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Planet of the Apes 1968

A very interesthing movie with a slow-burn storytelling. Is a classic.

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Shout by Ivan
BlockedParent2024-03-19T23:52:20Z— updated 2024-03-21T21:40:34Z

I understand the concepts that the film wanted to convey, even if I don't care much, they are functional within the context. The last minutes are the best part of the film, iconic and great ending (unfortunately everything else is not on the same level).

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Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2024-03-10T21:05:24Z— updated 2024-03-12T03:05:24Z

"You know the saying, "Human see, human do."

I didn't expect this to be so critical of civilization, civil rights and racial conflict. Sadly, those themes are still relevant today but from today's lenses I thought the way everything unfolded was obvious and a little basic. It was still thought-provoking on many levels.

Planet of the Apes looks pretty damn good for a 1968 movie and it has some quality cinematography (editing, camerawork, score, special effects craft and sets). The shuttle crash at the beginning was perhaps my favorite part visually. The characters are steriotypical but the interactions are very interesting. The courtroom drama was entertaining, nice action bits, some rough imagery and unpredictable kills, and I enjoyed the third act and ending. Curious to see where the story goes from here.

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I have heard of the movie, and I was aware of the ending of the film before I ever watched it. I must admit that people were right this was a damn good film, that definitely still holds up today.

For me personally it took about 30 years for me to appreciate this film.

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Very good movie, now I know why it is a cult film. Despite the years, it continues to be broadly recommended.

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Kinda slow the first 30 minutes, but it gets better. Worth it.

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Evolution continues, that is the bottom line.

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What a visual achievement
especially for the time but even then this was still very very ambitious and changed the game of what to expect from syfy on an epic level.
Such a clever concept, ingenious really,
One that hasn't been replicated as good since
are with as much love and care and thought to how it would actually be.
It's a really fun and entertaining tale and
I loved every single second of it.
The acting was fun and good the makeup is phenomenal and the ending is and always will be iconic.
I love all the series old and remakes and I own the uncut versions of all the movies on
Blu Ray boxset and they are a fun and enjoyable time from start to finish.
I grew up on them as a child and it's an absolute pleasure to enjoy them now in my life in such remastered Quality.

Best Line Ever:
Get your sticky paws
off me you damn
(I died ha ha).

Ladies and Gentlemen
Welcome to the
(hm are is it?).

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Absolute trash. I’m not one of those people who enjoy bad movies or thinks something can “be so bad it’s good.” This movie was just bad, which makes it bad. How can anyone take Heston seriously as an actor? Just ridiculous on every level.

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Like a deep fried Snickers bar at a county fair, it's not as awesome as you believed when you were younger, but it is iconic for a good reason.

You kind of want to make excuses for the melodrama, the offbeat pacing and the awkward script by saying it was made a long time ago, but then someone reminds you that it came out the same year as 2001: A Space Odyssey and you realize maybe it's the kitsch that you love most about this one.

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1 Original film series

1.1 Planet of the Apes (1968)
1.2 Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)
1.3 Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971)
1.4 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972)
1.5 Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973)

2 Remake film

2.1 Planet of the Apes (2001)

3 Reboot film series

3.1 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
3.2 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)
3.3 War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
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Having seen all three films from the rebooted series, I came into watching the original series expecting something relatively similar. To my pleasant surprise, it's a very different story.

It's a fascinating dynamic that is set up in this version, which I in fact prefer compared to the films from the 2010s - as entertaining as they are in their own right. It's nicely paced and features good cinematography.

The cast of 1968's 'Planet of the Apes' are very good. Charlton Heston, as you might expect, sticks out the most, but Roddy McDowall, Kim Hunter and Maurice Evans are good too. Everyone else is solid, as well.

The effects haven't aged amazingly, for example the ape make-up/costumes are dated and clunky - particularly when the characters are speaking. That's all forgivable of course, given the release year. It's all still effective, either way.

8/10 - very close to being 9/10 in truth.

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A true movie classic "Planet of the Apes" is still a stunner. From its initial reveal of a planet ruled by apes to its shocking ending it plays like a two-hour episode of "The Twilight Zone". Most of this can be attributed to Rod Serling's involvement in writing the screenplay. The makeup is amazing especially for 1968. Seeing this on Blu-Ray disc was a real eye-opener. The format added a new dimension to the film that brought the beauty of the desolate Forbidden Zone to life. The acting even Charlton Heston was great. Kim Hunter as Zira has been very under appreciated here overshadowed by both Heston and Roddy McDowell. There is a silliness that plays just under the surface of this film and I think it helps to bolster its cult classic status.

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One of the greatest closing scenes ever filmed.

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Planet of the Apes is a classic science-fiction thriller that provides a thought-provoking adventure that terrifies the imagination. Co-written by Rod Serling (creator of The Twilight Zone), the story follows a group of astronauts that crash land on a strange planet in deep space that is ruled by apes. Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall, and Kim Hunter lead the cast and give strong performances. And the set designs and costumes are fascinating, and add a lot of rich texture to the film. Additionally, the ape makeup effects are amazing and still holdup. But it’s the brilliant storytelling, full of mystery and intrigue, which makes the film so compelling; delivering one of the most powerful and iconic endings in cinema. Smart and suspenseful, Planet of the Apes is a landmark film that launched one of the longest and most successful franchises.

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Great movie I remember seeing as a child ..... better as an adult. I love the entire franchise old and new.

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An obvious classic. The film is rewatchable so many times over.

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My favorite movie of all time.

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Film of a great depth. They touch on topics such as religion and its clash with science and the desire to discover the truth, without forgetting the self-destructive attitude of man. This movie reflects science fiction in its splendor. Compare it with the 2001 remake is an insult to intelligence

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I can't help but think that if Stewart had lived she would have figured out the backstory immediately. Thanks, Taylor.

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It's best to not think about this movie logically nit picking, but rather think about the messages within the movie, as well as enjoy the story and setting. The plot may be daft, but it does serve it's purpose. Tgis movie gets better as it's goes on. Brilliant ending.

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In the year 1968, two movies came out that changed modern day science-fiction films forever, 2001 A Space Odyssey was the most famous out of the two, but Planet of the Apes stands on its own ground and became a classic that it is universally acclaimed to be. Planet of the Apes is still way better than all of the sequels and remakes that has even been made.

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Shout by Deleted

Que sorprendente ésta idea de Planets of the Apes. Me emociona mucho debido a todas las interrogantes, reflexiones y pensamientos que inherentemente trae consigo.

Los errores pasan desapercibidos y para mi no cabe duda que es una de las mejores películas de ciencia ficción de la historia. Es tan fascinante y entretenida que a pesar de que se queda en el tiempo por su aspecto, tendrán que pasar 1000 años para que el guión pierda su esencia. Menos mal que están haciendo un excelente trabajo con las nuevas adaptaciones.

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Cinema Paco 1. Picture 3.75, sound 3.5. Classic CF that I liked when I saw the other day. These apes so similar to humans in their immobility

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One of those films that I wanted to see because of it's 'classic' status. The special effects and action scenes didn't date very well, the acting is not great, and the story is filled with plotholes. But it still managed to capture my attention because of the original way it delivered its social criticism.
Watching those apes mistreat us humans, you can't help but think how stupid and unfair those damn dirty apes are. I really couldn't stand them. Until somewhere in the film you suddenly realize that those apes represent the way humans act nowadays, and that the way humans are treated in the movie is how we (used to) treat minority groups; slaves, heretics, women, animals etc. Ouch.. Suddenly the ape society is a mirror of human society, showing all it's errors. At times the morals are just too much, but I think it's a great social critique in a sci-fi setting.

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