Shouts about...

Shiva Baby 2021


Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2023-01-13T05:36:41Z— updated 2023-06-24T23:56:43Z

Social Anxiety: The Movie

It's drama but it's quite horrifying I felt claustrophobic, stressed, uncomfortable, embarassed and awkward - just like family gatherings usually are. Seeing people you'd prefer not to see, old people asking how your life is going and what your plans are for the next fifty years, got a relationship? got a job?... I found it very competent at capturing that. The love triangle/coming of age stuff was well done too, it's not usually my cup of tea but I was invested. It's done in a single location, has a short runtime and the pacing was great. Amazing acting, the camera close-ups help create a claustrophobic watch and the score was superb and kinda horrifying it could have been in a horror movie. Very tense and engaging. That was a wild funeral!

To anyone who enjoyed this, watch Krisha (2015) it's very similar.

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This film is pure anxiety. A stressful experience.

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Not my cup of tea. Some funny moments but maybe I wasn't in the mood for this movie :thinking:

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A short and cloying film that shows family gatherings for the horror show they can be.
Sweet ending for sure.

Always find it amusing when Dianna Agron is cast as the 'shiksa' or Christian given she herself is Jewish. Always a pleasure to have her on my screen. I'll never stop loving listening to her voice.

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Like Uncut Gems with much lower stakes, Shiva Baby is a social anxiety sufferers worst nightmare. The comedy didn't fully connect for me with the good gaffs being spread a little too thin, but it never felt overly drawn out or meandering. Has the trappings of a Napoleon Dynamite-style cult following movie, but just didn't ring enough of the right bells for me to consider this "memorable".
Far from bad, but not much more than good.

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A little light, though 'Shiva Baby' is a good watch.

It's cool to see the story expanded from the 2018 short, with additional depth added to the main character - as well as seeing a couple of new additions, of course. Rachel Sennott reprises the lead role and puts in a very solid performance.

I wanted a bit more from it in terms of content, as I was pleased to see the credits when the already brief run time (78mins) ticked over - it drags out the story a tad. No big deal though, it's still watchable for sure.

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I felt extremely uncomfortable all the time. I loved it, incredible work!

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Wow that was intense, and hilarious.

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[Filmin] "Shiv'ah" means "seven" in Hebrew, and corresponds to the seven days of mourning. The situation could not be more uncomfortable for Danielle at the wake, the conversations become strange and at the same time they are fun. Emma Seligman manages to be more awkward by introducing changes with respect to her short film "Shiva baby" (2018). It's more psychological and abounds more in the gaze towards Jewishness.

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Couldn't get more awkward and hilarious than this. Strikes a perfect balance between cringe, self-doubt and social horror. An enthralling debut that few filmmakers can pull off. Felt so awkward I had to pause a million times.

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Shout by Deleted

Maya, yer makin' me forget the kaddish!

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Probably the holy grail of movies for overprivileged pieces of shit, which is why it's so overrated on Letterboxd.
It's not a bad debut but holy shit it's annoying when it think it's 'Rosemary's Baby' or when Emma Seligman thinks she's the Safdies just because she also lives in New York. None of the attempts at 'tension' worked for me.
Also, I've now seen Rachel Sennott in this and 'The Idol' (which I loved) and there's something about her I absolutely despise.

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Without my movie club, I can certainly say I never would have watched this one as I had never even heard of it until it was chosen. This reminds me quite a bit of a cross between Death at a Funeral and Uncle Nick. It is a giant mess of anxiety in an enclosed play like environment that creates an enjoyable viewing experience! While I did not enjoy it as much as the other two mentioned, it scratched an itch I did not know I had!

Rating: 3.5/5 - 80% - Would Recommend

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Fun to watch, beautiful to look at, well written, good dialogue, anxiety through the roof (my god the missing phone scene)

If you are short on time but still want to watch a movie, this will be perfect for you to spend 1h15m entertained by a beautiful movie


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A bitterly funny film and one that captures the horrors of family gatherings quite accurately!

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I guess Danielle is literally me living my life? Almost had my daily panic attack earlier with this movie. Also cried a lot.

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The short version of it was way better than this.

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"Panic Attack: the Movie" would have given away too much, but it's just as fitting. I get that this is exactly what the story is going for but, damn, there were more than a couple of times I almost couldn't pull through.

I'm still not sure if I was supposed to want to punch as many characters as I did. :sweat_smile:

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Molly Gordon keeps starring in my favourite gay coming of age comedies and I’m gonna fall in love with her soon.

No, seriously, this is the movie to watch if you’re a 22 year-old in arts finishing up your master’s degree and dreading post-pandemic family functions because you just know you’re gonna be unemployed for at least two years. Connecting to a character is always the first step towards a film becoming a personal favourite, and Danielle is just that: a stand-in for a generation of passionate youth with nowhere to go, suffocated by the world spinning way too fast around them - and also being gay.. (Did I mention I’m falling in love with Molly Gordon soon?).

Absolutely hilarious, heartfelt... perfect.

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Shout by Deleted

I feel like this is a movie that everybody would be able to relate to at some level.

It has its funny moments, but overall, l was hoping that our main character could get past all the hurdles and end the day on a high note.

Even though it's a short movie, a lot goes on and it feels suffocating but that's the point of the movie, to help show us how the main character feels and what she's going through.

Diana Agron really had a big dick energy and I loved it.

It's a good watch, I highly recommend it.

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Great lead actor, funny at first but it's trying to use the same situation over and over again. I mean it's not bad but not really my cup of tea.

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Combine a really tight script and some fantastic acting and you've got an excellent movie. I really enjoyed it.

follow me at or facebook I HATEBadMovies

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Chaotic good

Great first feature that was able to build out from the short.

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Like an open bar at a bat mitzvah, Shiva Baby is intoxicating and surprisingly fun. You'll come for the jokes and stay for Rachel Sennot & Molly Gordon, who put the 'darling' in Emma Seligman's 'indie darling'.

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