Personal Lists featuring...

Patlabor 2: The Movie 1993


List created and maintained by

Only Japanese Anime Movies from 19xx to 20xx (Non Japanese Anime Movies is not included JUST Japanese Anime Movies)


Items to be updated. Please don't like the list. It's just for use with a script as I'm still too lazy to implement the auth just for this. Thank you.


Films I've watched or plan on watching


List of an anime and anime movies I watched and want to watch.


The ultimate collection of anime movies!

I don't update this often so if you want something added please leave a comment.

For use in Plex-Meta-Manager:


The newest and dopest animated movies that catch my eye


films that are elevated or sophisticated in their themes, style, and execution, often blurring the lines between traditional genre conventions and arthouse or experimental cinema. These movies are often considered to be a combination of commercial appeal and artistic merit, combining elements of popular genres such as crime, science fiction, or horror, with more serious and thought-provoking themes, innovative cinematography, and a focus on character development. High art genre movies are often more character-driven and less reliant on conventional plot structures, and they challenge the audience's expectations while providing a unique and engaging viewing experience.
