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The official Asian Cinema Takeout Fanzine movie list.


Movies featuring time-travel, time loops or related themes I have seen over the years.

Last Update: 06/2024


Time travel, time loops, time distortion, alternate timelines, parallel universes, multiverse & related themes


A list of chinese movies


Movies released this month in history.


Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival lineup for 2017.


An umbrella for all time manipulation movies. Time loop, time jump, present, past.


Movies shown at the Fantasy Filmfest 2017 in Stuttgart


Unforgettable Character Actors
Character Actors whose total body of work designates them as at "the Vanguard of their professions." Based on varied factors including: Choice of roles, overwhelming command of their artistry, consensus acclaim by peers & critics, innovation in craft, fearless dramatic approach, breathtaking spectrum of their range or absolute domination within a highly focused aspect of their presented work/portrayals [i.e. John Wayne as he basically plays himself throughout varied roles]

Elisha Cook
Peter Lorre
Bruce Dern
M. Emmit Walsh
Moses Gunn
Roy Thinnes
Elsa Lancaster
Cate Blachette
Guy Pearce
Tony Curtis
Claude Raines
Sydney Greenstreet
Steve Buscemi
Eddie Marsden
Emily Blount
Vanessa Redgrave
Sandy Dennis
Angela Bassett
Marion Cotlliard
Jean Reno
Diane Kruger
Ray Winstone
Peter Sarsgaard
Max Von Sydow
William H. Macy
Delroy Lindo
Dennis Hopper
John Geilgud
Ian Holm
Ian Richardson
Michael Caine
Tim Roth


Films in which two people find comfort in each other despite their painful lives..


Movies with time that loops over and over again!
