Personal Lists featuring...

See You Yesterday 2019


A ranking of movies by the number of awards won, and their respective categories, including all the major professional guild awards and the groups that qualify for membership on Rotten Tomatoes.

Updated Feb 15, 2020


Time travel, time loops, time distortion, alternate timelines, parallel universes, multiverse & related themes


This list will be frequently updated as movies move in-and-out of contention.

Updated 1/19/2019:
Final update for the year. Removed all films not nominated for at least one of the 4 major awards shows and added missing Oscar nominees.


2019 Tribeca Film Festival:
- 01-10: U.S. Narrative Competition
- 11-20: International Narrative Competition
- 21-35: Spotlight Narrative
- 36-40: Critics Week
- 41-45: Midnight Screenings
- 46-48: This Used to Be New York
- 49-65: Viewpoints
- 66-68: Gala Screenings
- 69-80: Documentary Competition
- 81-90: Spotlight Documentary


List of movies already watched


The hypothetical activity of traveling into the past or future, often mixed with loops whereby characters re-experience a span of time which is repeated, or warps whereby a distortion of space in relation to time, where people or objects of one period can be moved to another


Movies I've seen that are "from 2019", which means that they weren't available to be seen (for me, personally) before that year. Movies I saw in 2019, but which were officially released in 2020, are still on this list.

The list is eternally non-final; I will never have seen all the movies from this year, and I will keep changing my mind about the order in which I sort them (the order is "favourite", not "best").
