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Plane 2023

you really know what will happen just by watching the trailer. it's just one of those action movies that you watch because it's on, it's not bad enough for you to go "ugh I need to watch something else " but it has no relevant moments that will keep it in your brain for more than a month after watching it. Gerard Butler does a good job at playing these similar roles in all these B rate action movies but that's about that...

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Shout by Tek-

Not an awful film but the bit where a guys filming on his phone camera and the next scene where they are trying to mathematically work out where they are really just had me thinking why don't they just check the phones GPS.

Really took me out of the film for a while.

Apart from that I mostly liked it.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - I recently watched the underrated action film Plane I was pleasantly surprised. Recommended

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit.

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This was a cool movie. It wasn’t the most action packed, but it had enough to keep the movie fun and interesting. I also liked the environment and part of the world it took place in.

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Who knew that a 2 minute flight would get them to a safe airport :joy::joy::joy:

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Good third act

Characters 7
Story 6
Pacing 7
Visuals 7
Rewatchability Factor 5
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 7
Average Score 6.5

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You have to hand it to Gerard Butler: He always approaches his B-action films with complete sincerity. Combined with his everyman quality, this often results in his characters being likeable and sympathetic. On top of that, unlike Liam Neeson, for example, you also take him seriously in the action sequences. In the questionably titled "Plane", these qualities once again shine through. This time, Butler plays a pilot who, after an emergency landing on an island in the Philippines, has to defend his crew and passengers against a horde of local baddies. None of this is surprising or particularly original, but it is thoroughly entertaining. And that is more than enough for a recommendation for this kind of film, in my opinion.

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At least this movie starts out pretty good and its less boring then Last Seen Alive, Butler his previous movie that I saw. Is it realistic - hell no, but still enjoyable enough :-)

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Shout by Ro

Just a typical Gerard Butler movie

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Gerard Butler feels way off outdated at this point, but he definitely puts in a good effort with this one. Easily his best since Olympus Has Fallen. Good action. Surprisingly good movie. Glad Butler put out another quality entry in his wheelhouse.

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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Low-flying realism, but as an average action movie where Butler again saves everyone it's watchable. ;)

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It is what you expect to be, brainless action film, a lot of shooting and good action. It doesn't have to make sense.I mean he managed to make two emergency landings with the same plane, statistically impossible.

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Gerard Butler shoulders this fast paced aviation actioner to land it safe

Plane is fast paced , taut aviation thriller with solid Integration of hostage drama. The storyline isn't expansive but the engaging elements keep it exciting such as the action sequences and rescue operations. The screenplay always keep you intrigued and for the most part of it the film stays plausible but we never really point out the flaws as long as it keeps your adrenaline pumping. Gerard Butler as usual with a cake walk performance as lead supported efficiently by Mike Colter. Overall, a thrilling film with short runtime , which can be your perfect weekend movie.

Instagram : @streamgenx.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2023-04-10T23:58:01Z— updated 2023-04-17T06:02:25Z

The reviewers on this site are some how more picky than critics lol. This movie was quite thrilling and old school. The kind of action thriller the 90’s would have gave us.
Gerald Butler got the most credit by the positive Rottem Tomatoes reviews. As a pilot trying to save his plane and passengers when they land on enemy territory. Mike Colter (Evil, Luke Cage) shows that he can easily be a bad ass action hero as well.
The only thing bad about Mike’s character is that we don’t really learn enough about him. Other than he killed someone and was a prisoner on the plane. With him of course Butler’s best hope to get away.

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You kind of know what you're getting with a Gerard Butler film these says and this one follows the usual pattern. Man has a job, something goes wrong, he sorts it all out. Not sure how this got a cinema roll-out, its production quality sits squarely in the streaming service level. Sure, there are worse ways to spend your time, but if you're looking for a no-brainer, men-wth-guns, people-in-a-predicament sort of film, this will do.

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Honestly not bad at all. I expected the worst or something generic, but this was better than I imagined.

Gerard Butler, surprisingly, delivers an emotional performance, especially towards the end when we see his character's vulnerability, which we don't see too much in action movies these days. Then again, one of the things that I respect about Gerard Butler is that, despite what you think of the film itself, he is always giving it 100%

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it took the world to see Bruce Willis has dementia to realise some of the roles he did he simply shouldn't have. Apart from the MONEY I do not know why Gerard Butler is so type casting himself into this sweaty middle aged hero type. I hope he wakes up and shows us some real character acting, he can even afford to let loose to truly act in a meaningful role. The whole of Plane is exactly the same as EVERY other movie he has done. I would rather watch a more meaningful movie from the past than go through this movie again. NOT WORTHY OF YOUR TIME.

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Not a superhero in sight, just dudes living in the moment, fucking other dudes up.

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Pulpy, corny, cheesy. File this movie under the dictionary definition of a B-tier action movie.
Outside of the somewhat contemporary, PMC-laden main plot, this is the most by the numbers action movie I've seen for a long, long time. But that's not to say it's bad. It's perfect Sunday afternoon fodder to turn your brain off to, even if it's as predictable as they come and follows all the same beats you've seen before. All the tropes are here, including a big finale shoot-out and buckets of blood to match. Tune in, tune out and enjoy the simplicity of this dumb, loud movie.

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This is a fairly solid B movie. There's nothing really remarkable about it, but it is watchable.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Dis movie is the best :ok_hand: :thumbsup:

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My rating for this movie is 7.2

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They thought they could make SIN-NRT with an MD-80, this is just one of the many exaggerations of this movie. The action overall was trite and improbable, making this film completely missable.

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BETTER than any Starwars & Marvel movie out there presently!

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 6

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pretty good movie I was really surprised how good it was

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How convenient that the terrorists had a party bus to transport all of the foreigners.

By some miracle, this plane lands in a forest and doesn't lose a wing... nor is there any visible signs of damage to the plane once so ever, Amazing!

Gerard Butler is officially a "B" list actor.

This is the dumbest movie of 2023 I have watched so far.

There is nothing special about this movie. It stole bits and pieces from other movies and failed miserably.

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I was expecting action and shooting, and I got it.

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A barebones action film that puts all its faith in a simple premise that ultimately fails to deliver. The characters, heroes and villains alike, are all flat and predictable. Every plot point is obvious, with the final set piece being the most egregiously so (you probably wouldn't title your movie Plane if the titular plane just sits on a dirt runway during act three). It doesn't help that the big spectacle moments are too ambitious for the film's modest budget. Everything just looks a little cheap. You cut too many corners and it takes all of the punch out of those sequences. I also struggled with suspension of disbelief, as things got more and more ridiculous as the plot progressed. Gerard Butler does his best to make it all work, but despite my soft spot for King Leonidas, ultimately this film is only a step or two above the straight-to-DVD geezer feature schlock that actors like Bruce Willis/Nicolas Cage have churned out late in their careers (no disrespect, I wouldn't turn down easy paychecks either).

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I found it funny that the terrorist leader speaks in tagalog and yet it was like he was trying hard. Even I can’t undertand what he was saying and I’m Filipino. :rofl::rofl:

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I liked it, great for a nights entertainment.

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Watched this today in the cinema and I really quite enjoyed it. It's a good movie, entertaining if you have a couple of hours to spare! Gerard Butler and Mike Colter's partnership throughout the movie is quite nice to see!

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The movie was good, it had a good balance of action and story telling. I was completely engaged during the plane malfunction debacles. It’s a good watch.

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gerard butler in a 5'o-clock shadow on the cover? what the hell are you expecting?!

a totally solid sunday-afternoon dad-flick.
grab a beer, park your ass on the couch, switch your brain off and catch a few ZZZ's.

(not saying this like it's a bad thing!)

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Plane is plain. But why Mike where would you live on that island.

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What an incredibly stupid movie. I loved every second of it.

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It's a solid action movie in 80s/90s style, surprisingly enjoyable and interesting to watch, even though predictable.
But I will give it 8 instead of 7 just because it's so refreshing to finally see a normal movie, without any woke & lgbt bullshit in every damn minute. It finally shows not weak, cowardly and asshole white man, but a brave, good, determined man who is willing to sacrifice himself to save other people. And other actors are also all in right places. Fun to watch!

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A lot better than i expected. Visuals were terrible in the beginning but the story got me locked in the whole time

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This was actually a better than average disaster movie.
Plenty of action with very little "suspend belief right here" moments.
The shoot 'em up at the end was the week point in the movie.
Would definately recommend this one.

Solid 8.5/10

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An action movie as simple as its silly title, with Gerard Butler definitely given over to the daddy-hero subgenre. It begins with a lukewarm plane crash and with bad visual effects, but it's when it embraces its status as a nonsensical action movie that it achieves the best moments, especially as it takes on its own profile as a film that borrows from late-'80s action movies. Little or nothing has a minimal explanation, but it doesn't matter either, although the direction of Jean-François Richet sometimes plays too much with the tilted camera and faulty shots.

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It's OK for sunday afternoon

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Actually a decent film much better than expected

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Decent action flick. Not to be taken to seriously. Enjoyed it.

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Surprisingly pulpy action thriller. Far better than it could have been. Nice to see a King Leonidas & Luke Cage tag team. This one's for the adults in the room that enjoy 80s action movies w a side of cheese. 7.0

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Would've been a hit 20-30 years ago, right now it's definitely generic and run-of-the-mill. Lovers of 80s-90s action flicks might get a kick out of it, as it delivers on these cringe and dramatic action sequences. Gerald Butler and Mike Colter make good leads and are the best thing about this. They played it too safe with the story, I wanted it to take more risks. Ended up feeling uneventful and forgettable. For a movie called Plane there wasn't a whole lot of plane in it, but it was plain as hell.

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Same shit, different flight. Pass.

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I love this movie absolutely one of the best

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I'm a big Gerard Butler fan so I was going to go see this regardless. The story is easy to follow and believable. The action was good and what you would expect from this type of movie. Will this win any awards? No. Was it fun to watch? Yes. Overall it's a really good B movie.

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The captain looks like he slept under a bridge,
The airline was called trail blazer, There's only about 15 passengers on the jet, a waste of fuel.
And they don't even upgrade anybody to first class so they don't have to sit in the economy section with a DANGEROUS MURDERER ?

Yeah, they were really reaching in your wallet for this one , but it wasn't a horrible movie.

The time seems to fly by watching it.

Bonnie was eye candy, strange that she kept the passenger list in her bra, made me wish MY name was on it.

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I cared more for the Plane in Plane than Superman in Batman v Superman

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A kind of production where you could tell they put in great effort. It's the kind of story where it's unpredictable enough to keep you entranced, enough action to keep you entertained, and the lack of any twists or turns keep it fresh enough to be original. This movie is good, not great, not terrible, not "just okay", it is GOOD! It's the type of movie you want to see at the end of an extremely long day, something you don't have to think about, something you can pick up at absolutely any point in the movie and know what's going on. A 6/10 in quality, but a 9/10 in production

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I saw this film with low expectations for a few reasons: the ridiculous title, the fact that it is a January release, and the initial trailer. Suffice it to say, but I was pleasantly surprised. The film is entertaining. It lives up to the B-movie action flick that the trailer encapsulates. There’s a few shots in particular: a fight scene that was filmed in mostly one take, and several kill shots in the third act that are just pure R rated fun. This isn’t a perfect movie, but it is far from a rotten tomato.

If you were at all interested from the trailer, you should go and check this out.

7/10 - entertaining action, some terrible CGI, some scenes were unnecessary to the story.

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