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Sex and the City 2008

I fell in love with the movie when it first aired and I love it still. Every woman can find a piece of her in one of the charecters or in their "life story" and it never fails to make me laugh or cry. Or both.

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I had to downgrade my original rating. In my early 20s I loved this film, but now I see some glaring issues that become apparent with maturity. The film is entertaining enough, but feeds on the typical melodramatic stereotypes of shallow romcoms that the original show tried to destroy. Samantha's storyline of choosing to be true to herself is probably the only thread still linking this generic cheese fest to the superior characterization of the small screen. Some things didn't age well. I had to pause for a bit to figure out what was wrong with Sam's tummy - still looking. Carrie accusing Miranda of ruining her marriage was just rich too. Women (Carrie, Miranda, even Louise from St. Louis) who must forgive men who jilt them is the kind of backwards empowerment message I have to scratch my head at. I feel like the show that gave so much power and freedom to women, destroyed all that progress with toxic and immature romance drama of the movie. It's not horrible, but it is disappointing to the fans.

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-05-21T14:35:57Z— updated 2022-05-22T15:19:28Z

Gosh. Even if you liked the TV show and think that's season 7 (and it kind of is a final season), this is really hard to watch. Doesn't work as a movie. Everything what's wrong with the TV show is amplified in this movie. Even worse, it's boring most of the time. Only the Chinese girl, Magda and the dogs are adorable. Plus, they allow an actual black person to say something meaningful. I hate that they seem to have invested about 50% of the additional budget into make-up and hair. The girls look unreal - not in a good way. It's worse than the TV show.

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This is like a horror movie for men.

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it's so so long I watched in 3 parts.
this is bullshit.
do something better with your time.

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Too long and it's not very cinematic. It feels like multiple episodes episodes. Still, entertaining at parts.

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I watched this movie when it came out with my girlfriend at the time, having never seen the show before, and it made me feel terrible about myself, my body, and prospects for women in general. I still feel the same way in 2021, but I think I aged better than this movie did, so that's something. And there is a cute puppy and plenty of romcom tropes, if you like those.

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"They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style."

I recently finished the HBO TV series and have to say the finale was so disappointing (seems to be something HBO does more often than I'd like to admit), so I thought maybe the movie brought some justice to the show that the fans deserved. After finishing this movie I can say... it did not. I almost feel like I dislike the characters more than I did after the finale. Not all characters are hard to like, but Miranda and Carrie really did their fair share of damage.

Stick to the early seasons of the show.

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If you are male it is like cspan...

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i want see this movie

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