Shouts about...

Scoob! 2020

Wow.... "Lookyup" is the one thing that made me laugh out loud! Also Mark Wahlberg IS Blue Falcon! Very good casting.

only thing I wish they'd go with Matthew Lillard for Shaggy....

Oh well, still a very entertaining flick!!!

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it was quite entertaining for me

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I found it to be very amusing. Lots of Hanna Barbera references and a possibility to expand this universe.

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Typical kids movie with some fun callbacks to the original show. The plot is kinda crazy.
Very interesting cartoon movie.

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A good movie ruined by lame pop culture references and political agendas.

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Not as terrible as the trailer was making it. Voices aren't same as past, but not that off putting when into it.

It's a Hanna-Barbara universe begins, that I'm happy enough to see flourish with my kids.

Good- it Kept the kids glued to the screen.

The bad:

  • Simon effing Cowell - why's he still showing up in movies? His voice work is still horrendous like the 'scary movie' scene he popped up in.

Current culture jokes : Selfie, Netflix

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More faithful than the live action movies. That thought fart jokes were a must. Mathew Lillard as Shaggy and Linda Cardellini as Velma is about all they got right.
This film is for Scooby-Doo fans. As well as Hanna Barbara fans. It is charming cute and funny. Even if Shaggy may not sound enough like Shaggy for some fans. Matthew Lillard’s Shaggy is still hard to beat.
Some also may miss that it doesn’t have an old fashioned Scooby-Doo Mystery. The film does at least do the characters justice. As well as the extra Hanna Barbara characters justice.

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dude, I really thought it was going to be about when they were all kids :pensive:

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okay so I'll go ahead and admit this is not the best movie I've seen in awhile but it's a cute little popcorn flick with laughs in between and a few moments of action and adventure the jokes are funny and the plot moves right along and it's for sure to keep kids attention and even adults but definitely not perfect

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This looked like a Crossover Special Episode but hey, it was cool, the animation is on point, i really liked the environment, the texture and the color palette for each scene, the characters are well designed they felt fresh. The Story is nothing special, but for a kids movie it does the job, it was great to see some characters from other old cartoons that i used to watch. An enjoyable movie for sure.

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Cgi may to clean and generic. They should have tried something else. Missed opportunity

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Good for kids.... good animation.....

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Trakt Community overrated the movie.

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What on earth did I just watch.... Not only Dick Dastardly is brought in for some reason, to be the main villain, but even one of the Slag brothers makes a special appearance. As part of an entire tribe now. And if that's not enough, there's yet another character (well, two) from yet another series, because ... I dunno. This is a mixer, apparently.

Many elements feel forced, simply put in because they've been staples and as such they've got to be in there. There are a few funny lines, but even those are more of the deconstructive, fourth-wall-breaking ones, because apparently those are needed nowadays. Some of the cast choices are great, but again, more so due to real life references than for anything else.

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I could write a whole essay about what is wrong with this movie but let's just say I watched this one with my 5yo and we had a great time and laughed alot! It was perfect for an otherwise boring morning

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Fun to watch so many HB characters interacting.

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Shout by h.annah07
BlockedParent2021-07-01T03:06:46Z— updated 2021-09-01T04:26:51Z

So many little details throughout the movie reminded me of the old cartoon series. Well done to the people who made this movie for doing that.

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Scoob! is a Hanna-Barbera extravaganza that brings together Scooby-Doo, Dynomutt, Dick Dastardly, and Captain Caveman. When Mystery Inc. stumbles upon a scheme of Dick Dastardly to open up the gate to the Underworld they team up with Blue Falcon and Dynomutt to stop him. The writers do a good job at bringing together and integrating the various Hanna-Barbera properties, and the cast is quite impressive, featuring Mark Wahlberg, Jason Isaacs, Gina Rodriguez, Zac Efron, and Amanda Seyfried. Also, the animation is really well-done; staying true to the original character designs while giving them an updated look. However, the comedy does skew toward younger audiences. Still, Scoob! is an entertaining family film that’s a lot of fun.

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To much Sooby-yap and too much artiulation. Some cool homages to genre of the era, but they almost entirely killed the "mystery" in doing so.

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It's not quite Scooby Dooby Don't, but it's not the film it could have been. At the final unmasking, its merely a pale imitation of what has come before, with little of the imagination the original cartoons were known for. Has its moments, kids unfamiliar with the old show might like it, but it could have been better.

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I have been looking forward to this movie for 2 years but I thought it was average. Firstly, why does every film have to be a superhero movie? A classic Scooby Doo plot of unmasking a bad guy would have done the trick here. One of the things that was great about the original films is that the villains were actually scary. I know he is a Hanna Barbera product, but I'm sorry, Dick Dastardly is not scary. Second, a lot of the jokes just weren't funny. They obviously tried to appeal to both adults and kids as there were some more 'adult' jokes, but for the most part they just landed flat, which made the film start to get boring. The live action movies struck a much better balance here, with adult humor mixed with jokes for kids. I also thought Scooby talked too much (he seemed to have more dialogue than Freddy, Velma and Daphne, and he's a dog). Overall the voice acting and animation was good, but the writing and plot were a huge let down. Both of the live action films were better and they are 15 years old. Too bad.

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Typical kids movie with some fun callbacks to the original show. The plot is kinda crazy.

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Terrible film! Super weak plot and irritating characters. It was a total waste of time for me.

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Velma doesn't even say "jinkies"

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Shout by Caleb Peters
BlockedParent2020-08-13T03:10:13Z— updated 2023-03-07T04:33:30Z

Has multiple flaws, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

Even still, it's another average movie made to capitalize on kids.

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Movie was okay with a laugh or two along the way. Will forte as shaggy really took me out of it though, bring back lilliard

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Shout by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2020-05-16T13:10:35Z— updated 2020-05-24T00:27:07Z

Not as retro kitsch chic as the original cartoon, not as tight as modern CGI features and not as self-aware as the the live action films, this is the kind of movie you fall asleep watching and still don't miss anything. :dog::sleeping::confused:
PS Why do they have Scooby speaking better than most of my students, yet he still can't pronounce the first letter of words? WTF!? :person_facepalming_tone2:

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Shout by sisdog
BlockedParent2020-05-23T23:36:18Z— updated 2020-05-26T04:16:21Z

WTF Simon Cowell!? Is he still relevant? Scooby talks too much. Zero time I laughed during this movie, zero. This was supposed to be a comedy right?

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I grew up on Scooby-Doo and the denizens of the Mystery Machine. I grew up on all the Hanana Barbera stuff this movie references including the Laff-A-Lymics and Captain Caveman. So why, if you are going to reference that stuff so much, do you tell your voice talent to ACTIVELY try to sound different than the originals? Matthew Lillard has taken over from Casey Kasem on Shaggy for over a decade now and does the voice perfectly. So they bring in Will Forte who was obviously told to try not to sound like Shaggy? Tracy Morgan was told to do Captain Caveman, but didn't even go near the Captain Caveman yodel? That's literally the only interesting part of the character! And then, Dynomutt...becomes the smart one??? What a mess. Back to the originals for me. 4/10

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Shout by Apollo's
BlockedParent2020-06-11T14:22:52Z— updated 2020-06-16T13:19:47Z

"I have so many... mixed feelings"

The best way to descibe it would probably be "a self-aware mess".
I wonder if i was more entertained by the movie if I knew more about Blue Falcon and Dick Dastardly.
So Scoob was an attempt of a crossover between Hanna-Barbera characters. But don't crossovers work well only when all the characters are equally popular or/and they have something to offer?

Liked the parts tributing to the classic Scooby-Doo series but of course waited for something more than that.
Smiled at some jokes but as a casual viewer i was constantly zoning out being unable to grasp movie's trippy plot :c

P.S.:the art during the credits was cool though it felt Marvel-coated

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I didn't think I'd ever have a negative rating or review for my fave cartoon, but here we are. Why would you not case the voices that have been used forever? This whole film stinks and is a cluster of drivel that really has no direction.
A disgrace.

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Expected to be childish.But it's too much to enjoy

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A great man once said, "It's a no for me".

On a serious note, why is Simon Cowell in a Scooby-Doo movie? I thought early 2000 references died years ago.

The only redeeming quality in the movie is Jason Isaacs as Dick Dastardly, but that's really it.

Every decision the film makers made for this movie was the absolute worst. The animation was bad and at times looks unpolished. How this new version handles the characters such as the old gang was painfully insulting. The Scooby gang are separated for a massive portion of the movie and we instead focus on this superhero-like story line, because superhero movies are popular right now. The voice acting was pretty terrible and how the movie applies modern technology into the story was straight up embarrassing.

It's a factory-made movie produced by a bunch of old boomers that try so hard to be hip for the modern youth, but it will age like sour milk.

I thought we would get a Scoob movie in the same vein as 'The Peanuts Movie' back in 2015. I guess not.

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Not sure I've seen a "kids" movie this bad that had this many high profile voices in it. Ouch. There are some laughs in the beginning, then it just drudges along. No flow to the story and very little of it makes any logical sense. It is like they had their story elements, but had no idea how to connect them into a movie.

Also to be PG it sure has a lot of almost bad language (mother... for example), adult references and intense imagery. Not for little kids and I'm not showing it to my pre-teen either.

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Without Mathew Lillard as Shaggy; this movie just falls flat on its face.

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Hi used to love Scooby, and I like a good kids movie. But this one was just a little kids for me and seemed a bit lame. Couldn't watch it.

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I'm sorry, what? First of all, Scooby is way too articulate and the rest of the movie makes no sense. I like getting high to scooby doo cartoons with my girlfriend. What a waste of weed...

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The original CBS show was a mix of comic animation from The Beatles movies and mystery and horror stories. None of that we find in this new version of Scooby-Doo, a character that endures despite its insignificance. The addition of other characters from the Hanna-Barbera universe and the introduction of, once again, a plot of superheroes, contribute to the update of the series. Neither is a clumsy and unfunny movie.

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the description is very very wrong lol

"Mystery Loves Company.
Ravaged by the loss of Scooby-Doo in a snowmobiling accident, the Mystery Inc. gang must reunite one final time to plan the funeral and solve one last mystery."

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