Shouts about...

Sharknado 2013

This movie is so incredibly bad that it's almost funny..
The special effects are worse than horrible.
The acting is horrible.
The story is horrible.
They even managed to make Tara Reid look hideous.

But for some reason I still watched it from start to end...
I can't really explain it. It really is WAY worse than a B-movie but I watched it anyway.
I guess it was the curiosity of what kind of moronic things they could come up with.

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It's a blast to watch. The mystery of how the woman with the dog teleported from her car to outside of it will always follow me.

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This is one of the best b movies of modern times, right up there with zombeavers. It's just the most ludicrous piece of crap ever and I loved every minute.

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I have gone a decade without watching a Sharknado. Now is my time. The bundle of all six was $8 on Vudu. Diving into this rumored "so bad its good" franchise is off to a rocky start. The effects in this were rough to say the least. The plot was bad as expected, but I hoped for more positives as well. Assuming more budget will appear in the sequels.

Rating: 0.5/5 - 2.5/10 - Hard Skip

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This is an absolutely rubbish film. I cannot even begin to describe how much I love it!!
The bad acting,
The bad special effects
The horrendous continuity mistakes
It all ties together for a gloriously bad movie that I will always force others to watch with me. :joy:

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The first of many awesome Sharknado movies. Awesome so awesome.

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Shout by Deleted

Sharks!!! What's not to love?

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Tellement navet que ça vaut la peine de le mater

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How can you possibly rate this, its so out there its a riot! More info at

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the best worst movie, in the end of the movie i was like wt* was that and my eyes were blinking

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It's so bad, it's bad!

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One of the cases of so bad it's good movie

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An epic good time. Sad to watch now that John Heard died.

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There are few things that beat watching sharknado with your friends via Skype and getting drunk long distance, laughing your asses off.

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This movie is bad and it didn't embrace any of the comedy aspects, so it's not even funny :(

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  • On larger screen, sharks are more shabby
  • Sharks act better than people.
  • It is the most "normal" of the 6.
  • The happy couple is found: Fin and the chainsaw
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It's one of the most ridiculous movies I've seen, but I expected it to be worse.

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Flying sharks! What could be better! One of those 'so bad, it's good' movies. This one is pure silliness. Sharknado is lots of fun.

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@blackhorus English... says so when you post....

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I don't know where to begin. I was really hoping it was some of the "so bad it's good" movies, but... no. It's bad, period. The only so bad it's good scene was (SPOILER) when he got into the shark, made it out alive AND found the girl still alive inside the shark. But I think I'll watch the sequels anyway, because this is some shit worth seeing just because you can criticise it later, like 50 Shades.

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I found it difficult to rate this film as I'll fully admit, it's a poor film but i still enjoyed it actually! I took the bad CGI with a pinch of salt. Oh, and the bad acting. You get where I'm going with this. But by Maximus, was I entertained. The science didn't even seem THAT far-fetched that I couldn't suspend my belief for the sake of amusement. One of those films it's so bad it's good.

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Amazingly bad, like really WTF!

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If a movie could be rated a 0, this one would get it

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This movie is so stupid that it's funny:-)

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Shout by Deleted

omg, stupid.

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Shout by Deleted

I wanted this to be so bad it was good, but as a friend put it while we watched it. It's so bad it's.. bad.

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Is in wrong category, is documentary/comedy, the best one... I think the writer lost his license after it.

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Solo la he visto porque está disponible en Netflix latinoamérica, porque de otra forma jamás desperdiciaría mi conexión a Internet descárgandola o mi dinero yendo al cine a verla. Diría que esta película no es ficción, drama, horror o acción sino comedia. Porque reír fue lo que hice al ver tiburones volando por los aires. Si la tomas como una película de chistes te resultará estúpida pero algo entretenida, pero si al contrario la tomas en serio -como pretende su director- será una total decepción.

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Honestly didn't even check in until I knew I could sit through it. I couldn't.

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So bad movie that it's epic, one of the best comedies of the year LOL

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It's so bad that it's good!!!

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Shout by Deleted

This is hilarious. So bad it's amazing. So outrageous it's epic. I got a laugh at all the obvious mistakes in it.

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Este Sharknado é tão mau, tão mau, mas tão mau, tão mau, tão mau, que acaba por ser ÉPICO!!!

Espero que a sequela meta zombies à mistura.

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Shout by Deleted


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Just turn off your brain and enjoy... If you don't you'll end up hating every moment of this movie.

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I'm rating it a 9 because it's so BAD! But totally watchable just to see what happens. SOOO many bad lines and predicaments. The main character being named Fin is just the start. Not to mention washed up actors that think they are still relevant.

Sharks make it into the foyer of a house? Flying a helicopter INTO a hurricane? Chainsawing your way out of the belly of a shark? Chainsawing a falling shark in half?

Would have never thought any of this possible before watching this masterpiece. Hell, I wouldn't even think of any of it before this movie.

This is the prime example of "So bad it's good."

Must Watch.

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Shout by Ben

"Sharknado 2" has been given the green light!

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Who's wrote this movie..6 year olds? This movie has terrible acting and mediocre special effects.

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We didn't listen when Al Gore warned us about global warming, and now look what happened. Sharknado.

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Shout by Ben

Hey! How come the dumbest movie of the year gets the most attention here??? :D

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Hahaha I might have to watch this. :D

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This is just fantastic!!

Watch the teaser:

"Sharks.. Tornado.. SHARKNADO! NUFF SAID!"

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Shout by Ben

LOL - this is a joke right!?
Sharks inside a TORNADO :D :D :D

This could possibly be the dumbest funniest movie ever! :D

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