Personal Lists featuring...

Replicas 2018


Standalone movies I want to watch...


The films of the podcast "How Did This Get Made?".

UPDATED: 4/29/24


A collection of Hard Science Fiction, a sub-genre emphasizing scientific accuracy, even if highly speculative, or at the very least, featuring relatively realistic themes.

The goal of the list is to collect thought-provoking films tackling a wide gamut of themes, whether AI, space travel/exploration, extraterrestrial colonization, first contact, futuristic societies and social issues, and so on and so forth.

Some liberties will be taken, and the list may stray from these general guidelines, but not much.


Using IMDb advanced search, filtering only by English language.

Notable entries missing include:
What Maisie Knew (2012)
Buried (2010)
The Babadook (2014)
Song of the Sea (2014)
Sleeping with Other People (2015)
Coriolanus (2011)
Palo Alto (2013)
The Hunt (2012)
Tamara Drewe (2010)
Machine Gun Preacher (2011)
Bilal: A New Breed of Hero (2015)

Last Updated: 26/06/2019


Science, time, space and advanced technology - either real or imaginary.


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


Am umbrella for all movies that keep your hearts pumped throughout the ride!
