Personal Lists featuring...

The Shadow in My Eye 2021


Latest releases with IMDB score 6.7+ and minimum votes 10000+


Art is the principal way in which the human mind has tried to remake the world in a way that makes sense. The carefully edited, slow-motion, action replay of a rugby tackle, a car crash or a sex act has more significance than the original event. Thanks to virtual reality, we will soon be moving into a world where a heightened super-reality will consist entirely of action replays, and reality will therefore be all the more rich and meaningful.

JG Ballard: Theatre of Cruelty

I might be a nihilist except that I don’t believe in anything.
― Mitchell Heisman


Pour une soirée film en famille


Best war movies ever:
- French and Indian Wars
- World War I
- World War II
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Korean War
- Vietnam War
- Gulf War
- Bosnian War


International (non-English-language) films and TV shows of all genres with English subtitles.


The Package. The Pandemonium. The Proud Pony Numero Two. The Paragon. The Paradox-o-logico Pissed Prospect. The Poker Prefaced Pinocchio Pair. The Paper-Pumpin' Philanthropy-Purgin' Psychic. The Pied Piping Pagan. The Blundering-Plundering Partly-Resented Resettlement. The Patriotic Perished Anti-Pacifist. The Persistent Pingu-Postin' Propaganda Seized Cureall.
The 'Past is the Past' Presenting Purple-Turnin' Possessed Pastor Priest. The Peanut Pastry Feast's Pirate President.
The Pathetic, wretched, principled page-portioned population-aimed partition. The powerful enough to probably level a whole prefecture prevailing phenomena.
Just one more prize-plucked public proximity probe mastered by me. A little elbow grease & pound for pound paradigm pushed all-the-boys-wanna-pounce pregnant princess.....reincarnated by me. me. me.
The newest project, by me. Miracled, you could say, by me.
And you best hope.

Not picked by you.


Lista a ver :eyes: en algún momento:hourglass_flowing_sand:.


Dramas I think are worth a watch.


Military madness. War! What is it Good for? PTL and pass the ammunition. Conflict resolution using Guns and Bullets
