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Proximity 2020

Proximity - :heart:x7

So - I found this to be surprisingly interesting. It did in fact grab my attention right from the beginning. Yes, the opening scene was very cliche, and yet - I was hooked.

If you enjoy SyFy, You will enjoy this. It's a simple story - yet elegant.

The title still kind of puzzles me tho - oh well.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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What a bizarre experience this was. Everything just felt so off, but the music was the oddest part.

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I will rate this movie Aliens/10 and I love myself some aliens

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Moral of the story, there isn't, don't waste your time with watching.

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A frustrating film. All the pieces are there for something good, and yet something is off about the whole experience. The talking robots don't help and neither does the cliched script, It should be awful, but it's actually not that bad - its like an A list movie in a B movie body.

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This movie looks like it was made by someone still in film school, but on a bigger budget.
The movie is a collection of cliches and poor directing choices from beginning to end. Writing (character, dialogue and plot) is poor, music is off-putting, and does match the atmosphere or is too in your face. Visuals are okay, however questionable editing and directing choices undercut this. Acting is meh at best.
Better to skip this one if you have something else (better) to watch, you won't miss much.

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It's supposed to be set in the present day, but has some very strong 80-90's vibes for some reason. Obviously had a decent budget (CGI effects are top notch), and the acting and writing is great too. The music on the other hand ... seems kinda "home made", maybe an indie group, just nothing mainstream; a little too mellow/lovey-dovey in my opinion for the movie

This movie goes bananas about a quarter of the way in, but in a really good way. Admittedly, a few of the elements are a little "out there" ( the android robots they seem to think are perfectly normal, getting from Costa Rica to Canada with no apparent money or forms of ID, and the random hacker guy they find in Costa Rica ) but overall the story was interesting enough.

The end, I guess is satisfying in some ways, but not sure how I feel about the seemingly random shoe-horn connection with Jesus Christ , lol. It is what it is, worth a watch IMO.

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