Shouts about...

Return to Me 2000

This movie is one of my favorites, which is saying something. The story is good, but what sets it apart are all the little things that make it real. The casts chemistry, the music, the locations, and the dialog. Each time I watch the movie I see something new. It’s one of the few movies that I wish were real. Even the kids play their roles perfectly.

Bonnie Hunt knocked this out of the park. As a lover of Rom-Coms I expect a bit of cheesy situations, unrealism and fake conflict or forgiveness. This didn’t have that. Every moment feels real and true to the characters. Every bit of “supernatural” effect is as true as real life, you can see it as supernatural intervention or coincidence.

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There are a zillion movies like this made every year. The best that one can usually hope for in this genre is that something makes the film stand out a little more than the other 98% of the movie like it. In this case the sweetness and chemistry displayed by Duchovny and Driver is undeniable. It also doesn't hurt that the supporting cast is as good as you'll ever find in this genre. I have to admit that I watched half of the movie thinking that the title meant something other than what it meant.

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*Great Romantic Comedy!*

I love this movie! It has everything! Bonnie Hunt did a fantastic job co-writing, directing and co-starring in this film. David Duchovny is just plain hot. and Minnie Driver is as cute as ever. combine all that talent with David Allen Grier, Carol O'Connor, Robert Loggia, Joley Richardson, and Jim Belushi you have a Oscar worthy movie! Also, Bonnie Hunt is Fabulous!

My Score 7/10.

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This movie always makes me cry...but I love it! It is quite a love story.

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Cuuuuuute movie! Love Minnie Driver...

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