Personal Lists featuring...

Sebastiane 1976


...the sexuality that cinema left us.


Not for those with heart conditions. You might get dirty looks if you mention these films. Welcome aboard fellow traveller. Remember it's only a movie...


Gay movies and shows


Over 3,000 LGBT-themed movies and TV shows featuring gay storylines, characters, or actors.


In celebration of their 30th anniversary, in 2016, the London LGBT Film Festival BFI Flare conducted a poll of over 100 programmers, critics and filmmakers asking for a top 10 list of the best LGBT films. Contains all films with at least 3 votes.



A list of movies to watch during Pride Month :waving_white_flag:‍:rainbow:


It’s been a big few years for lesbian and gay movies and queer-themed films. In 2013, Blue is the Warmest Color won the Palm D’or at Cannes; in 2016, Carol earned six Oscar nominations; just a year later, for the first time in history, an LGBT film took home Best Picture. That movie was Barry Jenkins’ Moonlight, and in 2018 Call Me By Your Name almost made it two in a row for gay-themed movies at the Academy Awards, earning a Best Picture nomination. This March, Twentieth Century Fox put out Love, Simon, the first mainstream, wide-release teenage rom-com to focus on a gay character. And the critics did indeed love it.

All of these films stand on the shoulders of other LGBT films that have come before. Our list of the 150 Best LGBT Movies of All Time stretches back almost 90 years to the pioneering German film, Mädchen in Uniform, which was subsequently banned by the Nazis, and crosses multiple continents, cultures, and genres. There are broad American comedies (The Birdcage), artful Korean crime dramas (The Handmaiden), groundbreaking indies (Tangerine), and landmark documentaries (Paris Is Burning). To be considered for the list, a movie had to prominently feature gay, lesbian, trans, or queer characters; concern itself centrally with LGBT themes; present its LGBT characters in a fair and realistic light; and/or be seen as a touchpoint in the evolution of queer cinema. The final list was culled from a longlist of hundreds, after the films were ranked according to the Adjusted Tomatometer, which acts as a kind of inflation adjustment, taking into consideration the Tomatometer score, as well as the number of reviews a film received relative to the average number of reviews for films in the same year it was released.

We did not include miniseries, which left out seminal works like Angels in America. And we recognize that some of the films in the list will re-ignite healthy debates that have been fixtures of discussion around LGBT films — straight actors playing gay characters, cis actors playing trans characters (an issue that flared up again around the upcoming film, Girl, at this year’s Cannes Film Festival), and the historical dominance of white male perspectives. We’d encourage those debates to continue, respectfully, in the comments section below. (And speaking of comments: yes, we know that But I’m a Cheerleader is missing — we love it too! — but it’s Rotten, at 35%, so… blame the critics.) For now, join us as we celebrate Pride, and the work of hundreds of filmmakers whose talents and risks have opened up the possibilities of cinema.

While we were celebrating Pride 2018, we had the cast of Netflix’s Queer Eye into Rotten Tomatoes HQ to talk about their favorite LGBT movies: check out the Fab Five’s five favorite LGBT movies.


TV Shows and Movies with queer content.


The Maestro. The Megalodon. The Murder Hornet. The Mama. The Toe-Mashing Mackerel Musketeer. The Madly Mopey Dopey Shieldmaiden Unladen. The Mop Up Job. The Mist-Mash Mystical Ninja Man Mono-No-Oshara Big Daddy Mac.
The Majordomo Loanin', Missy Bonin', Muppet In Towin', Incalculably Mysterious Metal-Show-Goin' Maniac. The Malpracticing Mullover Walk-a-Mile-in-my-Shoes Medic. The Musical Mallsoft Mistress With The Microlock.
The Mess Mixing, Multiverse Misleading, Meticulous Military-Grade 'Oh-Shi*-is-this-Malware' Mega Malware Megadrop. The Mess Hall Molly. The MP4-Minded Manmade Machine. The Unmalleable Not-So-Mellowed Out Mean-Mugger-Lubber. The Monitored Mar-Cin. The Multi-Core Magnet Link Mainframe Moose. The Midget Widget & Lemony Snicket's Muddled, Mindless, Motley, Miscellaneous Movies You'll Read But Never See Main Monster of a List.
The next mission in your mabblin' multinational macabre melodramatic mnemonic run-on I've assembled. More more more, of that sweet sweet mimetic musk. I bet my melted nougat you wouldn't read this much. And uh-oh brother, this, my, maldin-mana-jama is none other than The Third. But don't mask my mic, this molten molded malefic myriad is what's mogging you and malady's map to our macros. Care not to mention our Mister Meat & and Misses Muff Milk's minx magazines, and that's what most mentally middle-ground morally martial manipulating maggotbators most definitely, certainly, maptasticlapatagazzardly, want...

Not depicted by you.
