Personal Lists featuring...

[REC] 2007


filmes para o tio do pano


Monsters. Creatures. Undead. Walkers. Stenches. Twitchers. Infected. And the most commonly overused in film and television today - “one of those things”. Zombies have been around for decades, in many different formats, colours, speeds, costumes and mind-sets. Nowadays, there’s a zombie for every occasion.

I've always loved horror, and the zombie sub-genre is probably my favourite. So, what is it about zombies that fascinated me so much? I think it was the post-apocalyptic settings, for one. Maybe, as a lonely teenager, I empathised with these lonely characters, struggling to keep their heads atop a sea of humanoid monsters. Or maybe I was just morbid, as I couldn’t help but replay those beautifully gory scenes over and over again. Either way, I think zombies are awesome. However, their impact on audiences have come, gone, and returned without much notice. Once terrifying, they transcended into a joke, and back again.

So, for this list, I've considered any zombie film or mini-series that I would consider to be the greatest of all. (So sadly, that excludes any ongoing TV series, meaning The Walking Dead will have to wait for its own list.) All unique and self-contained, they offer an insight into society's collapse following the transformation of humanity into something altogether different, and usually ferociously violent.


While it was once quite a niche and unusual method of filmmaking, found footage films are now released in abundance, with several usually hitting cinema screens each year. The majority are confined to the horror genre but, as you can see from this list, the boundaries are broadening. Bigger budgets, better visual effects and greater interest amongst audiences allow for far more realistic "footage", as disaster movies, monster movies and sci-fi films have all used the plot device.

As a huge horror fan, I discovered the genre quite early on in my youth, and have loved it ever since. Below is a list of the ten best found footage films that I have seen.


Movies that involves how we handle a pandemic or quarantine.


My best horror movie
current list


Warning: altamente contagiosi


Lista películas de terror
