Shouts about...

One Hour Photo 2002

1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
1 / 1 originality
1 / 1 stays with you

0 / 1 misc

9 out of 10

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My second snap shot, captured even better than the first camera roll, and still a creepy film, but very good indeed.. Robin, one my favourite actors, and he does a fantastic shot in this film, not a disposable film, It's a keeper.. There's a line in the film that says people don't take pictures to forget, they take them to remember.. when you take a shoot on this film, you won't forget..

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Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2016-04-07T15:27:17Z— updated 2019-12-18T11:54:34Z

Really good,but then again it's Robin Williams and his work is usually good.
It was creepy from the beginning and got even creepier.Even though I felt like he was kind of nuts I couldn't help but feel bad for him.
One thing bothered me the entire movie and it really isn't very important but I've just got to mention it ; his hair,what is up with that fake ass dyed hair?it looks ridiculous.

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is it the anal sex fiend again

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"I almost feel like "Uncle Sy!""

Robin Williams as a sociopath is so spot on and creepy. I am glad I didn't watch this as a kid because it would've probably changed how I saw him in other movies. That is how creepy he is here. Also, how is it that Gary Cole is such an A-hole boss in every movie.

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"And if these pictures have anything important to say to future generations, it's this: I was here. I existed. I was young, I was happy, and someone cared enough about me in this world to take my picture."

It's crazy to imagine how one of the funniest men that had ever lived could have the coldest face. Robin Williams knows how to play creepy well.

Director Mark Romanek delivers a chilling thriller that's wonderfully shot with such precision that Sy himself would be pleased.

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It was OK. Not as creepy as as suspenseful as it could have been

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Robin Williams gives incredible interpretation in a film that started well, intriguing the viewer, but then it lose in an hour and a half quite obvious and predictable at various points. An excellent performance of the actors and the psychology of the film is disturbing and terrible but, no doubt, could there be something more in terms of plot and photography.

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Sick minds are out there! And while it is purely fictional, this movie reminded me that one cannot seen inside people's minds and therefore should be extra-careful who one trusts. Robin Williams does a superb job playing the lonely Regular-Joe psychopath!

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