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Nothing but Trouble 1991

Written and directed by Dan Aykroyd, Nothing But Trouble is a bizarre dark comedy that’s too weird for its own good. The story follows a group of travelers headed for Atlantic City who, after running a stop sign, end up trapped in a county courthouse that dispenses an unusual form of justice. Starring Chevy Chase, Dan Aykroyd, Demi Moore, and John Candy, the film is loaded with comedic talent; including a wickedly fun cameo by rapper Humpty Hump. But poor storytelling and a ridiculous plot doom the film. In more capable hands, perhaps this type of story could work; but Arkyoyd isn’t able to find the right blend of comedy and horror. Nothing But Trouble is a complete and utter trainwreck that has nothing going for it.

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I personally love this movie, a complete break from what you would expect from these comedy titans.

Creepy sets and screenplay with the typical humor of Chase and Candy overlayed to create something unique.

Probably won't appeal to pure comedy lovers, but if you like creepy, this movies for you.

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Here's my question: Did anyone THINK of trying to keep Aykroyd in check? His friends like Chase and Candy didn't. The studio let him roll. What were they all thinking: "We second guessed Ghostbusters so he must know what he doing?" What did a test screening of this look like? Did ANYONE laugh? It's just horrible.

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Oof! Soo goddamn cringe. I mean, I grew up with this ridiculous movie endlessly on cable, so I have a tiny bit of a soft spot for it, but I'm not sure what entertainment you can get from this outside of that, I mean unless dick-noses are the kind of thing that really get you going...

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