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Oceans Rising 2017

I built an exercise bike while watching this. You're not going to want to pay attention, so it's the perfect multitasking gem.

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I selected this movie in hopes that it would be like one of my favorites, "The Day After Tomorrow". Nope, it was nowhere near it. This movie features bad acting and a boring storyline. The most frustrating thing about the movie for me was the overuse of scientific and technological terminology. I get it, I get it...the writer of the screenplay is a HUGE geek. Don't waste any of your precious life watching this movie! I wasted my life watching this on Netflix.

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It's a Syfy production but I discovered it on Netflix. I subscribed because I wanted to see the new "Mystery Science Theater 3000" episodes. But is a crappy sci-fi movie, in HD incidentally, worth the money? Sure. Since I watch the aforementioned comedy, that means I'm into B-movies. There's not a single familiar name & face in the cast. No celebrities, no Oscar or Emmy winners, probably not even an actor who's a 7th degree away from Kevin Bacon. I like the scene where, um, the protagonist just seems to pick up much of the major cast one by one swimming outta nowhere. In conclusion, watch for the bad SFX, & during the rest of the motion picture do other stuff like check your phone & maybe do laundry.

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Usual disaster movie with some wooden acting. Why, after 'knowing' the world was about to end did it take him 3 years to load his boat with essentials and what happened to the massive ark that the overview promised? Save yourself some time and go and watch some grass grow.

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