Shouts about...

Searching 2018

Really great film. Loved the concept and the fact that all the clues where right there all along.

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What an amazing movie. I've had it on bluray since it came out but hadn't watched it till now. Lately I have trouble staying focused watching movies but this one had me captivated from start till finish.

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I watched this with my friend and we were on the edge of our seats the whole time. We were constantly coming up with new theories while watching it. Movies like this that keep you guessing and still end up leaving you in shock are gems.

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This is a great movie. It keeps entertained and interested through the whole episode of a father that thinks he knows his daughter but finds out he doesn't really know much at all. A good twist to the plot near the end adds to the drama.

I'm watching this in 2020, don't know how I missed it back in2018. Solid 10/10

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I didn't even know about this movie until 2 hours before the session. I saw it was showing on my local movie theather and went for it. Boy, am I happy with my decision! I really, really liked the route they took with this one, they not only managed to make the whole concept work but they sneaked a lot of satisfying "easter eggs". It is a serious movie with very serious message and a lot of connection with reality, but the way life with technology and internet is portrayed sometimes get you so off guard that you can't help but laugh. And, of course, the story is great with and a amazing third act.

Also, props to whoever translated that to portuguese. I was nervous it would ruin the movie when I saw that everything on the computer was translated, but it turns out they did an amazing job capturing the essence of the information and putting it in a way that would feel natural.

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Shout by Deleted

Excellent movie and certainly worth seeing.

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powerful movie, very touching too
definitely worth watching it

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Emotional, Thrilling, Dramatic... Gone Girl x10

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it just mesmerizing. my eyes fix to the big screen just to wondering is there any clue left behind

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-09-02T00:06:15Z— updated 2023-03-17T12:22:23Z

@nmahoney416 Did you notice the picture in the beginning of the movie with the father and daughter in front of the high school? The high school is the “home of the catfish” :)

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An exciting thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

Searching makes a big gamble: A big part of the movie is spent looking into a computer screen. The result however is astonishing! Do not miss it.

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Wow. Never has a movie kept me at the edge of my seat and guessing the whole time. Just wow, the story-telling-through-a-computer concept just makes it a hundred times better. An absolute must for everyone, specially thriller/mystery fans.

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I wish I could forget ever having watched this just so I could experience it for the first time again.

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The movie is simply sensational! The script is great, the acting is good and the direction is flawless.

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This movie shook me to the core. I wasn't expecting to be glued to the screen from the beginning and crying like I cried when it ended. Definitely one of the best tech-criminal investigation plot driven thriller. So many twists and turns you're going to become paranoid yourself and doubt everything and everyone.

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Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2023-01-22T16:07:14Z— updated 2023-04-04T21:53:28Z

Best use of found footage i've seen! Extremely captivating, as captivating as a phone screen, I just couldn't look away. The mystery is cliché, yes but the way every single detail has a meaning is absolutely genius. I can't wait to rewatch it and be like: oh, that little detail is an easter egg for later! The pacing is perfect, it drops new info quite often so the mystery keeps you hungry for new development in the investigation.

I stopped counting the twists and turns, there's just so many, everytime you think you've figured it out there's a new twist that changes everything. The last twist kinda risked the integrity of the movie and made it somewhat unrealistic... but the final feeling it leaves you with once it's finished is what gives it warmth and rewatchability. Now, was there a more realistic way to do it? maybe, but it wouldn't be as thrilling and memorable.

I'm not a parent but I believe this would make a terrifying techno horror for any parent, you just never know what you're kid is doing on the web, and do you really know them?!

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I loved this movie. It’s one of the first movies I watched that was able to use social media as a medium and not make it cheesy. It’s exciting and fast-paced, with twists and turns throughout. Recommend highly.

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Amazing film. Very well done!
I was really amazed that they really did translate everything to german! Not only the spoken things but also all the text's, filenames, dates, programms, ...

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Superbe montage et localisation, parfait. Bonne intrigue et tout ça du point de vue de la machine.

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This is a fantastic and so artistic movie with a unique approach. You actually look at a computer screen from the "inside" and the whole premise is so successful as you see how technology can really help and it is a vital part of our life now. The story unfolds in a excellent way and don't even think of searching and reading spoilers, the twists (yes plural) at the end are remarkable. A must see of 2018

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Whoa soo where do I start ?.first things off I loved the film , normally I don’t like movies who make plot-twist’s at the end of the movie , so when the funeral part come in I was not thinking that much , but different from other films (like ELI) they managed to pull a twist that changed the whole prespective of the movie in a matter of seconds whitout ignoring what we saw , I loved it .

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A truly XXI century, social media era thriller... and we got plot twist that you hardly can expect!

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I still remember seeing this movie in theaters because it was so great. Really suprised me by how much I liked it very entertaining the entire time constant twists and turns, keep your mind rolling the whole time trying to figure out the mystery. I think probably the best movie there is with this kinda camerawork style, suprised by how much it worked for me but this movie is great definitely recommend people to see this because not a lot of people did one of my top 5 movies of the year.

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Meg kell nézni mindenkinek! Nagyon jó film. Tényleg az idei filmek egyik legjobbja.

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A well-crafted thriller filmed in a very unique way.
A must-see for 2018.

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Great movie. Great, great thriller. Far and away the best "only on computer screens" movie. All of the Internet searching and computer use was very realistic too. Loved it.

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Excellent concept through a laptop screen. Good build up to a thrilling ending. Kept me guessing all the way through. Well worth a watch. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Happy ending as well. :grin:

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I think my favorite thing about this film is how it took a new approach to story telling.  About halfway through the film I noted that this is the first film that I can recall seeing where it assumed that the user new about facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.  This allowed the director to give the user the backstory in a really creative way without spending much time (in recent years Woody Allen would do the same using a narrator).  What the character didn't send via text was often more interesting in that you got a sense for what they were struggling with as they backspaced their initial thoughts.

I thought the story was well delivered and the end satisfying.  

follow me at

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This is an example on how to do a movie in the "found footage" style well. The story is told through a computer screen mostly, but it is done so well that it doesn't get in the way of it, but rather helps it give some insight on what's going through the mind of the main characters. Several times in the movie you can see the main character type his thoughts into the imessage screen, only to erase the thought and nuance his words, like we all do :).
The only thing I can say about the story is that it takes a turn that borders on the absurd and after that it loses the momentum and tension the first half of the movie has. Also, they just had to make it a happy ending.

It's also nice to see John Cho in a movie like this. I've only ever seen him as the hilarious Chau in Off Centre and of course as Harold in the Harold & Kumar series, but it's good to see him taking on more serious roles.

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Holy Shit.... THAT WAS INTENSE. It kept me on edge the entire time and kept me guessing. Overall, a good thriller

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A suprisingly effective film, given that the central premise of telling the story entirely through a laptop screen doesn’t suggest anything particularly memorable. That the film work so well says so much about how cleverly constructed the script is, but also it is to the credit of the filmmakers that they never try to break the central conceit to contrive a chase sequence or cheap scare. That they can also still make an effective thriller also says much about how technology and the internet dominate our lives and the film manages to offer much implied commentary on the state of our obsession with social media, 24 hour news cycles, and many other elements that come with living in our connected world.

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This is one of those movies you start watching just to entertain a bit while cooking until it literally grabs you and makes you stop whatever else you're doing to stay alert. Happened to me, just like that.

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I haven't been this engrossed in a movie for (what feels like) a while, and it all takes place through computer screens and smartphones.

Searching is a solid modern thriller where the technical can still tell a story with rich emotions and characters.

John Cho is superb.

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Really enjoyed the limited voice acting in this movie and how the majority of it was through a first person perspective. Social media is such a huge part of society now, that it's nice seeing movies incorporate it more. A very unique style that will stay fresh in my mind for quite some time, particularly given the ending.

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Shout by Deleted

I absolutely loved this film. It was thrilling from the start until the end. I swear I had so many conclusions in my head on how this film was going to end and every time the narrative changes. Simply amazing.

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Great tech film, interesting to realize all one can learn just through out computers. Film moved at a nice pace, never boring. An eye opener to us all.

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Incredible movie!It makes you stay starring at the screen all the time and you'll never know what will happen next

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This worked suprisingly good and movie was better than i expected..Full of mystery and plot twists with tense final 20 minutes.

7.8/10 don't miss this one!

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Amateur detective 101. Seriously speaking, decent thriller with slow start and rapid ending.

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Shout by mercuriorosso
BlockedParent2018-11-01T17:54:27Z— updated 2018-11-11T02:31:37Z

An emotional and very interesting thriller. Great "found footage" direction.

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It's a very interesting thriller. at first I never thought it would end up been so great. it's worth watching and also it explores the power of social media.
It's about a widowed Father who through the use of social media was able to find his missing daughter who was presumed dead by the police.

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a very good thriller : you stay on a computer all along the film and there are twists that changes all the story it's very good

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2018-08-31T12:06:35Z— updated 2023-11-04T18:20:44Z

Really well done, a nice reinvention of this genre.


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Shout by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2018-09-12T21:01:09Z— updated 2018-10-11T21:16:58Z

Like most PG-13 offerings, Searching is just emmental: full of holes, cheesy and too much will make you queasy. And it's not really gouda.

The movie's not a total waste, however. The found footage aspect (the film is entirely presented through screen activity on mobile phones, laptops, desktops...) is well done and the actors often hit their marks.

The film's major drawbacks, however, are the ending, which we know as soon as we see the film's MPAA rating (no matter how clever they think they are at trying to convince us otherwise) and the WTFs, like the police don't check a missing teen's text messages and no one has ever heard of catfishing .

Hey, if the film isn't going to give me any credit, I'm certainly not above doing the same.

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A risky gamble - to limit your story telling to images only accessible on a computer. And, a successful gamble it is. This is a good movie. The viewer is kept engaged going from one social medium to another guided by clever writing and a great mystery. I was drawn to see this film because of the unique filmmaking idea, wondering if they could pull it off. And, they did! Great story telling. Great performances. Congratulations! I give this film a 7 (good) out of 10. [Social Media Driven Crime Drama]

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It has been said countless times but yes this is one of- if not the best usage of found footage ever, no shaky camera, not camera man yappin bullshit, but really smartly handled through just a computer screen. Searching unfolds beautifully the mystery of a lost girl, even with the usage of cliche elements the movie uses it's own twists to keep you guessing till the end. The mystery was intriguing but just something about it seemed "gimmicky" for some reason. It's still a solid take on the mystery found footage genre.

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Shout by Josa
BlockedParent2022-01-07T04:24:19Z— updated 2024-04-07T05:29:28Z

"Searching" is undoubtedly a gripping thriller that masterfully keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, with suspense that builds steadily throughout the entire film, leaving audiences guessing at every turn. John Cho delivers a stellar performance, showcasing his versatility and talent as an actor, and truly shines in his role, adding depth and authenticity to the character he portrays. Overall, "Searching" is a riveting cinematic experience that combines top-notch acting with a captivating storyline, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre.

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Searching is an intense and well-crafted found-footage crime thriller starring John Cho and Debra Messing. When his 16-year old daughter goes missing David Kim starts his own investigation to help the police by searching through all her online accounts and social networks, and is shocked to discover that he didn’t really know his daughter. Both Cho and Messing give strong performances and do a good job playing to the found footage medium. And the director does an impressive job at keeping the film moving and at using a variety of different apps and programs (Facebook, YouTube, Google Maps, etc.). However, there are times that the film pushes the bounds of believability and stretches a bit to have the entire story unfold through electronic media. Yet despite a few weaknesses, Searching is remarkably compelling.

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Gimmicky to be sure, but it's still very well made. I enjoyed it, although I wasn't convinced by the outcome of the mystery. Still, if you're searching for a twisty little thriller, this might just fit the bill.

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movie is great. why man's still using Windows XP tho? that's the question

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"I didn't know her. I didn't know my daughter."

Friends had told me this was pretty good and I was hesitant since it takes place mainly in a laptop, but John Cho knocks it out of the park. The emotion this man conveys through his laptop screen had me feeling so bad for him I just wanted to give him a hug.

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Really engaging thriller. John Cho is excellent in the movie, keeping the suspense high. So many other movies have failed at leveraging tech and social media in movies, making it awkward, difficult to read/follow along with, but Searching succeeds where many other films has failed. Good movie.

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Original focus and good development

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Now this movie was Surprisingly good.. The End was Trash.. Hollywood does it again unrealistic Plot Hole. More realistic outcome woulda helped this movie

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Pretty great, effective mystery/suspense. Its gimmick is really well implemented, but it's not nearly as groundbreaking as the makes or some critics would have you believe. It's also very convenient and cleans much to perfectly. Otherwise it's a solid experience.

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I nearly gave up but I'm glad I didn't, enjoyed it .

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The way it was filmed was really good. It's not like the usual social media horrors. Two great plot twists too. For the first hour or so it's quite slow but still worth the watch.

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It was a good movie with a unique way of film-making where for the whole movie the story is told from the screen of a computer. Touches on technology and social media can impact a person's life and how much one should spend time with their family without relying on technology. A good twist was revealed in the movie, but it was rather predictable in a way. Overall you will surely enjoy this unique movie and we certainly need more of such movies! 7/10

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Searching (2018)
0.5/1 Plot/Pacing
0.5/1 Acting/Characters
0.5/1 Writing/Directing
0.5/1 Theme/Tone
1/1 Dialogue/Genre

3/5... This movie was good very enjoyable.. But they always find a way to make cliche and A predictable plot.. The movie had a great monument but once the plot really unfolded cost this movie from being a 4 or 4.5 IMO

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Shout by Deleted

Good show, definitely worth a watch!

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The fact that this story is told entirely on screens is pretty amazing. There are no cheats that I picked up on. Everything is shown on a laptop, phone, television, camera, and it's kind of fun to see how the Dad sifts though clues to try to find his daughter.

Hearing a lot of the hype got me really geared up to watch this but the story was really not very interesting and I thought the reveal of what happened to his daughter was kind of a stretch. There was one false alarm about 2/3rds of the way through that would have been a more interesting (albeit, disgusting) explanation for her disappearance.

Overall, this was good but duller than the word of mouth about the movie led me to believe.

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beside the fact of being an apple commercial its quite ok.

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Shout by Deleted

Well in my case the whole stuff wouldn't work, nothing to trace and everythings encrypted :-D Facebook, Gmail. idiots ;-)

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Used story, but with the twist of smartphones, laptop screen telling, to show the todays conversation of an generation that dont know nobody beside social networks.
Not great, unexepected ending, with "that" twist that an thriller must have, but 6, it can be done with much more.
Ps- when you fall, it use an cervical neckclace, what a gap

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The film begins with so much potential. As a modern incarnation of epistolary format the film should be a return to some of the truly classic thrillers of a century ago, but it too often accepts mediocrity when it should have pushed the boundaries The first half of the film builds into an interesting story-line (we don't know what's going to happen), but then we are hit over the heads with the rather clear direction that this film is headed. The twists don't make much sense and feel forced. Ultimately, the film is lacking in the very thing that we desperately want it to be...thrilling.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
0 / 1 acting
0 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 stays with you

0 / 1 misc

5 out of 10

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Shout by sp1ti

Having seen the producer's own this year (Timur Bekmambetov that is, who focuses on "on-screen narratives") this one just came off bland and more flawed (but hey, at least less forced FaceTime)... I think the gimmick burns out very fast and comes down to whichever movie is "more" consistent. Given the background I was also expecting this to be a bit darker, and not just a "let-me-spell-this-out-for-you-in-my-great-montage-and-here-is-the-twist-you-were-waiting-for-since-we-hinted-at-it-early-on-but-you-have-to-accept-leaps-of-logic-for-it-to-make-sense-kind-of-thriller" with very cheesy music...

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This was not good. The premise was fine and the plot could have worked on some level. But they just didn't pull it off. Some of the newscasting segments and voice overs were so poorly done. It was also massively choreographed.....the way a certain scene towards the beginning is filmed just gives away the entire twist of the movie. It treated the audience like they were complete dummies. Very disappointing to see.

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Shout by Khawlah

A brilliant and wonderfully executed approach to a who done it story. So many twists that I definitely didn't see coming. Thrilling and surprisingly emotional. Definitely one of few movies I would annoyingly recommend to people.

Damn, I sure hope David was able to retrieve that "best dad" video. :wink:

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Very nice movie. Good acting from John Cho. The ending is quite predictable but it does not matter. It will pass you a fine 1hr 40 min.

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The development of the "screenlife" movies is remarkable and this is its most notable example. A conventional thriller is built with visual resources that introduce us to digital screens. It is promising but seems equally limited, like other visual experiments. The problem is that the surface is more important than the narration, and in the end the result is a mediocre film.

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Happy Ending :)

ps: I don't have 5 words.

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Wow, it was actually a good movie!

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Shout by Deleted


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Awesome movie.. Shook me to the core

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