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Sissy 2022

A stylish psychological slasher about friendship and bullying. A great addition to the "is she crazy or not?" genre. Lots of awkward and uncomfortable moments. Loved the music choices and the neon lights. The gore and the kills were all satisfying and well crafted. The pacing was perfect for me I was never bored. Great ending that left me wanting more. Aisha Dee was so good in the role I can't wait to see her in other stuff!

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I loved this movie. I thought the lead actress, Aisha Dee was amazing and I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was super charming and did a great job making me cheer for her, even though... I probably shouldn't have been cheering for her. The other characters were insufferable, but that was by design. The kills were good with the occasional over-the-top gore keeping it fun and not-too-serious, the CGI blood was rough at times though.

I also quite liked the subtle commentary about what goes on beneath the mask of social media influencers and never really knowing whats beneath the surface. I like how that framed the story but didn't occupy too much screen time. I loved this movie a lot. I don't know where it falls but its definitely somewhere on my top horror movies of the year.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Sissy’:

  1. Those were some interesting music choices. Not terrible. Interesting.

  2. Aisha Dee did an incredible job inspiring sympathy from us while also being absolutely insane. She did unhinged very well.

  3. I went in blind and had no idea where this was going… until I knew exactly where everything was going. A point off for some mild predictability.

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Good, fun, light horror. Impressed that it's Australian! (I say that as an Au'n) LOL

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Sissy is a well made film but Cecilia's character arc is a little confusing. Still a fun watch though.

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This movie was neither good or bad. Keep your expectations low and you’ll be fine.

Do yourself a favor and watch this film.

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I thought it was pretty good. You really got to see her descend into madness.

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This is an unexpected favorite! A stylish, quirky, gory, anxiety-inducing psychological horror/dark comedy from Australia that mostly hits all the right marks while establishing an emotional journey. There are some incredibly awkward moments and some incredibly cringe moments, and they are done to perfection. The cast is perfect and fleshed out enough for you to care about them. Some satisfying gore as well. The visual aesthetic of this also helps carrying the film as this has great contrast between magical, childish moments and splattery gore. I wish there were a little more satirical bite to it, otherwise this is a massively entertaining film and fans of the genre definitely need to check this out.

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Some epic deaths and good fun throughout, though I'm admittedly showing my age not understanding most of the social media and influence dialog.

Good horror and a learning experience.

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I lost interest halfway through, but I made the effort to watch the entire thing and succeeded. I tried liking this, but I just wasn't into it for the most part. That said the lead actress does a pretty good job in the role, she emotes quite well and is quite believable. However, the other actors weren't engaging. Some silly over the top death scenes raises it a little bit from the crap heap. 5.1 for me

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A slasher with a social message that slowly abandons the ideas raised about the artifice of social networks to offer a conventional story of a threatening psychopath. The best thing about it is the ambiguity it poses in the representation of the stalker and the victim, which is revealed as a less clear limit than usual. But the development and certain kitsch aesthetics end up being annoying.

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It's so stupid and boring.

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You can find better sissification videos on the hub.

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uh im lost on what to make of this movie

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