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Sleepers 1996

Rape is a subject that breaks many films, because very few writers can depict it without losing themselves in it. Sleepers is an example of a film that is better for the inclusion. Great acting all around.

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Whether it's true or fiction, the fact remains that public institutions are rarely crystal clear. ps. Hoffman and the young 4 were a plus.

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One thing that stands out here is the acting, it is spectacular. You really feel for all the characters especially the boys and the suffering they endure. However, where everything breaks down is the finale. Watching this movie in the 2017 with the number of pedophilia cases and stories in the news and their outcomes makes the ending highly improbable and nearly fantastical. The shooting of Nokes is what real revenge usually is, messy and unplanned. However, the court confession of Ferguson is highly unbelievable. They set up a priest to lie in court but a pedophile is so morally strong that he cannot? The ending plays like a Disney story, where righteousness and justice wins not matter how seemingly impossible the set up.

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