Shouts about...

Paterson 2016

The film got off to a difficult start for me. A week in the life of a bus driver in Paterson, who happens to be named Paterson himself and writes poetry. A dreamer. He can't complain, he has a job, a detached house, a dazzlingly handsome, loving wife who immerses him daily in a bath of love, and a dog, but still something wriggles.... As the film goes on I find it gets more interesting and better, which still makes it a good film overall and it might be worth a rewatch to appreciate it even more. Unfortunately, at the end there was another somewhat forgettable scene in it (with the Japanese man in the park). Adam Driver acts very well.

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I see what this movie is trying to do in capturing the poetry in the mundane, and perhaps it's doing it very well, but I could find nothing in this story to capture my interest. A boring story, even executed beautifully, doesn't do it for me.

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Shout by Deleted

Put this on, on a Monday
As something to watch where I didn’t have to
Think too much,
I found myself thinking
What is the plot?

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“Paterson” is a simple and uneventful slice-of-life piece that follows a week in a bus driver’s life and at the same time shows that art and beauty lie in the simplest things. The film makes no statement and just shows the days repeating themselves monotonously, yet you can’t help feeling the warmth and lyricism of the images and sounds. Life might be pointless, maybe you won’t even find the right person or job for you, but art and expression can help you go through it. It doesn’t even matter if you are good at it.

The poems could be better, the running time could be a little shorter, but it worked perfectly as a healing film on a bad night.

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Everything in life, even as mundane or small as it might be, can be poetic. A: Are you also a poet? B: No, I am just a bus driver. C: You know this can be a poem for William Carlos Williams. A subtle mind blowing movie which itself is like a poem only the people who understands understands :)

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A lovely, poetic film. About the fragility of art, and love.

"It's okay. They're just words" That made me almost sadder than what happened in the first place.
I did really like the scene with the Japanese poet, in some way, although I don't like when Paterson is being untruthful or hides away.

"Poetry in translation is like taking a shower with [a] raincoat."

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I couldn't help but draw parallels to The Station Agent which is also about a public service employee having a monotonous job where the work that he is into involves minimum to no appreciation. They know and have accepted the fact that they cannot make drastic changes in their life. And yet they still manage to create their own little world which does not demand acceptance from the outside world.

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Adam Driver is very good but the movie didn't work for me. Maybe i just don't like poetry.

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A week in the life of a poet bus driver from Paterson, New Jersey, United States.

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A really charming and subtle little drama. While it may appear to be simple there is a complexity that is available if you are willing to dig a little deeper. If that's not you then steer clear of this film. I really enjoyed it.

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nice movie drama worth watching anyways.

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Would trade lives with this guy in a hot second.

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This movie was one big nothing.

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Delightful comic drama is beautiful and symbolic - circles are a common theme throughout, Paterson remarks that they are the same but different, just as Paterson's days of going around in circles are pretty much the same yet subtly different, emotionally and physically.

A rewarding experience that deserves repeated viewings.

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I've not seen many Jim Jarmusch films. Dead Man was ok but here's always something ethereal and dream like about them. Paterson is the same in that it meanders along with repetitive scenes, dialogue and features. I enjoyed the overall premise, and the notion that anyone can be a poet or an artist if they have it in them.

I felt a little frustrated though that it took 2 hours to get to this. Maybe it was because I expected the themes (Twins, black and white, waterfalls) to link up in some way. I guess that's for us to work out. Maybe it means that there is a ying to your yang if you look hard enough or that there is a perfect version of you in there somewhere if you let it out. All in all, I wasn't 100% sure what the deeper meaning of it all meant. Maybe that's my error though.

A nice dreamy movie but I'm not sure it hit the high notes 6.5/10

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2017-02-26T19:38:29Z— updated 2017-04-17T11:50:11Z

After watching this, Pam Halpert's last sentence in The Office has came to my mind: There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things. Isn't that kinda the point? Besides it took place in an uneventful town, it occured such hillarious scenes. My favourite was when Method Man showed up unexpectedly. I also loved the local Romeo and Juliet. I found Paterson the weakest link, because did nothing special and didn't seek any diversity in his life just happened funny events with him. Furthermore, I would raged as Kylo Ren if I were Paterson, when his dog shattered his dream project.

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Paterson does exactly want it wants to do, describe a normal man with a normal life who manages to see beauty in all the small things. Adam Driver's subdued performance is great as he continues to show that he's got some acting chops. There were some times where I was a little bored watching this though. Its not for everybody, but you can't deny that its a well made, well acted project.

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One of the best cinematography and use of repetition I've seen in a long time

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An intimate look at a humble man's week, like riding a bus through a small town and seeing everything. A beautiful, touching film with no pretensions and so much heart.

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najważniejsze to "nie być rybą"... gdy się tworzy, nie jest się rybą.. poezja, malowanie, pieczenie babeczek, gra na gitarze.. artyzm.. nawet, gdy wszystko się straci, zawsze spotka się kogoś, kto znów przywróci nadzieję... nie mogę pisać- strata siebie, cząstki mnie.. ale to nie znaczy, że nie można znów zacząć.. życie składa się ze strat.. film malowniczy, spokojny, pozwala się oderwać.. powolne zanurzenie..

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Shout by tjmyers8997
BlockedParent2016-11-14T23:33:16Z— updated 2016-11-16T00:08:36Z

a very beautiful and touching reflection on the ordinary struggles of day-to-day life. like any great poem i think i’m going to need another go at this one to really pick up on all the small details and repetitions that seem so important -- still, my initial impressions are that this is one of the most emotionally rich and rewarding films of the year so far.

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