Shouts about...

Poor Things 2023


Shout by De-mon
BlockedParent2024-03-20T17:55:44Z— updated 2024-05-30T09:13:05Z

It's really hard to make a bad movie with Emma Stone naked for half the film. But, wow, here we are.

It is true that Emma is a good actress (however she is a shitty character with dubious ethics), the production design, costumes and cinematography are great. But that's all, an empty shell as one of the quirky characters says.

No, it is not an smart or surreal film. The brief message (repeated once again at the end, in case you are stupid) is interspersed with long cheap porn scenes that do not provoke in the sense it is intended. It's a terrible movie, no matter how many independent film awards it wins.

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"A woman plotting her own course to freedom. How delightful."

It's such a fantastical ride. Unhinged, explicit, mesmerizing and hilarious. Emma Stone has serious balls. Casting is perfect. I found myself snapping back into reality throughout the movie, completely immersed. Hugely relatable for women in ways some wont understand (men) :)

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If you're looking for a cure for horniness then you've found it with this stunningly boring nonsense. Not even Emma Stone can save it.

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I don't know if I'm too dumb to this type of movies, but I thought it was shit. It is esentially a 2-hour-long artsy porn movie of Emma Stone. The plot is meh, the music is at times dissonant and badly balanced, the random scenes with fish lense felt out of character. Acting is ok, because there are some big names involved; and costumes and locations are well put and wimsy; although again, sometimes feels belonging to a different movie. Also, don't quite understood the message behind it: If you are a woman, you have to empower yourself and be a prostitute? and if you are a man, you have to be a simp like Max and let her "fly"? Maybe I'm a oversimplistic person but didn't like it

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This film would be more aptly titled "Poor Ending." Essentially, it endeavors to present a modern, loosely interpreted version of Frankenstein, yet falls short in execution. The narrative seems directionless, lacking a coherent plot and overall story structure. It's surprising that this film has garnered ratings around 80%, as the storyline did not resonate with me. While I admire Mark Ruffalo's work, his role in this film seems ill-suited. Emma's performance, however, was a standout. Unfortunately, the remainder of the film is marred by an overemphasis on cringe-inducing elements, gratuitous sex scenes, and excessive nudity. It caters to an audience that appreciates abundant profanity and nudity. Departing the cinema, I couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration over the three hours spent watching this film.

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I vaguely knew what to expect from Yorgos Lanthimos, but nothing prepared me for such treat. This is absolute eye-and-mind feast with bizarre steampunk/art nouveau setting, which reminds me of the best creations of Peter Greenaway. Best movie in last few years, don’t miss it.

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Fuck it, five stars.
Far and away the best film of the year, and Yorgos's best too - possibly his 'magnum opus' whatever that means.
Jerrod Carmichael seems like such ideal casting for supporting roles; he's hilarious here and fully nails his character.

I want to watch this everyday.

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this was really incredible i am in awe, definitely a must watch

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Very disturbing, unpleasant to watch movie in many aspects of it. Even naked & having sex Emma Stone is mostly repulsive. Couldn't watch it through. The whole thing looks like some typical cheap arthouse porn.

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Very good performances, charming set design and beautiful cinematography, but I can't get over the plot. They tell the story of the sexual awakening of a woman with the mind of a child.

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I so wanted to love this movie. And for a while, I did. After all, there is a very worthwhile message in the movie, and Emma Stone gives the performance of a lifetime (side note: every time someone gives a performance like this, I can't help but remember that Sandra Bullock won an Oscar for playing a sassy housewife in The Blind Side, and I throw up a little in my mouth). And Willem Dafoe is, of course, fantastic. It just became a slog to get through after the midway point. It was as if Wes Anderson re-made Bride of Frankenstein. That said, it was beautiful to look at.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Very interesting proposal that exemplifies the male violence that exists over women. It can be seen how the protagonist is very desirable to men when she is "mentally infantile", and becomes despicable to them when she gains consciousness and dominates her free will. I also liked her journey through prostitution, and the evolution of her perspective on it. Progressively, you see how those "poor creatures" are in reallity those men.

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Shout by William Millender
BlockedParent2024-03-02T05:50:21Z— updated 2024-03-16T23:37:12Z

I get all of the undertones that the film is presenting. It almost felt too obvious at times. I get that the acting is supposed to be great, even if I thought that Emma Stone was terrible playing the "child" version of the character at the very beginning. I did enjoy some of the dark humor. But the steampunk/Wes Anderson style didn't do anything for me and never has.

Not to get into pun territory here but this was a little too "high art" for my tastes. However, about half way through I said to my girlfriend (who did find the film interesting) "ya know, the weed just hit in a way that made this movie tolerable." So there's that...

My Ratings

10 - I love it, regardless of quality
9 - Very good, might not love but very well done or might love, forgiving some issues
8 - Very enjoyable or Just OK for me but well done
7 - Good
6 - Watchable despite not liking the film/show
5 - Mid
3-4 - Not great, but got through it
1-2 - Very bad/You might be a communist if you like this garbage

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I'm not sure whether the character was written with her in mind, or not. But. This is peak Emma Stone.

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I know I have to write some words before you can post, but holy crap after 25 minutes I was done, this is really bad silly weaklings movie! Waisted my time but go ahead and waist your time

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This is your newspaper movie critic's favourite movie. It also is incredibly mediocre. Emma Stone plays well and Mark Ruffalo absolutely tries his best to save this weird piece of cinema. But ultimately it is probably the most blatantly Oscar grabbing, pretentious and in a very annoying way macabre movie I have ever seen. It tries desperately to be artsy and special when in reality there is absolutely nothing of substance behind the whole masquerade of b/w, crazy camera angles and overacting.

Go and watch it if you like fish eye effects and cool face prosthetics. If those two aren't the most important parts of your cinema experience, then it isn't worth to sit through what felt like four hours of repeating sex scenes starring a mentally five year old "woman" mixed with odd, mistimed tries to halfheartedly swoop in some moral messaging.

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A metaphysical universe, guided by cold rationality and maddening empathy, without the need for any morals whatsoever. Brilliant.

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With 'Poor Things', director Yorgos Lanthimos has created a film that has quite a few similarities with the box office hit 'Barbie'. Both are about women who start out as objects without any self-determination and, in the course of a journey, find themselves and discover their freedom. Both films also impress with fantastic costumes, good performances, and, most importantly, a phenomenal production design.

But, while I enjoyed 'Barbie', this Frankenstein story is in a completely different league. Lead actress Emma Stone delivers perhaps the best performance of her career, and Mark Ruffalo and Willem Dafoe are also great here. The absurd humor worked perfectly for me. I haven't laughed more in a movie all year than I did in this one. And ultimately, the world that Lanthimos creates is one that has never been seen before. It's really difficult to create something "new" in film in the 21st century, but that's definitely the case here.

All in all, I not only give "Poor Things" my highest recommendation, but it is also my favorite film of 2023.

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I never thought they could make a 2 hour movie with Emma Stone in multiple sex scene's this bad, but they did.

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Mark Ruffalo is definitely the unexpected star of this movie.

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Stunning, grotesque, profane and hilarious. The performances are killer, especially Emma Stone, Willem Dafoe and Mark Ruffalo (but everyone is good). Bizarre, yet philosophically thought-provoking dialogue with a playfulness with words. Uncomfortable gender treatment yet that's the point. Sets that look designed by Gaudi. A career high for Yorgos Lanthimos and Emma Stone.

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This fucking thing makes me wanna re- sign up to twitter to express my immense gratitude to the filmmakers.

oh it's beautiful, hilarious and constantly superb, but includes a child being abused weirdness

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Shout by Faster, Film Critic!
BlockedParent2023-12-22T08:21:47Z— updated 2024-01-07T06:46:24Z

This film is incredibly well made, with amazing performances and a fascinating story. Loved the humor. Poor Things definitely feels like the Picasso of film. I can't help but stare, but I don't want it hanging in my living room.

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Definitely the weirdest movies in terms of visuals and the plot. Couldn’t even judge the Oscar worthy acting very well because of how strange the plot was. I really don’t know what the point of the movie was cause if it was women empowerment then it was terribly executed. Like whose idea was to have a bunch of sex scenes with a kid in a woman’s body. The movie made me feel nothing except for cringe, don’t know if it was even trying to be funny or emotional.

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How can all these critics ignore the fact that this movie depicts a child in a woman's body having sex with older men?!

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I can't help but feel this movie is for snobs who get off on "you missed the point" comments as they sit on their high horse.

I'm not saying that's how it is... I'm saying that that's how it feels like to me when I read praise of this movie.

Well enough said really... I think it's terrible. I felt like I'd have a good time with this movie if I was still 15...that's the emotional maturity this movie seems to have.


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Mahmoud discover happy when he want. Watch Emma Stone.

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THIS IS THE SHITTIEST MOVIE. Cannot believe this garbage was nominated, let alone won, any Oscars.

Fifteen minutes in and I was disgusted already. A great cast, kinda cool cinematography, but clearly a shitty stpryline that makes a very sorry attempt to look profound...a NEON sign it won't be.

HTF Stone won the Oscar for best actor for this tripe is beyond me, especially with movies like Oppenheimer and Flowers to compete.

Don't waste you time unless you like being spoon fed the surreal which ironically goes against the whole idea of surreal at in the first place.

I'd give it a 0 if it let me. 0.5 out of 10 at best.

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i was expecting to like it so much more, but it ended up being so disturbing. i mean, it's bizarre but in a bad way. the fact she is having this sexual relations with grown ass men, while still being a girl mentally... creepy. and, i may be wrong, but they tried to sell prostitution as a way to achieve women emancipation when it is absolutely not. the costumes, art direction and acting were outstanding.

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Extremely boring and its just porn basically.

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With all that knowledge how come she didn't put God's brain in the general? It would have been the perfect ending.

Great movie though.

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People in the future are going to study this movie as an example of how much things have gone wrong in our time.
"We can see the theme of the movie encapsulates the societal norms of the time, in short, "it is never too soon to be a whore". We see Bella, a preschool girl in a grown up body, endlessly indulging in the pleasures of the flesh, free of all moral limitations and shielded from all real world consequences by the feeble and innocents minds of the naive writers".

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Wow, just wow! It took a few attempts to get through this movie. I just stopped watching at annoying She was in the Black and White scenes (screaming and not making sense the entire time). Then I read the reviews and tried again, but even the amazing graphics, mind provoking ideas, and good acting from Mark couldn’t get me to watch it in 1 sitting.
Emma Stone’s character was so irritatingly annoying, the movie itself was crude just for crude sake, and the writing was just trying too hard.

Honestly, had they toned down everything and gave Emma’s character more of a “voice” (as in a stronger willed personality), this movie could’ve been great. Could’ve matched Clockwork Orange or The Rocky Horror Picture Show

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Had no idea what it was about or what was going to happen — devoured every minute of it with the same curiosity and joy Bella passed on throughout the film. Incredible world that Lanthimos created there and possibly Emma Stones best role so far. Loved the dynamic with Marc Ruffalo, he was crazy good as always.

For me though, the magic slowly faded sometime during the Paris chapter, the Alfie bit felt like it came out of nowhere and a bit too rushed regarding the overall pleasantly slow pace in the first half of the film - then again: I wanted to see him as a goat so bad, perfect last scene!

The way they created an entire world in this film that made you feel like all irrationality and weirdness is entirely rational and just makes perfect sense in this beautifully weird but wonderful cosmos was magical.

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A marvel of unpredictability.

Modern cinema is largely rehashed plot elements and garish special effects.

This film is a welcome change to that formula and does a wonderful job of blending a vivid and unpredictable plot with beautiful and captivating scenes and camera work.

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This is the film that cinema snobs will describe as a "masterpiece", a "piece of art", etc...
Truth is the cinematography is great, the acting superb but where is the f*cking story? I'm not one for a complex plot or twists but at least make the characters interesting. Even the superb acting all round didn't save this. Everything falls flat even the 'message'. "Heey it's exploring sexuality and women's independence blablabla ". I don't think people need this message in 2023.
If I would summarize this movie in one sentence it's this : Someone really had a fantasy about Emma Stone in 10+ different positions and this movie was it. The only problem is NONE of the scenes felt sexy just gross.

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Great example of a highly polished turd of a film

So many people are so amazed by the polish here they fail to recognize this movie is just plain stupid.

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Gross, not interesting, revolves too much around sex

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Aside from the visuals and some of the performances, I didn’t enjoy the film. The story did not pull at my interest and was slow moving.

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"Poor Things" stands out as the pinnacle of Lanthimos' admittedly short filmmaking career so far, already establishing itself as an instant classic. It's darkly humorous, whimsically bizarre, unassuming, and sincere, brimming with elements to cherish. Attempting to fully dissect its richness here seems inadequate in light of the film's ambitious scope.

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a pure masterpiece, CINEMA is alive! Yorgos is a geniusss

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I really loved this movie. Which surprised me because I expected to not like it. But I really did enjoy it.

The acting was really great. Emma Stone and William Defoe blew it out the water. She definitely deserved that Oscar.

The effects were interesting. I did enjoy the contrasts from black/white to vibrant color. I thought it was impressively well done.

The sex scenes were plentiful but they played a part in the plot. It wasn’t gratuitous. Well, maybe someone can argue it was at least a bit. But it was definitely a plot piece. And probably some social commentary but I just want to use movies as an escapism, so read another review for that.

All in all, a brilliant movie. Fantastic performances. Impressive. If you’re not a minor and not ashamed of the human body/natural impulses, give it a go.

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Emma Stone deserved her Oscar for this bizarre but riveting movie.

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Genuinely disturbing like all Yorgos Lanthimos movies. Bizzare and weirdly unsettling. I love weird but not the creepy type that throws sex at you every ten seconds. Yes, it was mediorcely realistic, but It lost all meaning in this beautifully twisted world building. The sounds, acting, script, and sight all intertwine so well. The 2 hours and 21 mins were far too long, though. I can usually withstand it, but my interest halfway through just wanted to hide. I'm sure it was purposely done, but it doesn't work, for me at least. The acting and cinematography was probably the best part of this.

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I want to love this movie. I want it to be successful. I never want to watch it again.

Plot: The plot has it's merits but is quickly lost on the viewer as the story progresses. It's only again mentioned in spurts and towards the end.

Visuals: Stunning. Colorful. Confusing. It's almost anachronistic. You don't quite know what timeline you are in but it doesn't matter because it, in and of itself, is fun to see.

Acting: Emma Stone's performance is top tier in this film. She essentially plays three different roles in the span of the film. Plenty of sensible chuckles throughout. As far as the performances go, I have no complaints.

Conclusion: After the film ended, and we endured nearly two hours of sex scenes, archaic surgical procedures and a pig-headed chicken... I said to myself "what in the actual F * * K did I just watch?" It was not what I hoped it would be, but it wasn't terrible. It was good, but very weird. This is one of those films where the previews were probably the best part of the film because the rest of it cannot be shown on television.

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"Poor Things" reminds us, that there's still old school cinema that can provoke us. It deprives us of all the generic BS that Hollywood gives us lately telling us a great story with stunning visuals, and of course a superb acting by Emma Stone. Bravo!

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Sorry, I could not watch 1 minute of this movie. It is simply repellent to me. Fans: Go and enjoy it!

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I must go punch that baby

Overflowing with macabre whimsy that only Lanthimos can orchestrate, Poor Things is darkly witty and more than a bit existential. I've seen it thrown around by a few comments but I'll reiterate it here: this really is Barbie done right; twisted and dark but with far more nuance to the same themes of female autonomy, maturity and sexual liberation, as well as gender division, class structures and social acceptance. It manages to cover all these heavy topics while still being one of the most funny, kinetic and slapstick-heavy movies I've seen for a long time. Add on its twisted dollhouse aesthetic and hazy diorama framing that is simply wonderful to look at, it's hard to call this anything but a masterpiece.

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Poor Things - :heart:x8

This is definitely not a movie for everyone. It was a very interesting movie and beautiful. The sets and cinematography were absolutely gorgeous, great performances and interesting character development. And the musical score was quite haunting. Perhaps the most interesting/disturbing thing in this movie is seeing The Hulk in this setting - lol.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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This is one of the better movies I have seen in a very long time. A refreshing take on the idea of Frankenstein…. This movie confirms that the more we are developed, enlightened and engaged the more complicated, depressing and a let down life is. The trials and tribulations of Bella as she develops from infancy in front of our eyes…. An eye opener for the viewer……. A great watch…. A must watch.

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Pinocchio meets Jolene meets Frankenstein, with an absolutely satisfying ending, middle, and beginning.

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All the awards nominations are going to bring in the casuals and puritans but audiences familiar with the director's previous "weird" films know what they are in for. It's his most visually stunning film.

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So Emma Stone is playing a grown woman with the mind of a little girl right, so it's fucked up to think that all those dudes who were sleeping with her, were simply fucking a little girl in a fully grown body, is that a 100% right or am I missing something?

I was going into this with low expectations simply because it looked stupid and weird. It was weird but with its aesthetic design, amazing performances by the cast and surprisingly hilarious, overall I found it quite good. Emma Stone is fantastic playing a pretty retard and watching a horny Mark Ruffalo call everyone a cunt was without a doubt the best part.
Knock off about 30mins and it's great for me. Despite enjoying it it's not a movie I wanna rewatch any time soon.
Also, as someone who's British, we tend to laugh at Americans attempting to do accents from Britain, especially from the Victorian era which is never great 90% of the time but they nailed it.

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weird ass movie ... uppity and crass all at once

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Visually bold, linguistically rich, and utterly infuriating. Falls on the wrong side of self indulgence. I hated it!

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It's a Disney movie for adults.

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Feminism in Surrealistic World

Imagine Alice in Wonderland meets The Story of O with neo feministic philosophy spreaded heavily throughout the film.

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Amusing but ultimately shallow. The vaguely woke messaging and casting also cast a shadow over our enjoyment of the film.

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I for one am not watching anything with Emma Stone in it post-Aloha. It take my anger out on the director too for not caring who's in his film.

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I reviewed this film for the Hugo-winning, Ignyte-winning blog Nerds of a Feather:

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Weird, strange, and inspiring. So many neat details. What a great ride.

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I really like how they extensively use the super-wide-angle in pan shots and follow shots, giving the movie that fresh, naïve child like perspective.
Not to mention the mesmerizingly good looking set, miniatures, wardrobe with popping colors, this flick is a great display of the movie making artistry of Lanthimos, might not be his best work, but definitely his most imaginative.

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One of the worst halfway-through movies I have ever watched. Emma Stone's cast was horrible, she was not fit for the role, she was overdoing it way too much I could not keep watching. The movie as a whole is such a bore, story is so bad. I swear if it wasn't for the big budget and big names, no one would have heard of this monstrosity of a movie.

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The first half is just debauchery and perversion. But it serves the plot and I like the message in the second half. I think women would like this movie more.

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Bella's transformation is really lovely and entertaining, but for me, the ending falls a bit flat. God was definitely my favorite part - it can be strange and sometimes uncomfortable, but that's what makes it so unique. The scenes and dialogue are really well done, and the characters have a lot of depth. I'd definitely recommend checking it out at least once.

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Tried and survived about 20mins. I’m sure this is very ‘artsy’. The black and white style killed the movie for me. I know it goes back to colour but I had no patience for it. Should I try again?

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It was weird, and strange, and weird. Kinda like it

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Seeing this movie, I could notice a lot of similarities with another movies from the filmmaker Yorgos Lanthimos: the fisheye camera, the discordant soundtrack with very disjointed and uncomfortable notes... we can see that Yorgos has his own style and in this movie we had the perfect marriage between this style and the topic covered. The movie looks a lot a mix between the story of Frankenstein and The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser, in the way that there are characters getting in touch for the first time with the world and discovering the customs of the society, but Poor Things takes another side of this theme.
Also highlighted is the Steam Punk Aesthetic that the movie has, a futurist past, a kind of dystopian past, all of that fitting very well with the costume design... it is a very beautiful movie.

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I like it but don't like it at the same time.
Intriguing modern coming of age film.
I did not get emotional but the story was interesting. It got better towards the end. (chuckles per minute increased substantially)

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This movie absolutely SUCKED. I tried 4x to watch it. All it is a more perverse Edward Scissorhands and they sure as hell didn't give that Best Picture.

0 but it won't let you give a 0.

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The movie is a bit too artistic to my taste. The only thing (superb) is the stunning body of Emma Stone. Acting performances by Emma and Mark Ruffalo are great as well, but overal it's just a little bit too much Frankenstein-meets-Shakespeare for me.
I'll stick with a "7" out of 10, but only because I had a game on my laptop nearby to keep me entertained while watching this slow and artistic movie.

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This movie can be explained in one word. WTF

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I had high expectations, but clearly I had the wrong ones, because I was disappointed by the overall movie. The actors on their own give stellar performances, but I guess it just wasn't the story I thought it was gonna be.

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Cannot help but feel this would have been a great serial but as a film its duration simply was at the same time too little and too much, too little story, but with too much promise. A rich tapestry maybe, with fantastical imagery yet one feels it strikes narrative notes to create a cacophony. It needed both more depth and more time. Still it was pleasant to view and its vision was very bold. I watched it in segments as arranged internally by its chapters, and going away and coming back to it gave it more welcoming experience. Maybe I was overwhelmed.

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This movie looks fantastic first of all.

Second of all, the narration around trust and naivety was amazing.

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Fantastic work of art.
Intriguing story of a woman becoming.
And “I must go punch that baby” is one of the best things I have heard in a while. I will want to use it.

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The essence of this movie is the prototypical bildungsroman - a young woman's coming of age story in a fantastic, absurdist, surreal setting. Despite it's uniqueness, the film doesn't transcend never transcends basic tropes of the genre, which holds it back from s higher score.


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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Poor Things’:

  1. What a delightfully odd film. From the music to the visuals to the costumes to the directing, this was quite the quirky journey I didn’t expect — but enjoyed! Those “fishbowl” shots were definitely an interesting approach.

  2. It was VERY “Tim Burton” but with a touch of something new, and obviously a bit more mature. This story could most certainly exist in his universe.

  3. Emma Stone. This feels like SUCH a departure from the stuff I’ve seen her in. What a bold performance. And I thought her comedic timing was fantastic. Very much deserving of her Oscar.

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If you are not careful, this beautifully made and amazing film will distract you from what it is saying about cruelty, about love, and about the lives we live. If you let that happen, you may want to watch it again.

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The overall story of Bella I like, but the storytelling of it to get from beginning to end does drag on. Costumes were amazing, the scenes and colors great.

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Good acting
Weird movie. Not for me.

Characters 7/10
Story 4/10
Pacing 5/10
Visuals 7/10
Rewatchability Factor 1/10
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 3/10
Average Score 4.5/10

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The only reason this movie wasn't a perfect 10 is because it made me DEEPLY uncomfortable. This is intentional, but makes it hard for me to rate a perfect 10 because at times I was so uncomfortable I wasn't able to enjoy my watch time. That being said, this film was stunning. The story was unique and unhinged, the cinematography was entrancing, and Emma Stone gave the best performance of her career thus far (she deserved the Oscar hands down and had she not won I would have rioted). I do truly believe it is best to go into this one completely blind so I won't be going into the specifics of the plot, but if you are a Frankenstein fan and/or have a strong investment in the growth and success of women, this movie is for you.

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Such a unique and entertaining movie in an age of cardboard blockbusters. Emma Stone deserves all the awards for her acting here. The soundtrack, the settings, the costume design... Everything had a purpose. Definitely worthy of its praise and awards.

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I weep at the lack of media literacy in these here comments but I will not let that ruin the 24-hour high I've been experiencing since seeing this absolute masterpiece.

Literally the kind of movie that makes me grateful to have been alive to see it.

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I just feel like this is very well directed, well written, and well crafted! I love the actors and the story so much. I can't take my eyes off any sequence shown in this film. Congratulations to the whole team!

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Shout by Ren

Victorian. Gothic. Renaissance. Steampunk. Surrealism. Absolutely love the amalgamation of eras and cultural/artistic trends here, and it's fortunate that the production value is as sky high as it is, because otherwise this would've been a catastrophe. Even a good mix of various philosophies, and it's great that the story doesn't dwell too much on any of it, doesn't try to shove any particular one down the viewer's throat, and instead lets us take what we want from it all.
Kind of a pity that not half an hour into it, most of it gets sucked into the black hole that is sex, and then just... mostly revolves around that. Could've been a lot more substance, but still. The dialogues are funny in their rawness, there's a few occasional sharp critique here and there... And if nothing else, eventually we're left with quite a lot crammed into 2+ hours of entertainment - if not more, certainly different than most movies these days.
Considering everything else in the movie, I do sincerely hope that tobacco warning at the beginning was meant to be some kinda weird joke though.

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Superb. Funny, quirky, odd, interesting, entertaining - and even though it's long it never gets bogged down at any point.
Every actor played their part perfectly.

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Great movie very odd and offbeat in so many good ways. such adventurous character acting. a little like Grand Budapest Hotel in the same quirky ways. certainly worth a view and so much better than the diarrhoea juice that is currently being leaked onto the movie scene at the moment

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Good movie definitely recommend watching high if you would like, but not really for me.

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I must say it is very hard for me to rate this film. The visuals are stunning, the acting is phenomenal, the story intriguing and bizarre. This vision of cinematography would have probably received a full 10 star is if wasn't for the many, many times I asked myself what the $@&! did I just watch.

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It seems that now they have to write films as strange as possible to bring people to the cinema. Lantimos is no exception, with this work of his that terribly shakes the consciences of conventional wisdom and emphasizes both human brutality and the capacity for compassion. Frankly, I know both very well, and this film didn't give me any further insights. I'll leave the 3 stars for the monumental interpretation of Emma Stone, a well-deserved Oscar.

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Poor Things! Damn!
What a thrill!
It seems to Barbie's Jeff Koons feminism as I felt that The Zone Of Interest was to Oppenheimer... one no more than a war movie (at best), the other war art.
Lanthimos' and Stone's gifts are truly otherworldly.

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I get the point. Emma Stone was great. But have to say, it was awful. Apparently you love it or hate it. Alice in wonderlandesque. Dreadful.

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A little over-long? Perhaps. Self-indulgent? Absolutely. But (as it would seem is customary for Lanthimos) it is weird, thoughtful, visually inventive and - most importantly - the product of a singular vision. The movie contains a lot of sex and sexual themes but I didn't feel it was a sexy film - it was more a film of ideas, principally about love and obsession. I personally think his vision of humanity is rather darker than my own, but it took me on a terrifically entertaining (and often hilarious) trip. Mark Ruffalo's acting was (deliberately) absurd and a little too mannered for me, but Emma Stone was note-perfect and worth the price of admission alone. I was I admit startled that a movie with such adult content (but not actually pornographic) could have been such a mainstream as well as popular success. I have to imagine word of mouth kept theatres filled, and word of mouth was right.

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Want to watch something artistic with your family in a feel good atmosphere. Well then watch the "Wonka" musical and enjoy how it burns away all provokative aspects that made the previous movies so awesome.

The movie "Poor Things", is not for the faint hearted harmony loving care-bears out there. It is dark, raw, grotesk, weird, rude, noisy and very perverted. The director did a great job in making you feel as uncomfortable as possible while watching. A must watch for people with style.

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Really weird movie to start with, but have patience and stick with it, it gets a lot better.

Two points subtracted for being one of those egotistical directors who forces us to watch with two black bars on the side of our TV's.

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I went into this movie with absolutely no idea what to expect. If you had me guess 100 different things I was about to watch, I am not sure I would have even been remotely close. It was awkward, quirky, often overly cheesy, but also graphic and batshit crazy! I thoroughly enjoyed what I watched, but how this was greenlit and got the cast it did I will never know.

Rating: 3.5/5 - 80% - Would Recommend

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Poor Things is an absolute triumph of storytelling that left me utterly enchanted. Emma Stone delivers a tour de force performance as Bella Baxter, imbuing her character with depth, humor, and heart. Mark Ruffalo's portrayal of Dr. Archibald Baxter is equally mesmerizing, adding layers of complexity to the narrative.

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what the heck did i just watch !!

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Master piece surreal and visual!!

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