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Pierrot le Fou 1965

An escapist road trip without destination by a man who wished he was born a misunderstood poet but was instead an average bourgeois, played around by the least believable femme fatale in movie history. Rather than being a coherent movie, “Pierrot le Fou” is more like a fragmented collection of surreal tongue-in-cheek skits, meta-commentary, literature quotes, paintings, and other references to fine arts. The aim is to make a statement and, at the same time, shake up the status quo by breaking all the conventions of fine cinema. However, I would lie if I said I didn’t get bored halfway through. There are some amusing scenes and a few visually striking moments, but overall it felt a little too long, repetitive, and on the nose.

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interesting movie with good acting and cinematography, fascinating personalities, and a lot of memorable and quotable lines. i’ve barely watched any movies in my entire life, so there were some aspects of this film which i didn’t completely understand. i definitely will watch this movie again and again in order to understand it fully.

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