Shouts about...

Only God Forgives 2013

horrible. like watching a pretentious pop video in slow motion.

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I really liked this movie. Similar to TRON: Legacy, I view it more as a work of art rather than focusing on the plot. The music and lighting just visually appeal to me and it has left me with a lasting impression.

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I thought the movie was fantastic. Action is supposed to make you feel tense and on the edge. The music combined with the cinematography kept me engaged with a fast beating heart. What I like about the film is that it accomplished this while having the action move slow and steady. Very romanticized film and a risk taken by the creators that paid off. 7.3/10

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The trailer was so great and the movie sucked! Just a waste of time.

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Terrible movie. I lost one and a half hours of my life watching it, and wondering what was going on.

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I was so looking forward for this one and I'm disappointed.
It's so slow paced and I am a person that don't mind slow but at least the film has a good storytelling to keep me interested and I was getting so bored. It's sad. The story isn't bad but the things that are about to happen we have to wait for so long for them that you start to loose the interest.
Ryan Gosling has probably 5 or 6 lines during the whole film and I guess he never changes his facial expression. He had a similar character in Driver but this was to much! I loved him in Driver and I hated him in this.
The best things of this film are Kristin Scott Thomas performance and the way the film is shot, so gorgeous.
This might be an artwork but just in the way it was shooted I can't like anything more and all of my rating goes mostly for that.

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loved this, really well directed, very stylish, great soundtrack

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This exists in my head cannon as a prequel to Drive (2011).

A beautiful hour and thirty minute long painting I just wanted to swim in. I completely understand this movie flaws at being… a movie. The story is garbage and motivations are out the window in this one. However, for what I wanted in a movie, this gave it all.

Give me a day, and I’ll join everyone else in abhorring this movie.

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Enjoyable if you like watching Gosling stare off into space.

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It has all the ingredients that I'd usually love in a film, but the pacing lets it down for me.

'Only God Forgives' is pretty dark and strikingly gory, with the stylish cinematography really shining through to set the right tone. Ryan Gosling, meanwhile, is good in a role which is similar to his one in 2011's 'Drive', which was also directed by Nicolas Winding Refn. Kristin Scott Thomas is solid, though I couldn't get away from the thought that her character was made to be portrayed by Toni Collette. Vithaya Pansringarm plays it cool as his character.

All in all, I enjoyed it. I just didn't love it. It's a little too stop/start for my liking, as in it felt like I was watching a series of events as opposed to a fully fleshed out plot; I don't mean that the scenes feel unconnected, it just feels like every scene is too much its own thing in terms of storytelling.

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What a bunch of unwatchable bs

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Excellent cant understand the negative reviews ..a lot was stolen from David Lynch...would have been blatant if there was a close up of Kristen Scott Thomas lighting a cigarette..Kristen was amazing..Good Story...Blade Runner Cinematography - Drive feel - Lynch atmosphere - and a cliff Martinez soundtrack, whats not to love

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This movie cannot be watched as a typical hollywood action film. It's more about human emotions and revenge. Yes it's slow, but it's like that on purpose.

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I just watched #OnlyGodForgives for the first time, and I went to @Letterboxd, and I knew it. 5 Stars from all the NWR fanboys. Sure it looks great, it’s gory and violent, the film has style for days, but it left me feeling hollow. Yes, I get the underling themes, god + devil…

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An hour and a half of indifferent faces, strange decisions, blood revenge and blood itself.

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Shout by Morgan Morris

Lynchian in world and execution, this stylised fable is both distubing and mesmerising. Kristin Scott Thomas should play this dark more often.

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Shout by Deleted

This has to be one of the most overrated movies I have ever seen. I always saw on social media posts about how good this movie is but watching it had to be one of the most miserable things I have ever done. It’s literally just a bunch of nonesense. Don’t waste your time.

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The trailer is actually excellent. So the movie actually could have been good. If it made as much sense as the trailer does and wasn’t a hollow and ugly film.
Gosling is just there to look pretty and watch girls masturbate with a blank look on his face. Plus the film could have used more of a revenge plot to root for. Gosling’s mom is making him avenge the death of his sleaze ball rapist brother who murdered underage girls.
As soon as we meet his brother and he asked for a 14 yr old or the pimps daughter if possible, I wanted him dead.
Drive with a Kill Bill feel had potential. Drive with no interesting plot and no likable characters is a snooze fest. I had no clue who to root for.

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Artistic douchebaggery is an often overused term, but it really applies to Only God Forgives. It puts style over substance, and is full of color tinting and symbolic imagery. So much attention is paid to the visual style that the plot is almost forgotten, or is at least secondary. What story there is follows a mother who comes to Bangkok to avenge the murder of her eldest son, meanwhile her other son struggles with his loyalty to his family and his sense of justice. Ryan Gosling and Kristin Scott Thomas lead the cast, but their performances are extremely underwhelming. Only God Forgives is a poorly crafted film where nothing works.

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@travisg100 The plot is the most interesting part of the movie.

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Shout by José Luis Castillo

I don't much like this movie. I really prefer his director previous film, Drive. Only it saves the cinematography and the music.

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Omg, so slow movie, all characters are like zombies, watched till end but always was pushing forward jumps in very boring places. And this movie sucks, no proper story line. IMO this movie is for drug addicts. even if you are Ryan Gosling fan, i dont recomend to watch this.

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Better once I thought of it in two ways:

  1. As an old Western set in the East (along the lines of "The Searchers", a whole movie about vengeance)

  2. As an almost academic cinema study in building visceral tension

Quite successful in those narrowly defined ways. Not a very involving narrative otherwise.

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style over substance

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Estetic... Photography... Camera... Cast... Not anymore...

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Dear god, what a crapfest. I gave it a 5 because of the way it was shot. The visuals are great but the story and pace .........

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more like only god sleeps, amirite

anyway, i felt as if ryan gosling was only there to look pretty along with every other women that showed up, what a waste.

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Shout by Deleted

Afgezet ....

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Shout by Swaglord

"Billy Raped and Killed a 16 year old girl."
"I'm sure he had his reasons."


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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

I didn't understand the ending I don't even know if I understand the story correctly

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very poor . am a big fan of DRIVE but this one is terrible

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Shout by David Donovan

Pretty weird movie, starts off very slow...

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Great visuals, weird movie. .

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Shout by Deleted

Great camera, poor storyline! If you're not a film fanatic, try to avoid this film. You'll get frustrated by the slow pace of this film!

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