Personal Lists featuring...

On Deadly Ground 1994


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 10000
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Date: 2014-08-23


Using IMDb advanced search, filtering only by English language.

Notable entries missing include:
Holy Man (1998)
Alaska (1996)
Army of Darkness (1992)
Balto (1995)
The Astronauts Wife (1999)
Immortal Beloved (1994)
Chaplin (1992)
Hackers (1995)
BASEketball (1998)


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


The complete Steven Seagal filmography.


The complete movie collection.


Sure, everyone's seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, and Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. But as you'll learn in this shockingly tasteless collection of great awful movies, there's so much more to the world of truly bad film.

-Steve Miller


This is a list of all movies and series discussed by the YouTube format Channel Awesome's Nostalgia Critic.


The "250 key movies" rated and reviewed in the book Action! The Action Movie A-Z (1997) by Marshall Julius.

Author's ratings:
1-14: 5*
15-22: 4.5*
23-51: 4*
52-92: 3.5*
93-140: 3*
141-182: 2.5*
183-211: 2*
212-226: 1.5*
227-244: 1*
245-250: 0.5*

"Vengeful cops and car chases, lunatic villains and martial arts masters, male-bonding, gun fights and super secret agents, swords and sorcerers, wartime Nazi-bashing, boys' own adventures, casual destruction and general death-defiance... this is what we want to see, and if you feel the same way, "Action!" is for you, a fan's guide to the wackiest genre of 'em all, with 250 key movies rated and reviewed" -Introduction


50 selected tough guy movies starring Arnie, Sly, Seagal and Van Damme.


Includes both documentaries and fictional movies.


, also colloquially known as karate or kung fu films, are a subgenre of action films that feature numerous martial arts combat between characters. These combats are usually the films' primary appeal and entertainment value, and often are a method of storytelling and character expression and development. Martial arts are frequently featured in training scenes and other sequences in addition to fights. Martial arts films commonly include other types of action, such as hand-to-hand combat, stuntwork, chases, and gunfights.


best actor in combat sports and deputy sheriff. He has the 7th dan in aikido, which is also regularly reflected in his acting.
