Personal Lists featuring...

Shadow in the Cloud 2020


Auto download everything in this list


:gb: RATING 01/10 :warning: WTF?! A total assault on the intelligence of the viewer that will totally piss you off. It always ends the same way - you are unable to finish watching.
:cz: HODNOCENÍ 01/10 :warning: CO TO KUR*A JE?! Totální útok na inteligenci diváka, který vás naprosto naštve. Vždy to končí stejně - nejste schopni dokoukat.


Great Sci-Fi Movies to watch.
(Alphabetical Order)


Movies I plan to watch.

I know that there are lot of classics still left on this list. I'm trying to get to them but there are just too many movies and too little time.

Including my TV show watchlist I would need to watch 3 hours every day until 2028 to watch everything on here.
