Personal Lists featuring...

Poison Ivy 1992


List of films falling under the genre noir or hardboiled.


NC17 | 18+ | R | A | MA [in English] + Independent Movies

D: Suggestive Dialog
E: Erotica
FV: Fantasy Violence (used only for the TV-Y7 level)
L: Coarse or crude Language
MA: Mature Audience
S: Sexual Situations
V: Violence


Shows and movies released between 1990 and 1999.


A curated collection of women goin' coo-coo bonkers in a camp-y, murder-y way :hocho:


Classic movies and tv shows that are, for sure, worth checking out. Don't let the fact that it was made in the last century cause you to miss out on these greats.
*This list is for movies & TV shows that were released prior to the year 2000.


Movies mentioned in the amazing Queer for Fear documentary series…

I think I got all the ones with on-screen credit - for better or worse…


The fourth watchlist

How ribbiting


:sparkles: Must watch (9 & 10 ★) ~ From 1 to 27
:zap: Nice watch (7 & 8 ★) ~ From 28 to 169
:sunny: Why not? (6 ★) ~ From 170 to 220
:cloud: If you have time to lose... (4 & 5 ★) ~ From 221 to 246
:cloud_with_tornado: Stay away (1, 2 & 3 ★) ~ From 247 to 250

:eyes: Watching next or currently watching ~ From 251
