Shouts about...

Ready or Not 2019

Fun but it starts out better than it ends. The cast is perfect through-out though. Samara Weaving gives a fine wtf is going on performance while being pretty badass at the same time.
You might be disappointed if you were hoping for family members killed one by one sort of movie though. I expected the movie to be more like You’re Next for example.

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What a pleasant surprise this was. I absolutely loved it. The acting, the directing, the story, the originality, the chemistry between everyone was all just so good. Especially the main couple. I think this is my introduction to them and I'm already a big fan. 10/10 would recommend it to lovers of all movie genres. Really, really fun.

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Fun, pleasant surprise find.
Solid horror comedy in the same vein as Cabin in the Woods, Tucker & Dale vs Evil

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I love the unique fun horror story. It had some dark humor but wasn't as funny as I hoped. Samara Weaving is fantastic. All the other characters are ok.

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I really enjoyed this movie until it ends. The ending is my only complaint. It's like they had this great story laid out but never thought about the ending. When they finally did consider the ending they were out of money so they said just put up a "The End" after this scene and call it good.

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This movie was so much fun! I'm glad I got to see it in the theaters before it left. Beautifully played. :-)

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8.8

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All Gold
Wow this movie is
Super frickin awesome
and Samara Weaving
is truly phenomenal.
she is definitely the new
number 1 Scream Queen
of Horror.
what a set of pipes and
that Banshee Scream
she let's out blow me away.
I had so much fun with this
movie, it's bloody and
gory which is always a win
for me, but it's funny in the
Appropriate places and
interesting with an Outstanding
This movie is a bloody great time
and Samara Weaving
with her Sensational
acting made this movie
even better than it should
have been and I definitely need
more much more
Samara in my movies
as she elevates any
role to greater heights.
she deserves all the work
In the world and I can't wait
to see what role she lands next.

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I thought this movie was going to be STUPID. It looked so stupid. Instead it's merely pointless. I don't even mean that as an insult directly. It's a light (relatively) horror with a dash of (dark) comedy. It doesn't really break new ground though in theme or execution. It does fit in the final girl revenge genre where i didn't expect that. The ending was excellent though. It was unexpected, in keeping with the tone. It worked and was much more enjoyable than i anticipated. I wouldn't choose to see it in theaters but if I did I wouldn't have been disappointed.

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Gory, funny, and smart, Ready or Not will do for rich people what Get Out did for whites.

What's more, Samara Weaving proves the natural spark that lit up The Babysitter wasn't a fluke.

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Jesus christ what happened to you?


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Surprisingly good, gore, unexpected backstory, realistic character interactions and reactions, and good pacing for the plot. Wow.

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Utter tripe!

Screaming at your husband when people are looking for you to kill you.

How far did she drive and yet the butler caught up in minutes. It then took ages to drive back to the house.

Arms herself with a musket (or whatever that was) but never thinks to pick up a gun from the little boy she punched or the tranquilizer from the butler.

Aside from the screaming, Samara did a decent job with what she was given though and the ending is a little satisfying.

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Well hang me upside down and color me purple...

This movie is as epic as it gets, without having things blown up every three seconds. While I expected a few more people to die on purpose. I was still satisfied with how the movie was setup. I know this makes me sound like some kind of twisted psycho, but trust me. Once you start watching, you'll understand why I wanted some of the family to die.

All in all, this is a movie you'll definitely enjoy, if you like your movies filled with blood splatter. The story is good, well presented and the execution on screen by the actors makes it even better.

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That was a mad film and lots of fun, plenty of comedy if you have my dark sense of humour.. all cast were good.. hide n seek with a deadly twist.. love it!

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It's true what they say, Rich white people are fucking weird

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Hide and Seek is always a fun game to play, but I never played it like this before. It's an enjoyable ride - albeit a little uneven in tone sometime - and the ending is...erm... well, I will let you find out for yourself.

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This was heck of a lot of fun. There's a solid amount of dark humor, some goofy and gory deaths, and Samara Weaving being both personable and badass. The premise might seem a bit forced and some motivations eye-rollingly unbelievable, but they actually pay it off in the end, and I loved that they did. Horror fans should eat this up.

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Great ending. So funny. Better than I expected.

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Why in this sort of movies always the leading character has to be stupid?

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Good movie.
The ending was really bad and felt like them running out of ideas...

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Fun easy short watch. The story is pretty thin and probably makes no sense the more you think about it, but the characters and dark comedy tone are great.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Ready or Not’:

  1. It was a fun movie with a solid twist of an ending. I definitely didn’t see ANY of that coming.

  2. I didn’t know much going in, but I didn’t expect the film to have a supernatural element to it. Pleasant surprise!

  3. The hand/nail thing made me cringe.

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Pretty cookie-cutter standard story without many surprises. Until the ending that is, that saved the movie in my opinion...

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Gory sure, but ibcredibly predictable, mediocre humor and just a really flat take on a deal with the devil. Samara Weaving was at least fun to watch I'll give it that.

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It’s beyond stupid.
Thankfully, the movie knows that too.
The characters in this movie are played like cartoons of cartoons.
It’s not exactly operating in the area of subtlety.


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It starts out as a pretty enjoyable dark comedy, but it strays too far into serious horror and loses a lot of what was appealing about it at the start. It has a great ensemble of characters, but they don't get nearly enough time to shine, and they mostly take a back seat to a semi-unstoppable butler(?) who seems to enter the movie out of nowhere. Also, there's some VERY unnecessary gore in the middle that's really out of place.

Is it worth your time? Probably not. Watch the trailer for all the best parts, and then watch Cabin in the Woods if you haven't already.

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In-laws can be a bitch sometimes. Comedy was mixed in well with horror aspect. The ending was pretty good too.

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Super fun movie, this is the definition of an entertaining movie, every moment of the movie is filled with action and excitement, it will make you laugh multiple times if you're into dark comedy as well.

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Entertaining, but I don't think it deserves its 7/10 score. It's rather generic, most of the twists and turns you could see before they happen. If you come in blind into the movie (Without even reading the description in this site, and this comment) you might have a better time.

The 'comedy' part of the movie wasn't that funny. The 'Horror' and 'Thriller' parts were not scary or tense. I never felt like the main character was in danger. And therefore, all the tense situations she was put in didn't hold much weight.

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Fun movie, I was expecting a bit more comedy but I enjoyed it and I'm a fan of the crazy ending.

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Didn't think I would like this movie.. not really scary. just suspenseful and with a new creative idea.

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peak horror movie.. m

highly recommended

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peak horror movie..

highly recommended

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This must be one of the stupidest premises for a movie I've ever seen.

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babe if i took you to my family that are eager to play a death game with you would you still love me haha be honest (you're so sexy by the way)

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An entertaining horror-comedy that takes aim at the decadence and insularity of the 1%

Written by Guy Busick and R. Christopher Murphy, and directed by Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett, Ready or Not is a horror-comedy and a social satire that comically exaggerates the anxieties attendant with marrying into a wealthy family and mocks the insular nature of such families, so obsessed with their wealth that they've become disconnected from the real world. And whilst it can be a tad episodic at times, and the manner in which it presents some of its violence is somewhat problematic, this is a very enjoyable and funny film that's well worth checking out.

For my complete review, please visit:

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If they had a lesser actress than Samara Weaving this movie wouldn't be half as good.

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0.5 stars extra for Samara Weaving.. everything else was bloody boring.

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Unpretentious film that entertains and with a quite agile development. Funny and bloody

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The film has some script errors [spoiler] (like her forgetting that she's being chased and run around screaming or that she hurt her hand), but the movie does well. The mix of comedy with random gore shows the bizarre nature of the family tradition. Honestly, I didn't really enjoy photography (maybe because I don't know anything about photography), it's all very yellow. Another point was the emphasis on satan, it makes it seem like satanism is all that shown. The story also starts badly told, I didn't quite understand who LeBail was until near the end. However, the film it's good "fun"

ps: I wanted to see Grace kill one by one, but that's okay.

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Interesting slasher idea, but it could have ended with less explosiveness. ;)

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I loved this movie so much! The cast was amazing. The story was far from unique, yet felt like something you haven’t seen. Definitely would watch again with friends.

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Shout by elyonholic
BlockedParent2020-12-16T22:11:27Z— updated 2021-11-23T20:19:05Z

what a messed up family, Grace was incredible I’m glad she survived since she's technically a la Domas (I'm planning on watching all of the actress films) I wonder if she will inherit the fortune?
she deserves it after the crap they put her through.

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3 words: F*cking rich people!

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Was kinda disappointed that she didn't kill everyone. So many opportunities, never picked up the weapons lying there but she did go and try to use that "weapon on display". That didn't make any sense, but it was a pretty good movie and made me laugh multiple times.

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Shout by Deleted

A good movie, with a good story not perfect, with some good special effects, only it's very noisy, it screams all the time in this movie, it's very gore, I've never seen a gore movie from that evil dead from 2013, it's not not at all funny than the last reply, the ones when he leaves the house (it's not a spoiler). It's worth a grade of 7, because the story is like this and like that, and the movie is very short, about an hour and thirty minutes.

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Enjoyable film...... samara weaving i love her

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Funny and refresing i kinda liked it..If you know what you are about to watch you are going to have fun for sure otherwise i am not so sure.

P.S Samara Waving's perfomance was just great and for one moment i thought it was Margot Robbie in her role.

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I like unpredictable movies and the ending of this one came out of nowhere lmao.

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A really positive surprise. Nothing astounding but fun to watch. And what a wonderful performance from Samara Weaving!

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Incredibly fun and entertaining, Ready or Not is an intense and thrilling horror-comedy. When Grace marries into the Le Domas family she has to participate in an eccentric family tradition of playing a game on the wedding night, but unbeknownst to her the game selected will pit her against the family in a deadly contest of survival. Samara Weaving gives an excellent performance, and is backed by a strong supporting cast that includes Adam Brody, Andie MacDowell, Henry Czerny, and Melanie Scrofano. And the script is especially well-written; particularly in how it sets up the game and works in several twists and turns. The dark comedy is also really good, with the family bickers between themselves and struggle with the weaponry that they have to use for the game. Wickedly funny, Ready or Not delivers scares, thills, and laughs aplenty.

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Incredibly fun and entertaining, Ready or Not is an intense and thrilling horror-comedy. When Grace marries into the Le Domas family she has to participate in an eccentric family tradition of playing a game on the wedding night, but unbeknownst to her the game selected will pit her against the family in a deadly contest of survival. Samara Weaving gives an excellent performance, and is backed by a strong supporting cast that includes Adam Brody, Andie MacDowell, Henry Czerny, and Melanie Scrofano. And the script is especially well-written; particularly in how it sets up the game and works in several twists and turns. The dark comedy is also really good, with the family bickers between themselves and struggle with the weaponry that they have to use for the game. Wickedly funny, Ready or Not delivers scares, thills, and laughs aplenty.

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It was good, the change of it, what packages they are and the end I liked

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A great combination of gory and funny, i certainty didn't see so much blood coming but not in a disgusting way. It was extremely entertaining and very refreshing.

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I love it. Didn't expect the ending. It was funny, I felt suspense, I was teary eyed and laughing out loud at the ending, feeling opposite emotions. Idk. It was a wild ride. Would definitely recommend it if you're bored and just want to have a relaxing fun evening.

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'Ready or Not' is my cup of tea! Samara Weaving is amazing, being such a badass while looking so beautiful! She is the star of this film. And she has such an iconic look at one point!

Anyway, the rest of the in-laws are great too. Everyone plays there part perfectly. On top of that the run time of the movie is perfect. The pace is alright, the jokes land, gore, secret passages, goats, Hide and seek song, a huge ass house and a epic ending and a epic final line by Samara Weaving.

Ready or Not is a fun little horror film with a high rewatch factor. If you haven't seen this one yet, go watch it! I bet you won't be disappointed!

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It didn't make any sense. Weird movie.

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Very enjoyable, though! It's not really good, but it's not that bad either. I thought that this would be a serious movie but it isn't, but the dark comedy had me some laugh. It has its own pace, Grace slowly turned into a badass girl who just wants to survive the game. I like her transformation!

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I kindly loved this movie because of its illogical idea but ..... Poor Acting , Comedian so much , poor production ..

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If they all didn't act like idiots but as actual creepy killers it would have been a way better movie. And let the lead kill some of them near the end

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It's one of those horror movie that is more of a comedy than an horror. Don't expect a serious and psychological horror and you'll have a good time.
I would have loved some more over the top violent deaths.

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A great horror movie on the lighter side. Great story with a mix of fright and comedy. I liked the movie. Glad I watched it.

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what a great movie. i liked it really much. maybe some scenes were stupid but the phenomenal ending makes up for it. thank you for the fun ride!

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What a thoroughly entertaining film.

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That's what a mindfuck is.

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A fun movie with gore, comedy and suspense. The run-time was perfect, grab your popcorn and go along for the ride as there is no brainpower needed to enjoy this movie.

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I loved this movie. I loved the concept, the characters, the action. The best part about this movie was the main girl, she was actually not stupid and Made some smart decisions, which I really appreciate. Wil definitely watch again, and hopefully show this to my friends and boyfriend to get them into some horror.

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Taylor Swift music is more interesting than this movie

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