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RoboCop 2 1990

I enjoyed it, but I also like that eighties atmosphere. In my opinion it can't compete with the first film. Curious what Robocop 3 will deliver.

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Going with my Terminator comparison, while T2 was a step up for Terminator in every way, RoboCop 2 is a step back. It is a bunch more of the same without adding anything notable or better to the equation. If you like the first, this is worth watching, but it is not one to choose over the first.

Rating: 3/5 - 75% - Worth Watching

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The second part adds acidity and brilliance to the series.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - This film was very entertaining and never boring.

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit.

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The advertisements feel forced, kids are terrible actors with bad lines that don’t feel like legitimate kid talk, Robocop looks a little goofy and plasticy, score doesn’t have good music, Robocop doesn’t feel menacing, feels like they are trying to hard for the bad guy “Cain” to be super cool and chill but feels mediocre. Lewis is softened and isn’t as cool. The film is a little funny but doesn’t bring anything new to the table, rather contains similar themes that just lack in comparison to the first film. Still entertaining and a little fun, but just an overall disappointing sequel that shouldn’t of been made. I wouldn’t buy that for a dollar.

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Paul Verhoeven Isn’t the director unfortunately. Frank Miller writing the screenplay for Robocop 2, you’d think would be great.
However, he also wrote the screenplay for part 3. So if you watched part 3 know to not expect something good. Though, if you watch part 3 first, it makes part 2 look like the first Robocop.
I remember being blown away by the trailer for part 2. It is however very disappointing next to the first film. Since without Paul Verhoeven its not entertaining in a trashy sort of way, it’s just trashy.

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This film is a mess. The opening where Murphy is dealing with his past self starts out with some pathos and the film seems to have a tone and some depth... and then it just goes off the rails. Nothing really works, and it's just janky and kind of insane.

The score is insufferable in the same bombastic American propagandistic way as Executive Decision, and could be enjoyed ironically in a B-film sort of way if it just wasn't so banal. The design of the new "Robocop 2" unit is abysmal compared to RoboCop and the bipedal tank mech from the first one. And the stop-motion cannot help but evoke Celebrity Deathmatch. Unfortunately, there's really nothing funny here, intentionally or unintentionally.

I did like the scene where they showed the archival footage of their first attempts at making "Robocop 2". It was still played as slapstick with goofy sound effects, though, which doesn't really ever work when they try it.

Curiosity: The kid who shows up and inexplicably becomes a main character looks like what I would imagine Cara Delavigne looked like at that age.

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RoboCop 2 is a pale shadow of the original. Co-written by Frank Miller, the story follows a drug war in Detroit and OCP’s attempt to develop an upgraded RoboCop model. Peter Weller and Nancy Allen return, and their performances are more or less adequate. However, Tom Noonan delivers a strong performance as the villain, Cain, who leads the drug cartel. The tone of the film is a lot more comedic, and it clashes with the darker themes. Additionally, the special effects have gotten appreciably worse and the violence has been toned down. Some of the concepts and story ideas are pretty good, but they’re execution is exceptionally poor. RoboCop 2 is a weak film that lacks a cohesive tone and a compelling vision.

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wtf is with 80s sequels and the "just add kids" formula? They all suck. Movie starts off entertaining, then the child actors come in and its down hill from there.

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Nowhere near as good as the first. The story was boring and the characters were all bland.

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Basically just more of the same, or at least trying to be more of the same. Still though, I adore this movie. So many great moments.

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Better than the third and worse but the first, although it has the ads of the first

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rate it as a 1990 movie not a 2016 movie

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Shout by Deleted

jesus, bucky is that u?

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"You kinda look outta breath bitch..."

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