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Scorpio Rising 1969


1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is a film reference book edited by Steven Jay Schneider with original essays on each film contributed by over 70 film critics.



Films about/for Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer


Includes all the films of the 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die Book, including films culled to make way for newer releases, up to the 2021 edition.


A selection of films, famed for their decision to throw convention out of the window. This list pays homage to the great surrealist films from the history of cinema.


This is a list of the films featured in The Story of Film: An Odyssey series by Mark Cousins.

The films are in order of appearance in the series.
The following are missing (not in Trakt):

  • American Cinema: Film Noir - Alain Klarer (1995)
  • 71st Academy Awards - Louis J. Horvitz (1999)
  • Andrei Tarkovsky & Sergei Parajanov – Islands - Levon Grigoryan (1988)
  • Sinemaabi: A Dialogue with Djibril Diop Mambéty - Beti Ellerson Poulenc (1997)
  • Motion Capture Mirrors Emotion - Jorge Ribas (2009)



Surrealism in cinema refers to the use of dreamlike and irrational elements in films to create a unique visual style that challenges conventional notions of reality. It originated from the artistic movement of surrealism in the 1920s and 30s, which sought to tap into the subconscious mind through the use of irrational imagery and symbolism. In film, surrealism often employs techniques such as discontinuous editing, unexpected imagery, and the use of special effects to create a dream-like atmosphere and to challenge the viewer's perception of reality. The aim of surrealist films is to provoke an emotional and intellectual response from the audience, and to blur the boundaries between the conscious and the unconscious mind.


The They Shoot Pictures, Don't They? 1,000 greatest films list is primarily compiled by using over 6000 individual critics' and filmmakers' best-films-of-all-time lists/ballots. The resulting list is very diverse and spans virtually all movie-producing decades and countries.



The 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die list is actually a film reference book compiled by various critics worldwide and edited by Steven Jay Schneider. The list spans movies from as early as 1902 up to recent releases.



The 2013 version of TSPDT’s 1,000 Greatest Films is finally here. After months of stop-start, data-building and unhealthy calculation antics, the latest group of 1,000 movie offerings has been assembled once again for your pleasure (or displeasure). Depending on your observation skills, you may have already noticed that there is a new presentation for this ongoing project.


The old 2012 edition can be found @


Watching the list from the 2017 version of the book. Started off at least one a week but slipped into just whenever. Sometimes I watch a few quite close together, other times not for awhile. Always looking out for one when it’s in a streaming site.
List in order of when watched.
Started 2018.


Well over a century has passed since the Lumière brothers frightened the life out of Parisians with The Arrival of a Train at a Station, and well over a million titles have since been recorded - if the Internet Movie Database is anything to go by.

Out of these million-plus movies, our team of experts has picked what we believe is the essential 1,000 - those that best sum up the dazzling achievement and variety of the movies.



The top films in the 2012 Sight and Sound Poll from the combined votes of 846 critics and 359 directors. Contains films with 3 or more votes. In order by number of votes.

The following is a list of positions and the number of corresponding votes. 21-22 (66 votes), 27-28 (55 votes), 29-30 (54 votes), 36-37 (46 votes), 39-42 (44 votes), 43-46 (43 votes), 47-50 (41 votes), 51-52 (40 votes), 53-55 (39 votes), 56-57 (38 votes), 59-60 (35 votes), 62-74 (33 votes), 75-77 (32 votes), 78-79 (31 votes), 82-88 (28 votes), 89-90 (27 votes), 91-93 (26 votes), 94-99 (25 votes), 100-103 (24 votes), 104-106 (23 votes), 107-110 (22 votes), 111-118 (21 votes), 119-127 (20 votes), 128-139 (19 votes), 140-146 (18 votes), 147-153 (17 votes), 154-166 (16 votes), 167-182 (15 votes), 183-193 (14 votes), 194-206 (13 votes), 207-228 (12 votes), 229-243 (11 votes), 244-271 (10 votes), 272-302 (9 votes), 303-330 (8 votes), 331-375 (7 votes), 376-423 (6 votes), 424-497 (5 votes), 498-624 (4 votes), 625-817 (3 votes)



1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is a film reference book edited by Steven Jay Schneider with original essays on each film contributed by over 70 film critics.


Cinema Suicide was a popular, long-running website celebrating cheap thrills and the grimy, dusty titles tucked away on video store shelves.


The Story of Film: An Odyssey, a 15-part series written and directed by award-winning film-maker Mark Cousins, is the story of international cinema told through the history of cinematic innovation.
The series provides a worldwide guided tour of the greatest movies ever made; an epic tale that starts in nickelodeons and ends as a multi-billion-dollar globalised digital industry."

Note: "Motion Capture Mirrors Emotion (2009) dir. Jorge Ribas," a documentary about the making of Avatar, is missing because it does not appear to have an imdb page.



All the movies I have watched from the book 1001 movies
