Personal Lists featuring...

Return of the Jedi 1983


To maintain the reveal in episode 5, episodes 1, 2, & 3 are placed afterward.


Welcome to "Cult / Cinephilia" – a captivating cinematic journey that transcends the conventional boundaries of film. This carefully curated playlist on Traktv is an invitation to explore the world of cult movies, where art meets intellectual provocation.

Immerse yourself in innovative narratives, stunning visuals, and extraordinary performances that defy established norms. Each film on this list is a unique piece, chosen for its ability to provoke deep reflections, inspire heated debates, and leave an indelible mark on your cinematic memory.

From underground cinema classics to lesser-known indie treasures, "Cult Cinephilia" is a cinematic odyssey that embraces diversity and celebrates artistic expression in all its forms. Get ready to be transported to surreal worlds, question reality, and enjoy a cinematic experience that challenges traditional expectations.

This playlist is a tribute to visionary filmmakers and forgotten masterpieces that deserve a prominent place in the pantheon of cult cinema. Fasten your seatbelts and embark on this unique journey through an eclectic collection of films that challenge, thrill, and inspire. "Cult Cinephilia" awaits you, avid explorer of alternative cinema.


Garbage will be deleted, once I get around to screening it.


Based on wookieepedia's chronology


movies and shows that we’d like to watch with the love of my life :rose:


Movies with at least 75% rating on trakt (and enough votes). No documentaries, reality tv or anime.

(Find the post-2010 list here:

(Find the tv show list here:


Chronological order of all relevant Star Wars movies and shows, both life-action as animated
I have included some series that are still in (pre-)production




Oscar Visual Effects Winners


Based on the


Shows and movies released between 1980 and 1989.


Favorite shows and movies over time


Movies featuring spectacular spaceships or space stations. They must be impressive, realistic, and functional.


"Some films should never have been made. They are too unsettling, too dangerous, too challenging, too outrageous and even too badly made to be let loose on unsuspecting audiences.

Yet these films, from the shocking Cannibal Holocaust to the apocalyptic Donnie Darko, from the destructive Tetsuo to the awfully bad The Room, from the hilarious This Is Spı¨nal Tap to the campy Showgirls, from the asylum of Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari to the circus of Freaks, from the gangs of The Warriors to the gangsters of In Bruges and from the flamboyant Rocky Horror Picture Show to the ultimate cool of The Big Lebowski, have all garnered passionate fan followings.

Cult cinema has made tragic misfits, monsters and cyborgs, such as Edward Scissorhands or Blade Runner's replicants, heroes of our times. 100 Cult Films explains why these figures continue to inspire fans around the globe. Cult film experts Ernest Mathijs and Xavier Mendik round up the most cultish of giallo, blaxploitation, anime, sexploitation, zombie, vampire and werewolf films, exploring both the cults that live hidden inside the underground (Nekromantik, Café Flesh) and the cult side of the mainstream (Dirty Dancing, The Lord of the Rings, and even The Sound of Music).

100 Cult Films is a true trip around the world, providing a lively and illuminating guide to films from more than a dozen countries, across nine decades, representing a wide range of genres and key cult directors such as David Cronenberg, Terry Gilliam and David Lynch."


Note: Cafe Flesh (1982) is missing from this list.


All movies and shows in chronological order without cartoons
