This list is no longer updated as changes made to the way lists are editable on the site makes it impossible to place titles where they belong on the list. The complete/ongoing list lives on over at Letterboxed and lists over 1500 titles.


Last Update made May 17th 2022. Added: Kuntilanak 3 (2008), Kuntilanak 1-3 (remake trilogy), Haunted 1-5, The Damned and the Dead 1-3.

May 6th 2022: Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 1&2, Mutilator 1&2, Dark Night of the Scarecrow 1&2, Matabatin/The 3rd Eye 1&2, Fear Pharm 1&2, The Doll 1-3, Invoking 3-5, Araf 3&4 and Paranoia Tapes 1-9.

Films yet to be added (missing in database): The House on the Edge of the Park 2, Cannibals (sequel to Cannibal Holocaust), Shrooms 2, Araf 5.

Hannibal Lector films sorted under "Hannibal", Interview With a Vampire & Queen of the Damned sorted under "Vampire Chronicles", House of 1,000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects, 3 From Hell and The Haunted World of El Superbeasto sorted under "Firefly".


Shudder Exclusive & Original Content including films and tv series


Shudder horror titles. Updated regularly.

Last update: 3/20/2024


Trashy cult cinema from the fringes of good taste.


Horror movies

by DangerousBeauty_84


B-Movie Watchlist

by ReaperZer0

UPDATED: July 10th, 2020

In case you need some ideas for a movie night. Or just something really stupid/amazing/both to watch. All sorts of genres represented here, but with a skew toward action/horror/sci-fi and some comedy.

Note: This isn't strictly BAD movies, there are some (underappreciated) greats in here, or maybe just some movies you might have forgotten about. At the very least they're all interesting.


Pretty complete list with over 2,000 entries. All are in alphabetical order, order of release or to be watch in a sequence as part of the so called "universe", like for instance the Conjuring-universe, or part of an anthology or serie. Anything missing or to add, please let me know.
*Last update 06/03/2024


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Genres: horror
Languages: en
Trakt ratings: Between 15 and 100 with at least 3
Rumtime: Between 70 and 290 minutes
Years: Between 1970 and 2024


List created and maintained by https://listrr.pro

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Countries: gb, us, gb
Languages: en
Trakt ratings: Between 0 and 100 with at least 0
Rumtime: Between 30 and 250 minutes
Years: Between 1980 and 1989


All of Red Letter Media's Best of the Worst movies

(WIP below: adding Wheel of the Worst movies and some other which are unlisted in Trakt in this area).

Wheel of the Worst:
#27 (2024-03-20)
Write From the Beginning
Lyme Disease: Time for Truth
Bible Baby

#26 (2023-09-15)
Flirting with Magic
AKTAR 911 Infantry
Surfing with Seniors

#25 (2023-06-12)
A Woman's Guide to Firearms
TV and Me
Fire Safety for Kids

Wheel of the Worst:
#24 (2023-01-14)
Strong on Crime
Elders and Family: the Family Meeting
Carman: the Standard
The Justice Masters Rebound Workout

#23 (2022-03-13)
The Manners Club
High Impact Hand Safety
"Some Japanese AIDs Video"

#22 (2021-07-10)
In Search of the Wow Wow Wibble Wobble Wazzie Woodle Woo
T-Bone's World of Clowning
Spiral Fitness Beginnings

#21 (2020-06-19)
Turtle Dreams
Safe Food Attitude
How to Host a Princess Party
Massaging the Elderly

#20 (2019-10-24)
Energy and Me
Christmas with Denis
The Thing about Money
Shape Up America

#19 (2019-06-05)
Aggregate Training for the Safety Impaired
Experience the Freedom of the Naturist Lifestyle
Orgasmic Birth
Hostage Officer Survival

#18 (2019-02-21)
Law Enforcement Guide to Satanic Cults
Preventing Crossing at the Disaster
Creating Rem Lazar

#17 (2018-07-09)
Celebration of Age
Hug and Tree and Survive Canada
Mr. Wiggles Sessions Vol. 1
World Wide Web of Deceit

#16 (2017-12-04)
Surviving Edged Weapons
Manners Who Needs Them?
Casino Journal Publishing Group Top Slot-Spotting the Best

#15 (2017-07-12)
The Golden Road
Hanging With Leo: An Inconvenient Documentary
Telepathic Communication with Animals

#14 (2017-04-11)
Hospital Colwning
Item #6224: Octopuff in Kumquat
A Day Full of Joy

#13 (2016-12-13)
Get Street Smart: A Kid's Guide to Stranger Dangers
Traveling with Ooga Booga: On Trains, Trucks, and Airplanes
Dr. Mysterio's Patented Video Almanac of Fun Vol. 2
Bear Attacks
Just Kidding! - Rude Pranks & Dirty Gags
Nightmare on Drug Street
Safe Crossing: An Egg-cellent Idea
How to Spot Counterfeit Beanie Babies

#12 (2016-07-09)
My Twinn
Magic Tricks You Can Do
Learning the Alphabet with Ms. Udderly

#11 (2016-05-19)
How to Seduce Women Through Hypnosis
How to Get Revenge
UPC Codes and 666 - Beware the Mark of the Beast

#10 (2016-02-12)
Show Off! How to Be Cool at Parties
Exploding Varmints

BOTW Versus:

Back in Action vs. Enemy Territory

BOTW Spotlight:

Wish Upon

After Last Season

Cyborg and Arcade (Albert Pyun Double Feature)

Clash in the College

New York Ninja

Blood Shack (aka The Chooper)

Ben and Arthur

Wicked World

Petey Wheatstraw

Twister's Revenge

Suburban Sasquatch

The Last Vampire on Earth

Hollywood Cop

Black Spine Junka:

#4 (2023-11-03)
Bob Munden: the Fastest Gun Who Ever Lived
S&M Sweat and Muscle NYC
Line Dancing for Seniors
Difficult People: How to Deal with Them
The Bully Factor
Mammoth Caves National Park Auction

#3 (2022-07-27)
Mouth in Motion
Info Select
Power Pack
Target Panic: Its causes and cures
Street Smarts: Straight talk for Kids and Parents with Detective J.J. Bittenbinder
The Brothers: Fact and Reality
Oh you Beautiful Doll
It's a Steal
Lights, Cameras, Bubbles
Power Aging


Here's a list of Christmas related horror movies. If I'm missing any, please write them in the comments and I will add them to the list. Merry Christmas!


We love Bad Movies nearly as much as we love Horror. Sometimes, when we're in the mood, we may even love them more.

There's just something deeply satisfying about watching a movie that tries so hard to get everything right, fail miserably in every single aspect, to the point of pain. There's no way that you can watch Vanilla Ice try to act in Cool as Ice and not be in tears; or watch Lou Ferrigno tying rubber cobras together while telling them "Hey, be nice!" in Sinbad of the Seven Seas, and not die laughing; and there's no way in hell that you can watch The Room and not wonder "Does it get any worse than this?"

Most of the movies below are so horrible and inept, that they defy all logical explanation, and they're all crazy enjoyable on a level that we can't even begin to explain.

Not all of these movies are going to be easy find. We've had to watch many of them ourselves on used VHS tapes.
Amazon is a great place to buy a copy of many of these movies, but as most of them are sold through 3rd party sellers, be sure to read their user reviews to make sure they deliver what they promise, and for a reasonable price.
You can also watch a lot of these movies on YouTube, even if the quality isn't that great.
We include the MST3K version of Pod People here, because we can’t find the normal version of the movie to watch, and it’s an A+ episode.

For the first 6 movies in the list:

If you truly love Bad Movies, then the movies in our Top Six will give you endless amounts of pleasure... and pain. Start with whichever one you like, but watch them all, as they are truly Bad Movie gems of the highest order.

For the remaining:

For the record, many of the movies beyond the Top Six are absolutey classic too. The Apple, Cage, Hard Rock Zombies, Ninja of the Magnificence, Pod People, Rock n' Roll Nightmare, The Room, Sinbad of the Seven Seas, and Space Mutiny are all brilliant in their atrociousness.

Keep in mind that no "Best of" list is ever perfect, but merely a solid starting point for anyone looking to watch some great flicks, and in this case, great flicks of a particular type.

The last 6 being "Honorable Mentions".

Source: http://thehorrorclub.blogspot.ch/2016/02/the-best-of-bad-movies.html


This list is maintained by mdblist.com
Create your own: https://mdblist.com/lists/43v3rloco/shudder
Updated at 2024-06-28 14:15:36


Movies within the genre of horror, sci fi, fantasy or mystery.
Mostly low budget or at least not very well known.
Not all of them are necessarily good, but interesting in their own way if you approach with the right mindset.


This list is maintained by mdblist.com
Create your own: https://mdblist.com/lists/sig1878/movies-shudder
Updated at 2024-06-27 17:43:45


The decade to rule them all.


A list of every film mentioned in the documentary In Search of Darkness.
UPDATED to include the films mentioned in the follow-up documentary In Search of Darkness: Part II.

List by hotsake


Movies to watch when you think you have seen every good horror movie. These are horror movies that don't appear on most horror lists, but are still very worth watching.
