Shouts about...

Room 2015

it was a good film well made and engaging. but for me I would'nt watch it again, didnt really interest me that much kind of sad and tame, but still in that genre was well done and still held my attention the whole time, just not something I'd watch again.

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Leaving soon - On Netflix til June

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Tragic story, but really interesting to see the aftermath of something like this. Both actors did an amazing job, but the kid really brought it home.

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Shout by Ellie <3

"Room" is an outstanding film that goes beyond the surface. It masterfully captures the struggle of being kidnapped and living in captivity, but what sets it apart is its exploration of the aftermath, which is often overlooked. This movie hits you right in the gut with its emotional depth. Young Jacob Tremblay's portrayal of his character is incredible and adds to the film's powerful impact. A truly exceptional and thought-provoking work. :clapper::clap::trophy:

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Very very good storyline but I HATED how she treated her son, like I understand you want to go back to normal and act like a teenager but does he really not mean anything to you?

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Good, not great.

Also kept thinking the little boy was a girl.


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Truly harrowing story supported by convincing performances from the duo. Brie Larson was amazing and Jacob Tremblay was exceptionally great. The first half was suspenseful, it got me on the edge of my seat. Emotional and heartbreaking. After that it's sad but it kinda pulled away my interest.

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I hate that this movie exists and that people have lived things like this. But, the movie itself is glorious! Ms. Larsen and young Tremblay are amazing in redirecting the focus from a horrible situation to their strong bond.

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BlockedParent2020-05-21T14:24:24Z— updated 2020-05-28T06:04:09Z

yeah, it wasn't the best movie ever, don't have almost anything to catch us, I mean, the history isn't great, but it was a good movie, I cried a little bit, but that's it.

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Extraordinarily powerful and provocative, Room is a harrowing tale of survival. The story follows a mother and son who live in captivity, held in a shed, but after the son's fifth birthday the mother attempts to explain to him that there's a world outside of the shed and that they need to escape. Brie Larson gives an outstanding performance, and has great chemistry with co-star Jacob Tremblay, who’s quite impressive for a child actor; crushing the dialog, delivering it in such an innocent and earnest way as to be quite heartbreaking. Additionally, the writing is incredibly well-done; especially in how the mother creates a fantasy world for her son. And, the director does a remarkable job at making the room a world in itself by never showing too much at once and keeping the shots focused on specific objects that define different sections of the shed. Room can be a hard film to watch due to its disturbing psychological themes, but it also has an inspirational quality in what is overcome and the power of the bond between the mother and son.

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Unfortunately a lot of child acting which is always a bit obnoxious. Wasn't great, but it was good.

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Fantastic movie, very thought provoking and emotional for me to watch. The actors did a great job as well.

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1.5 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
.5 / 1 writing
.5 / 1 originality
.5 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

8 / 10

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I don't know any reason of having a rate more than 1 for this movie.. Acting is brilliant but where's the story!
A very boring movie without any clarity for the details on their life..
Once they scaped from the room (very easy) then movie start being a real boring movie
Waste of time

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While I enjoyed the movie, I would have liked to see more character building, especially around the psychological aftermath beyond just having a breakdown. It seems to me it would have to be so much more.

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Wasn't as graphic as I thought it was going to be, which is good. The R-rating is just for language. No nudity, graphic violence, on-screen rape, or anything else. Everything is implied for the most part since this film is from the perspective of a child who was shielded as well as possible from these things.

I appreciate how respectfully this film was done. It's not uncommon for movies to take heavy themes like the ones in this story and make them seem fantastical or completely gloss over them. The main issue I have with this movie isn't even with the movie; it's with how it's advertised. The trailer I watched and the descriptions I read all led me to think that the first half of this movie was going to be the entire thing. Once that half was done, I was left feeling like the movie should have ended and wondering what more would be apart of the story. It would have been better if I had gone into this movie completely blind...


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What an exceptional movie! Deeply moving and sometimes too close to reality. Outstanding cast. I'm moved and glad that I only read that it was Oscar awarded, otherwise I wouldn't have watched it...

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Brie Larson is fantastic so is Jacob Tremblay feels like such real performances you can really feel their pain such a touching story.

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Shout by Matt Corr

Brie and Jacob just killed it in this movie, so raw and emotional. I always heard about this film and just sat down and enjoyed it.

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Very emotional movie. I found incredibly interesting how at first Joy was very quick to go back to her old life while Jack had trouble adjusting and the roles reversed and Jack was being strong for Joy...
A masterpiece..

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A well made film with a deep message played with a strong cast, it freed my emotions all the way through.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie is a pure masterpiece

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I think that the real Oscar winner should be Jacob Tremblay. ;>

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A very emotional and powerful film Room is a great character study revolving around a young boy who has spent his whole life trapped in one Room. Brie Larson and Jacob Tremblay have a very interesting relationship as mother and son and both give outstanding performances are complex but loveable characters. This one could make you teary eyed.

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Directed by Lenny Abrahamson, "Room" is essentially a story of hope. When you have hope, everything is possible.

"Room" tells the story of Jack's adaptation to the world after five years living in a small room with his mom almost without sunlight.

This movie is a masterpiece, since the performances (Brie Larson and Jacob Tremblay were brilliant) to the story that is incredibly beautiful.

"Room" is a love letter to the love of any mom with her son.

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Almost as good as the book, and that's not a slight!

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simply must- see .. one of the best i watched recently :)

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Falters a little in its second half but ultimately a powerful story of confinement and freedom. Jacob Tremblay gives a sensational performance and Brie Larson is brilliant as always.

A tense, emotional, engaging film.

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I think I have something in my eye ;(

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As good as the book.

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i lost in the middle cuz the movie down the rithm, but the perspective of the boy in the room is amazing, i think all the people live in a room of the mind.

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"Bye, Room."

I'm not crying
I'm not crying
I'm not crying
Okay, i'm crying a little bit
Okay, I'm crying a lot.

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Shout by Deleted

Such an interesting and consuming perspective. #ShiftvW8

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Brilliant movie. This and The big short should have fought better for the Oscar, Spotlight was not deserved it.
Fantastic story, breathtaking brie larson on her role excellent script

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Great movie! You wil surely not regret watching it, too bad it was more about the kid rather than his mother. Could have been better

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i love the fact that it's from a child eye's, just a great movie to end the 2015 year, amazing movie

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What a performance of 9-year old Jacob Tremblay ! Brilliant movie. Make sure you have a handkerchief.

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Shout by Deleted

Really heart warming and moving story. Got the emotions going and really enjoyed this.

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Brie and Jacob. They are my heroes. Amazing movie

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“There are so many things out here. And sometimes it’s scary. But that’s ok. Because it’s still just you and me.”

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This was a Superb movie. Overall an awesome story as a drama. Suspense that keeps you tuned in the whole movie. Overall I really enjoyed this movie. This movie is a much watch.

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I expected this to be one of those films where the captives are held for the majority of the film, and right at the end, the door opens to a bright light, with cops outside, and fade to black. That's what most of these kinds of films are. But not Room. Room dealt with the consequences and spent most of its time showing us how they dealt with the world outside. They weren't perfect, it wasn't happily ever after. It was real. Jack was an incredible boy, and following his journey of learning about the world was amazing. Ma was incredibly brave, and though she struggled, the reason Jack is okay today, is because of her. They kept each other alive.

These characters are so incredible and relatable, that here I am still thinking they're real.

Fantastic film, watch it.

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everything but the editing was absolutely amazing

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Shout by Pedro


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Shout by Deleted

I have never been swept up by a movie before. While learning how they lived and Jack's perception of the world, I was enthralled. I was scared during get both the build up to, and the actual escape. The tears started flowing when Jack first saw the world and there was very little time after that where I wasn't crying.

I fell in love with both the characters and the portrayal of their story. Score: 9.5/10. Loses half a star for not showing more of the amazing female police officer who helped him when found.

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What an amazing film, beautifully directed, written, and performed. It is one of those films that will stay with you for days, weeks, years later. So many touching moments throughout the film, of genuine raw emotion.

The film is so well directed, creating that sense of space in the first half of the film, that a whole world can exist in this room, the decision to have the story told from young Jack's perspective was just inspired. Even a closet seems to be a whole world to this young child. Brie Larson gives an amazing performance. Just cannot speak more highly of this movie......go see it!

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Shout by Deleted

Such a wonderful, wonderful movie. Haven't seen one like this in a long time. Bravo to both Bire Larson & Jacob Tremblay. What a great performance. #ShiftvW8

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You wouldn't believe how hard my heart was pounding when Jack was escaping

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This was hands down my favorite movie of 2015. It's been a very long time since I cried while watching a movie, but this one broke me. Brie Larson deserves every award she gets and Jacob Tremblay is one of the best child actors I've seen in years. This is a difficult movie to watch, but it's one you don't want to miss.

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Shout by Deleted

Great film and very well acted.

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The plot of this remarkable film suggests it has been ripped from recent headlines, detailing a young woman's captivity in a shed. This all suggests a deeply unpleasant experience, but the filmmakers make a crucial choice to tell the story from the point of view of the woman's 5 year old son who knows no other world other than the room they are held in. Essentially a two-hander for much of the film between mother and son, it is deeply moving and uplifting despite the nature of the plot, as film portrays their daily existence, the young boy's attempts to make sense of the world around him and his mother's efforts to protect him. Both actors give remarkable performances, with Larson fully deserving the critical praise being thrown her way, yet the film is equally dependent on a wonderfully natural performance from the young Jacob Tremblay. Never exploitative, the film can be quite unsettling and tense at times, but as the story gives way to the aftermath, the focus on the bond between parent and child throughout make for a film that is powerfully affecting.

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Shout by Deleted

Let me just start off by saying that Brie Larson was amazing and should/will win best actress. Jacob Tremblay did a fantastic job, but I found his character very annoying. I understand that this is part of his character given his trauma, but I had a hard time empathizing with him when he pissed me off half the movie. I get that this probably isn't a valid criticism but I don't know how else to put it. The story is fantastic and incredibly moving, and once again Brie Larson is amazing. I feel the first act is more moving, but the second act is more important as it's themes apply to everyone.

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Amazing and heartbreaking. Depressing and uplifting. An absolute must-watch.

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Amazing movie! The story it's just too perfect, and gives you a mix of emotions in less than 2 hours, I was so not ready for that. Brie Larson is extraordinary and deserves all the awards

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Wow, just wow! Brie Larson is fantastic!

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Shout by Alhanouf

An extraordinarily story, and it will give you chills.
The thing that i loved that the story-line was from the child's eyes.
One of 2015 best movies.

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Brie Larson is pretty great in this movie , but the kid , man , i don't have enough words to describe

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It's an experience that gives you the chills and a little bit of tears too.. Brace Yourself

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Great movie, but I'm so left wanting at the end. So many questions unanswered.

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