Shouts about...

Revenge 2018


Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2021-08-30T01:22:56Z— updated 2021-10-10T13:13:35Z

I feel like I just watched a live-action anime. On one hand it's pretty ballsy. But on the other hand you have to question whether something so obnoxiously unrealistic is actually good. I have to draw a line at characters being able to run, swim, fight and eat while also having large objects impaled through their guts. Or characters being able to suddenly become survival experts by taking drugs. The film is visually stunning and I'm sure film students will gush over it, but the plot is just too outrageous for the average viewer.

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Shout by Raphaël Donier
BlockedParent2018-05-11T09:02:17Z— updated 2022-04-17T06:18:13Z

Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz make me crazy, she is so sexy in this movie and act so well perfect acting :) three fearful "rich" motorized machos against the tactician young bare foot, beautiful without fear, sexy young and very smart girl :) Could be the title of the movie...
The best movie of that genre ( horror ) is fantastic, great, In few words don't miss it : the movie of the year 2018 ..
Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz is super great in this role & she is so beautiful :) what a performance :)
the film is a mixture of French and English :) as the director is Belgian :) a lot's of blood :)

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So she lost a lot of blood, hadn't slept or eaten in a day, has a branch sticking out of her abdomen, but has the strength to walk a long distance without shoes, swim and fight? Also, she went from having pink panties before the fall, to black shorts after the fall? And why do movies and video games continue lying to people that shotguns can be fired from a mile distance with pinpoint sniper accuracy. The only reason I gave it a 5/10 is because of the girl's ass. But it's a really stupid movie.:rofl::poop::wastebasket:

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It is impossible for that girl to survive the fall, subsequent impalement or loss of blood in the desert.

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Rape and revenge even more incredible than Prometheus, a girl with a Wolverine healing factor, and Rambo skills, people with 45 liters of blood, people who forget that they have been shot with a shotgun

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Sick brutal sadistic fun. I love this old school plot and when it’s done like this, I love it even more. The evil scumbags pay the price as expected but you really enjoy it because of the spectacular Matilda Lutz. She is scorching hot and easy to love playing this adrenaline pumped badass babe; she is unforgettable. I must also mention the cinematography is gorgeous and colorful. There’s nothing to analyze, so just strap yourself in and have a blast watching Matilda get all over it.

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I din't expect to be a b trash revenge movie.
To begin with there is no way that she survived that.
Moving along sooo many other stupid things that make you laugh

She tries to sterile the knife with a lighter but she has a 3 inches fire in front of here
They have to do not once, twice , 5 times a wakeup-still dreaming sequence on top of each other.
They have her walking around on ther underwear
Unnecessary gore and zoom, extra zoom on the discussing stuff
At some point they are actually running in circles chasing one another within a living room and a kitchen :laughing:
Unnecessary dragging out everything.

Watch some of the classic 80s VHS with women killers with their underwear and sexy lingerie, just shooting for no reason.

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The one or other scene may be a little unrealistic, but it is still one of the best movies. Wonderful!

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So many injuries that made my skin crawl :sweat_smile: Surprised this film didn’t cause a world shortage of fake blood.

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Lazy writing, lacks in reason and consequence, plot holes like gaping gun wounds spluttering blood. Not necessarily worse than the grind of the house revenge flick, but definitely not one of the better. Has some good opportunities to transcend but lets all of them slip through the saucy fingers. The promise of unexpected becomes a railroaded and predictable disappointment.

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Somehow, the least believable thing about this movie is the setup. Dude takes his total babe girlfriend to a remote location for a wild weekend, and has two weirdo buddies you wonder why he'd ever hang out with, who randomly show up out of nowhere and don't get told to take a hike.

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well this was certainly an unexpected gem of a movie.

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A cathartic movie to be sure, and one that is very well made. Doesn't stint on the gore, which is either a good or a bad thing depending on your personal taste.

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Boy, that sure was a lot of blood.

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Run of the mill revenge flick that really could've been so much more. The first half does a wonderful job with exposition, establishing the dynamic between this young woman and her three tormentors. But then once we get into the actual "revenge" portion of the film, it all goes downhill. The cast is very small so needless to say, so is the body count. I much preferred the remakes of "I Spit On Your Grave" when it comes to the revenge department, though the Saw-like torture techniques might feel out of place in a film like this.
The direction and cinematography is brilliant. The look of the film is a lot more polished and artistic than what you usually see in these types of revenge flicks. There are a lot of closeups and jump cuts that really help build the tension and atmosphere. It's just a shame that the film couldn't hold that tension and atmosphere throughout the whole film.
It was entertaining enough. But it really could've been a lot more visceral with a bit more character development for our heroine, and it could've been something truly great.

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Fantastic rape/revenge movie. Brutal, unrelenting and stylish. I wasn't expecting it to have this much bite.

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The gore on display here is only secondary to the absolutely excruciating pacing and overall plot development.
While Revenge is exceptionally well filmed, surprisingly so for the genre it depicts, it's a far cry from being enough to save this flick from being anything but average. Die hard action and gore nuts who are OK with "rape-revenge" as a premise should be satiated, but everyone else should steer clear.

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Matilda Lutz is freaking awesome in this one, she's so cool and is great in getting revenge! Anyway, this is a Rape-Revenge flick and if you don't like those skip it. The rape itself isn't that on screen but the action that follows is bloody great. And bloody it is for sure. There is a scene were Stan is chasing after Jen and he steps into glass, he sits and pulls the glass out, those effects are so well made and bloody.

We also get a shot of Matilda Lutz standing tall, with the camera spinning around here which looked so amazing and beautiful at the same time! I bet she would be an epic final girl in a slasher flick! The killer would really have to be at his A+ game to murder her!

Anyway, I also got a laugh out of Shop Club USA ad that kept playing on the telly at the end. And the final bit freaking brilliant. As you can see I enjoyed Revenge a lot, it looks beautiful, it's bloody and time flies.

Well done Coralie Fargeat! Can't wait what you have in store for us next!

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Well, it is a typical rape-revenge movie..
Contains a lot of ridiculous scene I must say, like literally NOONE can survived falling from that height + impaled on some huge tree branch and you get some hole in your abdomen which cure just within 2 days~??? NOBODY WILL SURVIVED THAT ON THEIR OWN
There's a lot of other scene similar like that but just watch it and figure it out yourself.
Nothing much to shout really.

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Shout by Raphaël Donier
BlockedParent2018-05-20T14:22:44Z— updated 2019-11-16T02:04:42Z

i am going to watch this movie again just for the girl. this movie is one of my favorite

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Shout by Deleted

On the one hand it has even simpler plot than John Wick which is not a compliment on my side. But on the other hand I keep thinking about more and more attribute about it. It's exciting, gruesome, visceral, sexy, tense and gorgeous. The cinematography even blowed my mind.
You should give it a try at least once. Worst case scenario you turn it off immediately.

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predictable and boring, don't waste your time

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Really enjoyed this, very tarantino esque.

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You’ve seen this a billion times before, it is entirely predictable, but the execution is what makes it work.
It’s also quite gorey and visually striking, but not always very well acted.

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Revenge is a classic 70s style rape & revenge flick like a renovated muscle car that doesn't run on story but on cool - and the tank is full.

The director (Coralie Fargeat, writing and directing her first feature-length film) throws herself on the scene like an unpinned hand grenade and blows the screen away. Reminiscent of Tarantino, she can elicit winces as well as laughs (her 80S synth pop reference to Nicolas Winding Refn's Drive tho!) and make every body count.

The actors are solid and the female lead (Italian actress Matilda Anna Ingrid Lutz) is totally believable as the bad ass with a nice one. See this film before the backlash kicks in!

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