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Snack Shack 2024

Honestly, if it wasn't for the slow plot and the ages not making any sense what so ever I would have loved this. The story was heartwarming, heartbreaking, funny, and relatable all at the same time. The soundtrack was headboppingly perfect. It made me cry and headbop, sometimes at the same time. The characters were played brilliantly by the actors, but the ages they were given took me out so many times. I loved the morals and portayal of family, friendship, relationships, and just life overall. The first time experiences and the last time experiences all for different reasons. Oh, and the 90s vibe hits warmly.

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Shout by FatalMuzza
BlockedParent2024-04-04T14:36:32Z— updated 2024-04-08T12:14:04Z

What a great homage to the 90’s. Especially impactful being of similar age at the time and the nostalgia it invoked.

MODERATION EDIT: Be respectful.

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Adam Rehmeier, I was unfamiliar with your game.

A warm, hazy, nostalgic coming-of-age movie that initially seems tropey and overplayed, but by layering in believable human connection and a lot of heart, Snack Shack manages to surpass its awfully generic namesake into one of the finest best-friend-comedies I've seen. Not many movies manage to make me gasp and tear up like this one did, or leave me with the lingering warm feeling of nostalgia for a place or time I never experienced. Kudos Snack Shack, now be a shit pig and get me a fuck dog.

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Do not sleep on #SnackShack y’all! A classic funny & charming coming-of-age story all about the special relationship with your best friend. It’s surprisingly emotional. One of my faves of the year already!

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I knew it was going to be one of those movies and it was!
A fantastic montage of the nostalgic 90s some really good heartwarming good cinematography and heartbreaking and really funny. Both of them had great chemistry. The story was superb, you got tears, you got laughs you got everything that is missing from some over Hollywood produced and advertised movies. I loved it! And they did it with no PC , no ultra mouth language, no vomit or diarrhea jokes, nothing else but pure innocent fun.

A gem, that is going to be a classic. And not only for Brooke!

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Dicksmart = Booksmart for dude bros.

Imagine Risky Business meets Good Boys. More depth than what it looks like on the poster, but not more than you'd expect.

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Gonna tell my kids this was Challengers. Surprised how much I enjoyed this

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Def relatable movie not really that good to me though.

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