Personal Lists featuring...

Purple Rain 1984


Using IMDb advanced search, filtering only by English language.

Notable entries missing include:
Legend (1985)
The Meaning of Life (1983)
Children of the Corn (1984)
Hellraiser (1987)
Scanners (1981)
The Thing (1982)
They Live (1988)
Labyrinth (1986)
Bloodsport (1988)
Brazil (1985)


The National Film Registry is the United States National Film Preservation Board's selection of films for preservation in the Library of Congress. The Board was established in 1988. Each year, 25 "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant films" are preserved, to increase awareness for its preservation. To be eligible for inclusion, a film must be at least ten years old but it is not required to be feature-length, nor is it required to have been theatrically released.



Bring out your best jazz hands, because we’ve got a list that’s all-singing, all-dancing, and mostly fun (thanks Les Mis)! Every expression of the musical movie is present in this cavalcade of the 100 best-reviewed: the classics (Singin’ in the Rain, An American in Paris), the mostly moderns (La La Land, Hairspray), the MGMs (Singin’ in the Rain, An American in Paris), the Astaire & Rogers (Top Hat, Swing Time), intimate indies (Once, Dancer in the Dark), and stuff for the kids (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang). We kept this countdown to live-action musicals, so nothing animated except for the partially so, like Mary Poppins. And though we included the grand Judy Garland version of A Star Is Born, we kept the new one off because, well, Lady Gaga told us to. Even she doesn’t think it’s a musical. Other than that, if the film was Fresh with some light feet and golden voices whose songs are key drivers of the plot, it was up for inclusion. After that, we ranked them all by Adjusted Tomatometer.

So with Mary Poppins Return hitting theaters, we’re bringing in the big showstopper: the 100 Best Musical Movies of All Time!


Welcome to our big list of the most Essential 1980s movies, showcasing 140 of the decade’s best and most iconic Fresh (and not-so-Fresh) movies. That’s right, we recommend some Rotten additions for your ’80s movie playlists, because this is one decade only fully experienced with the good, the bad, and the feathered neon.

Any ’80s movie with a Tomatometer was considered for our Essentials guide, and after including the truly timeless material (Raiders of the Lost Ark, Raging Bull), we focused on works that represented the cinematic trends and social themes of the era. Some of those include the fantasy epic (NeverEnding Story, Princess Bride), teen movies (Breakfast Club, Weird Science), the new corporate overlord (Wall Street, Trading Places), women making strides in the workplace (Baby Boom, Working Girl), and rising hip-hop culture (Krush Groove, Do the Right Thing).

Now fire up the flux capicator and cue the workout montage because it’s time for Rotten Tomatoes’ 140 Essential ’80s Movies!


IN MY OPINION… this list has a lot of movies from producers and writers who really hate black people AND… wish to continue to flooding America with negative imagery. I hope to learn which ones are what an what ones are which. Are black people really impossible to photograph with the same quality of lighting as white people? Is our skin not beautiful? I am simply looking at the dramatically uneven racial representation of the artwork & titles. I can clearly see why black people are discriminated against by the advertising campaign apparent from the artwork. What will make these movies even worse if they are really good.

“Malcom X” has bloody X across his face, “Mandella…” has his back turned to the camera, “42 The Jacky Robinson Story ”… can’t see his face either and those films are supposed to bring pride to Black America? Apparently, the better the film the more degrading the cover photo.

Yeah, I plan to watch some of these films to get a better feel on the subliminal war against black people by the movie and television industry. I guess it doesn’t matter how black actors represent their race as long as they make a dollar from it. The only positive things I see from just looking at the artwork is that hardly any of the actors are flashing weapons. How can the American Motion Picture Industry sell a black interest motion picture when the actors are not displaying weapons on the cover? I plan to find out.


Shortlist from The Oscars 1985-1989 nominees.
