series, movies & stuff produced by Netflix / sorted by release date (from newest to oldest release)
(based on https://www.netflix.com/browse/originals and various other sources, if needed)

last update: March/15/2021

note: some database-entries are missing on trakt, so that the list is imho as complete as it could be atm. if you find something i missed, feel free to leave a comment.


A collection of stand-up comedy specials, which will grow over time.


series, movies & stuff produced by Netflix / sorted by release date (from newest to oldest release)(based on https://www.netflix.com/browse/originals and various other sources, if needed)last update: May/19/2019[work in progress ... always ^^]note: some database-entries are missing on trakt, so that the list is imho as complete as it could be atm. if you find something i missed, feel free to leave a comment.


A collection of stand-up comedy specials.


Standup I've watched/listened to.


TV show auditions [3 episode minimum] Will it make my Purge Precious Jewels or be scrapped?
