Personal Lists featuring...

Reservoir Dogs 1992


Deceive. Rob. Murder?
Perhaps. Please use the comment section for any movies I might have missed.


my top movies 10 / 10 rating that's mean ninja movies ^^


The gangster genre is one of the most popular in modern movies and some of the best film directors alive have produced some incredible ganster movies.

Because there are so many great gangster films out there, this was a tough list to put together. Nevertheless, I have managed to round up what I consider to be the ten greatest gangster movies of all time in my opinion. As usual, if you don’t agree with my selections or ordering, post a comment and let us all know. So, without further ado, from amazing to good, here are my ten favorite gangster movies of all time.


These are the Greatest Movies in motion picture history. Chosen for their quality direction, script, cinematography, acting, story line, originality, and success.


Movies I want to buy.


101 Gangster Movies You Must See Before You Die


كل الافلام اللي شوفتها من انتاج الهالوويد


not necessarily the best, but the most beloved.


List of the movies I love and would rewatch again and again.


This isn't a complete list as that'd be pretty impossible and it's probably subjective, but the items on this list are tv shows of movies that I think you should watch so you have a pretty high chance of knowing what people are talking about when they start talking about visual media. This is an eclectic list - you won't find many places that put American Pie and Amelie on the same page, but this isn't ranked, it's not one genre, and while some of the items listed are culturally significant in the sense of high culture modern-masterpieces, some are slightly ironic but still just as cultural, but rather more of the popular culture strain. If you watch the items on this list, next time somebody quotes "...No I'm not, I'm talking about Anne Frank. She was deaf, dumb and blind." "No she wasn't. Helen Keller was deaf, dumb and blind.", you'll be able to laugh. When somebody says "I'm Batman" in a really gruff voice, or jokingly suggests taking a neighbour's gnome around the world and sending them photos of it, you'll know exactly what they're referring to. That is the intention of this list.



Personal NetFlix Recommendations

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