Shouts about...

Paint 2023

Until the twist in the end it was a 5/10. The last scene made it a masterpiece.

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I thought this was gonna be a jab or a BTS of the life of Bob Ross, but it's not, thankfully.
It was more of a spoof dramedy.
Surprisingly funny and a fresh look into the mind and complicated life of a vulnerable narcissist artist.

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This is another Owen Wilson as Owen Wilson movie. It's OK to just waste 90 minutes or so but not likely something you'll add to your collection and watch again, it's just not really that good. Wilson just plays the same goofy character he always does and this one is indistinguishable from every other Wilson comedy role, it's the exact same guy in every movie.

There are a few funny bits, but don't expect it to be all funny, it's mostly dumb.

It's not even really the Bob Ross knockoff that you hope for when you watch the trailers, it's a guy who looks like him but parodied to ridiculousness so steep that all you really get is the slightest nod to Ross.

In all it's pretty much how I expected it to be and was enough that I really don't see myself watching another Owen Wilson movie unless it is pretty far outside the singular role that his limited acting skills can produce.

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Shout by Cory Copeland
BlockedParent2024-04-15T19:06:46Z— updated 2024-08-19T14:46:53Z

This has all the makings of a compelling film, but it was flat in nearly every regard. The plot was not bad, but shallow. The humor was not bad, but unfunny. The acting was not bad, but not enough to make the plot seem better than it was. There is certainly much worse stuff out there, but this one was not good.

Rating: 1/5 - 55% - Would Not Recommend

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This movie is catatonic. I wanted to like this movie, a comedy parody of a biopic is normally just my cup of tea. The pace is as slow as the narrative of the much beloved pop culture figure its based on but delivers on no punchline until the final 10mins.

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Really wanted to enjoy this, found it very boring

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what the heck is this movie? This feel like a really bad parody movie of a really successful Bob Ross biopic with the twist: what if the parody was made by "current year" activists that are obsessively trying to please the progressive crowd and really hated Bob Ross' guts? wouldn't that be funny?

Well, it could be funny, if this parody of a parody were cleverly written. Instead it is exactly the opposite of it!

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A movie that is just shy of good, it’s not terrible but it’s missing something. The comedy doesn’t always land and the drama is about the same, but it’s kind of nice to see a movie in a theater that is sort of for adults?

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