Didn't really know what to expect with this movie. Trying to branch away from watching the same old blockbusters and this was a real treat for that. I got a visceral sense of the stench of Paris from the opening scenes. Without smell-o-vision it's hard to convey smell - I thought this movie did the best it can. It's a big shame we can't sample smell like we can with audio or video!

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I've read the novel in High School, so it was fresh in my memory when the movie came out. I guess that's the reason I was expecting more.

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This was great, but I'm not sure it can quite compare to the fantastic book of which it is based. One of the stand-out features of the book was the detailed descriptions of various scents. It used evocative language to make you envision all the smells Jean-Baptiste was taking in. As gorgeous and gripping as this film is, I don't think it manages to capture the essence of scent in the same way that the book did. Though to be fair, this is something I believe is likely almost impossible to replicate on screen.

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Absolute disturbing masterpiece.

  • Do not watch while eating!
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I'm a sucker for a movie with a narrator. It always adds a little extra for me.
I felt sucked into this movie instantly. The story is different than what I expected. There is a sense of whimsy, almost magical to this otherwise unsettling story. It's strange and especially as you near the ending... ESPECIALLY that one scene... if you know you know. the orgy...
Can't say the 'magical' aspect of the story made it better though. I feel like the story of a scent hunting obsessed man was enough.

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Shout by Nox

I thought the whole point of him preserving a person's smell was because as soon as the first redhead died, she lost her scent. But then he kills the woman in the vat (which admittedly didn't work), but he manages to get the scent of the dead prostitute.

Maybe I'm not understanding that bit correctly..

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Best Movie Ever Made About Perfumes!
Comparing this to The Perfumier 2022 by NF
It's excels in better story.

Just sit back and relax! Enjoy the story and don't worry about the things people complain about. At the heart of it, our protagonist is a murderer but he's extremely passionate about making his life's masterpiece given his special (and only) talent. It's a story about an orphan growing up in very dire circumstances and following his purpose in life through his nose. You'll hate what he does, but you'll understand why.

Movie is such a wild concept from the start it's easy to stay interested. The ending just, idk it just hits different. Loved the ending. I really movie was good ending was a 10/10 though.

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why did I waste my time on this? this film made me want to throw up lol

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Paraphrase of pursuing a goal without regard for cost or moral consideration. The modern world is full of such examples.

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I read the book and this is almost slavish in the adaption, but so much of the book is the descriptions...and the narration attempts to fit that deficiency but it doesn't truly fit entirely. This is a sick, sad, historical tale told in altering scenes of sublime beauty and gritty, horrific ugliness. I liked it, but not like the book. It was not what I hoped, but I think that was a foregone conclusion.

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A crazy movie.

The story is contagious from beginning to middle. Everything was going well until the last death, I thought it was kind of "bluer" from the moment he was going to be sentenced.

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everything about this movie was perfect except for the fact that i was completely void of a theme

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Such a totally bizarre and odd concept for a story, I couldn't help but love it's strange originality.

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I always have to watch each scene twice to digest the meaning. Well crafted

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I can't describe in words the entire beauty of this masterpiece. Patrick Süskind wrote an incredible book and Tom Tykwer breathed life into it. It's the only movie I consider better than the book it comes from. The story is enriched by the soundtrack performed by the Berliner Philharmoniker & Sir Simon Rattle. The atmosphere of a dark fairy tail is all around us from the very beginning.

The protagonist has a life purpose just like Jesus, he's a messiah of love. But it's a love made of perfumes, it's the carnal love of desire that emanates from the bodies. And he just wants to collect that love to make the perfect perfume, pure love that can bind anyone to it. A love that can make you a God among humans and kill you at the same time because it's that powerful.

I loved anything about this movie, the actors, the customs, the environment, the lights, every little piece of it together make a masterpiece just like every right essence together make a great perfume.

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I wasn't expecting much other than a 2 and a half hour bore. I enjoyed it. Atmospheric, but not powerfully so. Just good cinematography and setting. The story is fairly good but it's the way we understand and follow the main character and his world that's interesting.
At times the movie used the very best energy and feel for specific scenes. One moment it felt like Charlie and the chocolate factory as the magic of perfume was discovered, and then it feels like I'm watching some Hannibal Lecter movie as the horror started and I really questioned his characters mind.
I can understand people not connecting with this movie. It's long and the story is of a fantasy nature in its logic. Especially with the ending, the fantasy logic can turn people off. I don't see how the end was shocking or unfitting. To me it seemed a good ending to conclude the ideas and logic used in the story.
The main character could have had more disturbing scenes. I want more dark to contrast the ending which shows light.
Did I read it correct on imdb? This is a 50 million euro movie? Pretty pricey.

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Amazing movie. Charming but in a wrong kind of way.

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Antoine Richis: Very well, but remember this... I'll be looking at you when you're laid on the cross and the twelve blows are crashing down on your limbs. When the crowd is finally tired of your screams and wandered home, I will climb up through your blood and sit beside you. I will look deep into your eyes... and drop by drop I will trickle my disgust into them like burning acid until... finally... you perish.

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Awesome and completely original. It's like if Dexter was a bad guy but you were fin with it.

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