if I wanted to. Wouldn’t recommend

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I didn't get it.
It's neither poignant, enlifting, nor educational.
Think of it like an enforced and boring walkabout with someone you'd choose to avoid in real-life.

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It's that bad - just don't...

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It was interesting but felt like a documentary with no plot or purpose, just showing you about a lifestyle you may not have known about. Nomads who travel around following the seasonal work whilst living in their vans. It doesn’t grip your attention and not something you would want to watch more than once.

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Nothing happens in this movie, No plot, No drama, No character development, Nothing. This feels more like a documentary or journalism than an actual movie.

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People stories. A person’s story told slowly. There is a beautiful melancholy in this production. The characters have authenticity. Francis MacDormand’s face alone deserves an Academy award. Every micro expression tells the story. Beautiful cinematography. A truly masterful movie. I give this film a 10 (minimalistic vastness) out of 10. [Drama]

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What a road trip... Long, expansive, open, free and as immense as Frances McDormand's talent.

Nomadland is the American Honey of Nomad culture, and I fucking loved American Honey. The worst part of this movie was I couldn't see it on the big screen.

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I loved the movie. It's gritty, serious and realistic. I am glad people got to watch movies like this more this year instead of the big budget cartoonish crap superhero movies because of the pandemic.

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A well-directed film, with beautiful cinematography and great performances, but with a disjointed plot, that felt trivial and unaffecting.

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It has its dull moments, but it's undoubtedly a beautifully shot and well-directed film. I liked that it documents a major social problem without getting overly sentimental or preachy. They just give you the facts and a few real stories, but it's up to us to draw your conclusions. Instead of pointing out how life sucks at all costs, Zhao prefers to show us many beautiful landscapes, good-hearted people, and even some delicious-looking food to bring them together. It's true that out of all nomads, they got the only ones with big tragedies or terminal illnesses, but after all, there's no movie without a little drama.

Unfortunately, Fern's motivations felt a little underdeveloped. We are made to believe that she travels as a choice rather than a necessity, but her character never gets fully explored. She does have a couple of deep conversations with her sister and the guru guy, but I was expecting something deeper. It was also a little weird to see big corporation logos in a film that is supposedly against capitalism.

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i like the movie. it is a beautiful film. i am touched by it. this is a story about grief, about being yourself, about moving on, and about the departed.

BUT, after i learned more about the book that the film adapted, my feeling is more conflicted. Zhao has definitely choose not to portray politics, or the negatives of capitalism, like in the book. idk, isn’t the film supposed to be an adapted work? however, i do agree that the angle that Zhao has chosen for her film feels like exactly what we need in 2020. it has a sense of escapism during this pandemic - we all know that there are capitalist problems, but sometimes, having a more positive angle towards the human behind the story can be soothing too.

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Almost has a documentary feel

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She is with any doubt an amazing actress but the movie is too slow for me, the story is depressing (I know a lot of people live like this) and it’s a little bit too long. Not for an Oscar!

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Quite an interesting movie that felt almost like a documentary at times. But this might be due to the style of filming in some scenes. The movie is surely very slow moving but I could not say that I was bored. I especially liked the beautiful cinematography and the very toned down soundtrack of the film.

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A series of many honest but not exaggerated moments. It's remarkable how sometimes some few sentences still manage to have such a great impact.

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Great acting, and yet I don't understand what really makes Fern tick. The movie tried to explain it to me, but I don't quite understand the woman. But that doesn't matter. The insight into this life of the nomads was as interesting as it was depressing, but sometimes also adventurously beautiful. It is a very simple and at the same time difficult, free life in chains, so to speak. But what (in) life is simple? Every lifestyle brings joys and pitfalls.

Anyway, the very long visible images, the partly beautiful and depressing mood, the soundtrack, everything is appropriate. The term arthouse often did not go out of my head. It is not a film for leisurely hours. It is one that makes you think. And not just about how nomads live, but how you live yourself. Do you really enjoy your life?

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It was a simply beautiful movie.

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this movie felt like a long song; without a very linear storyline, one that I didn’t really understand until the very end, but a fundamentally important one


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They couldn’t have found a better actress than Frances McDormand to lead this realistic drama. She and her road trip friends made it enjoyable for the most part.
It takes a while to unravel and explain its background, but this emotional journey will be worth your time. Is it worth going down the road again? Maybe in a few years and I think this is one that will age better with time.

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A slice of life drama with a powerful central performance from the sublime Frances McDormand. Some people have criticised the slow pace but they are kind of missing the point. It’s a realistic look at a lifestyle that the recession forced some people into and it’s a fascinating watch. In a strange way, it’s a lifestyle that I am almost envious of; a life unburdened with the shackles of modern living.

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A really beautiful film about how one deals with loss and grief. Frances performance was exceptional!

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Some deep characters, beautiful camera work and warming journey with a slow pace.

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Dedicated to the ones who had to depart.
See you down the road.

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This is a difficult watch.


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What a beautiful looking film! Frances McDormand killed it, as always! I was blown away by the real nomads they had in the film. It's definitely one of those films that has you thinking long after you finish it. I think at the beginning, you find yourself feeling sorry for her character, but by the end, you come to understand her character.

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Another film by the director that brought us the amazing movie The Rider. The experience of watching this movie was almost exactly like the experience I had watching that movie. About halfway through I thought to myself "this is pretty good" and then over the second half of that movie it really started to seep in. By the end it felt like I had experienced something on a spiritual level. It's a movie that demands that the viewer watch it in a quiet place with full attention given. I would also like to echo what so many reviews have said - the movie has a documentary feel to it because of the amazing talents of both the director and McDormand.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Trakt tells me I need to comment in English, but this German quote speaks for itself, at least to whome ever recognizes it.

Schau dich doch mal um, zeig mir einen dem es besser geht als mir!

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They named "Nomadland" but it feels like a "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri - Part II: The Adventures of Mildred Hayes on the Road". I hope Frances McDormand doesn't end up locked in these kinds of projects forever.

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Gianfranco Rosi portrayed in his documentary "Below sea level" (2008) several people who lived in the Californian desert. Chloé Zhao now makes a more precious version of the same theme, more interesting as fiction than as a reflection of reality, in this sense somewhat insufficient. But, among beautiful landscapes and music by Ludovico Einaudi, the most interesting thing is the feeling of deep sadness that surrounds Fern, the choice of solitude as a way to heal depression.

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Does it stop being a performance piece if an actor is just naturally as good at playing a simple person, traversing across the states with no purpose but to make enough money and meet enough people to fill the voids in life? If so, then yes this was well done. All the actors and nomads portrayed felt like they weren't acting at all.

As far as replayability though, I've got no reason to watch this again. It's the tale of many spotted small towns across the states where the economy has hit the hardest and the townsfolk disperse trying to make ends meat paycheck to paycheck.

Oscar or any award worthy though? No, I dont believe so.

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This was okay. The acting is good but the overall film is too meandering for me. I don't think I'd watch again.

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A slow drama is not typically my thing, but this movie is an exception. The plot is gripping and raw, and something about it really pulls me in. This was my second watch, and I equally enjoyed it this time around! Would certainly recommend this movie to many people.

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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It must be said that the protagonist is very stubborn.

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Someone says that this movie lacks of story. I think instead that this is a very smart way to narrate the story of a drifter. It's like being in this nomadic state of mind, where you wander like almost everyone in the movie: you are not really searching for something, but somehow, you find it. The story works on every level, and here is why: every time Fern walks into an home, you can really feel yourself out of place in the middle of all the people living their life "normally". And thats why everything is so balanced, that makes the viewer identify and empatize.

Great photography, great music, great acting, and excellent story, also because the point of view is so sincere, so candid, with no judgment at all, even if touches a really delicate society argument.

It is a movie that gently walks into a life, become a part of it and then gently leaves, and doesn't need particular drama or plot twist, because that's it, this a normal life, in its uniqueness. And like every good movies leaves something behind for you: in this case a wondeful, melncholic bittersweet mix of feelings.

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Beautiful and relatable. Acting was just perfect.

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Nomadland is a trip straight to the heart. Like a bullet.

This was my first viewing in the cinema and the big screen really drove the messages home.

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I think I like my creature comforts too much.

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It's a good movie to refelct on what life means nowadays, and especially on what home really means.

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Nomadland provides some very beautiful shots, a soothing soundtrack, a great performance by Frances McDormand, gives insight into the lives of nomads and some interesting thoughts about life. Still, it didn't move me as much as I thought it would do. Nevertheless, very interesting that the Academy would give the Oscar for Best Picture to the movie that would not typically fit the bill.

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No surprise to see the hype around 'Nomadland', it's extremely well made and holds a lot of heart. Frances McDormand is the star, her performance is truly outstanding. A few of the other cast members, most of whom are real life nomads, merit props too - namely Charlene Swankie, who has one great scene. The cinematography and music, meanwhile, is stunning.

Not much more to note. It's simply a terrific film, one that feels incredibly real.

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The best movie of 2020 is not about living with nature or about being free. It’s about loosing everything and to be stuck to that. A work of art that blends reality with fiction but doing a lot less and giving us a lot more. More than we are capable to process. I just wonder if Chloe is also going to doing more with less on the marvel movie.

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Genres: Drama, Western and Documentary.

So it seemed to me, a documentary.
It's not bad, Frances McDormand clearly carries the film on her back as the sole protagonist, and does an excellent job. It's thanks to her that the film is what it is.

2.3 points -> Cinematography (0-3)
1.6 points -> Acting and Characters (0-2)
2.4 points -> Plot (0-3)
0.7 points -> Music & Audio (0-1)

0.7 -> enjoyed the movie. (0-1)

Aka. 7.7 points

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Interesting story, very well acted, but alas..... so very boring.

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Shout by Josh

McDormand, as always, is exceptional. Feels like a documentary in many ways. Tragic and beautiful. When you can't let go of what's gone, you end up unable hold anyone or anything that's still here.

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I don't know if they have been the expectations I had with this film, but I left the cinema quite disappointed. The camp scenes and the relationship with Dave are quite remarkable, but from the middle of the footage the film gets stuck in the same themes, wandering to the end, staying in no-man's-land.

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Felt more like a documentary... And by the cast, it seems they were all really nomads.

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Frances Mcdormand was good but I guess I am too shallow to watch more than a documentary length coverage of this topic. I found it interesting at first but dropped out half way through since it just seemed like more of the same. My wife stuck it through to the end and would probably rate it higher than me.

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This is the kind of film that critics and film festival goers love but the average folk will think it's boring because "nothing happens". Personally, I loved it.
"Into the Wild" is one of my favorite movie of all time and Nomadland reminds me of it. But it's a slower, more medidative film.
The performances feel so real that it seems like a documentary.
FM deserves all the awards.

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Good but a little overhyped

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If it wasn't for the familiar faces of McDormand and Strathairn this could just as well been a documentary and I'm not sure if that's good or bad thing. It shows that they've done a wonderful job in the portraying but if seen as a documentary it's not that interesting. Very torn.

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