Shouts about...

Runaway Train 1985

What a dumb film. The characters are awful and the plot is just stupid, goes really over the top and gets kinda pretentious, especially the ending. It even ends with flowery church music and a Shakespeare quote. Is it suppose to be a joke or something? Directed by a Russian, I think his only english film, and written by a strange group including Akira Kurosawa. Bizarre.

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Jon Voight always plays such a great psycho. The nihilism and viciousness of his character make this movie as engaging as it is. It's otherwise an entertaining action/thriller, with some great, intense sequences.

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Two prisoners and their hostage flee on a runaway train with no brakes

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Shout by moep0r
BlockedParent2022-12-05T10:52:49Z— updated 2023-04-30T11:31:00Z

Every few years I like to wachh this movie and then forget about it until I spot it again in my collection. And every few years I'm amazed how good it still is. It has action, thrill, and is perfect for when the first snow starts to fall. Great recommendation!

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Shout by Jammer

I saw this in 1980 and was absolutely blown away! The acting for one was top notch. But the music score? FLAWLESS!!! IF U WATCH, BLAST THE SURROUND SOUND! u won't regret it!!!! It'll be you're neighbors new fave!!!!

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A cannon movie that didn't suck. For an action movies it's good. Good performances. One or two long winded character rants to try and give some depth. I didn't mind. It's not the first or last movie to do it.
The end seemed to try and get an emotional response and it did a bit not not as much as it tried as it was a but cheesy with a quote. Not bad though.

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