Shout by JC

As easy as it is to blame the government alone- and they deserve all the blame they get- this doc illuminates the banal cruelty of the ‘common man’, the lazy unexamined entitlement the bigoted hold towards everything, and their indignant offense at Indigenous people for not shutting up and letting them take even more. The self centered selfishness to see what the Mohawks are going through and fighting for and not only think about how it inconveniences themselves but to go further and throw rocks at innocent men, women, and children… to terrorize and demean them… it’s hard to watch,

Obomsawain refutes them in such simple but powerful ways. From the testimonies of the Mohawk people and their grief, strength, bravery, and heartbreak, to juxtaposing a white business owner’s claim that white people built the bridge with the history of the Indigenous workers who were exploited and underpaid as they built it is just sublime. She makes it look easy, while showing just how hard it is to stand for what is important. The fight still isn’t over, and it should never be forgotten.

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