Shouts about...

Old Dads 2023

Mediocre at best. A poor attempt of a film version of a stand up show by Bill Burr. I had expected more and better from him. The first 30 minuten or so promised to be good...but it went downhill from there unfortunately.

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Very funny and light. Nice easy watch. I think us oldies can really relate. :thumbsup_tone1: . Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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so bad couldn't get past 10 minutes

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Shame on Bill Burr for this turd.

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"It's not right, but it ain't wrong either"
Some cool advices, good actors and situations.
I liked it, got off with a smile on my face.

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I loved the movie. The 3 male leads were great. I didn't like Leah at all. Jack didn't have an anger problem until she ended up creating one with her mild victim shaming and over dramatizations.

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I am a millennial and someone once called out 'ok boomer'. I don't think it's an insult. This movie is lovely break amongst all the lousy gimmicky influencer, AI and other nonsense. All three leads are great.

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Loved it, but probably bcz i see a lot myself in him

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Finally a movie that is definitely not pc. If you hate the pc culture as I do, you will enjoy this move. :alien:

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Not much if anything really worked for me in this film.

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Shows nicely what’s wrong in todays world. I quite often see myself in Jack.

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I love Bill Burr. If you've ever seen his standup, this is basically the movie version. Not a great 'movie' but funny as hell if you like his standup.

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This looked like it would be funny, but turned out to be a face-off between a cringy version of bro culture and a cringy version of woke culture. In the end, the bros won… Really disappointing and even worse looking back on it. Wish I’d opted out before it got too late.

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Just like Bills standup..we know all those people and they are ffffffuckin annoying so I spent some of the movie laughing and the rest irritated as hell haha they nailed their roles

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Whiffs more than it lands. Some moments here and there were funny and satisfying, but too often it was just annoying millennials dialed to 10 with little payoff. It did do a solid job at making me hate pretty much everyone in the film though. Generous 5.3.

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Great movie. Even better its upset all the flannels we have in our society today. :joy:

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I don't care for Bill Burr but I did find this movie entertaining. It isn't a "must watch" but I'd put it on the list of "I feel like watching something, but there is nothing on that I'm dying to see".

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A Bill Burr comedy special in a movie format! Love it!

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Sorry, complete garbage summing up everything wrong with modern society.

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Glad to see that some people can see how woke society really is.

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I enjoyed it. It's not great, but it made me smile and laugh and that is what is important. I believe the majority of negative comments come from those that don't like having there failings spotlighted. This pokes fun at the faults in both the Gen X's and Millennials cultures, gotta learn to laugh at yourself and recognise that each generation has it's problems and positives.

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An average film, with a simple story and several interesting criticisms, although many of them are explored superficially. The comedy is scarce, and, in short, the film is just ok, as the criticisms are direct and not developed in depth.

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Love Bill Burr, this movie is a lot of hit and miss. There are funny scenes and moments , but there is also a ton of jokes that fall flat to me. It’s watchable, and I’m sure if I was 10 years older I might of found this funnier.

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This isn't a great movie, but it's a good movie. It's basically Bill Burr standup in movie form so it's really centered on him. This is very anti-pc and really accentuates the generational difference between gen X'ers and those that came after them. It starts out how many of us feel now, that the current world is just sort of out of control and silly, then it reigns it in later to be a lesson in how to not give in to nonsense but still coexist with it. That's a good message many of us can take to heart.

It's a fun way to spend a couple hours, that's it.

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First of all, I love Bill Burr. His stand-up is my kind of style. He plays the role of a pissed off Gen-X'er from Boston well. However, this film is essentially his stand-up routine with a plot. It is mostly anti-Millennial rage-bait. Don't get me wrong, the film makes some very good observations about some of the stupidity that goes on in society today (even if it is exaggerated). There were some good laughs though, but most of the film makes you angry at everyone that isn't the main three characters. So be prepared for that.

And yes, someone says "OK, Boomer" at least once in the film.

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"Guess these old dogs have a little more bite than you thought."

This movie is going to hit different for everyone. I am a new dad trying to fit in the world of daycares/schools and while I am half the age of these guys, a lot of this stuff is so real even if they are exaggerating a bit. If you like Bill Burr, you will laugh. If not, then this is not for you.

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Good straight to Netflix comedy that feels like it could have been a mid 2000's film! While not the funniest thing ever, I think Bill Burr fans will really enjoy it!

Rating: 2.5/5 - 70% - Worth Watching

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Complete garbage. To make his point (people are woke and bill burr is right), Burr portrays others as complete idiots, bemoans you can't abuse others the way you used to be able to.

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Sad but true.
Loved it

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The first part of the movie is great, it shows in a sarcastic way what is wrong with the world right now, all that bullshit happening in society. It would be solid 8-9 out of 10 if not the second part of the movie, when it goes down to a cliche hollywood melodrama style happy ending.
The main character (Bill Burr) didn't have any anger issues nor does he need any bs shrink sessions. The world is ridiculous right now, that's it. And the most annoying person in the movie is his wife, Leah. She is annoying af and never takes his side. Not sure why he needs a wife like that at all.

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Great flick, especially if you're one of those <1988 who "got liberated". Bill Burr in his loud mothy truths.

America has lost itself to over self rightouness. A generation of weak woke hand lotion users who don't know nothing about the world outside of a TikTok feed. Oh America, how doomed you are.

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Bill is one of my favorite comedians, but he's plateaued. Stick to his stand-ups. (Just his. Stay away from 'Friends Who Kill'). Old Dads was D+ at best.

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To quote Oliver Anthony: „Living in a new world with an old soul.“

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To quote Oliver Anthony: Living in a new world with an old soul.

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The first 40 minutes were gold…amazing…after that the comedy ceased and it was rather depressing, even though it had real life application. Descent resolution at the end.

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Reasonable enough smile humour comedy but nothing special, decent enough cast making the most of what the script allowed. Not a movie I'll remember for sure. Almost feels like a movie with 3 lead actors who seem more fitted to being playing supporting roles.

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