This movie is worst. I hate what i saw.

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boring and too predictable. I felt like a time traveler watching this. I could predict what was gonna happen at every scene.

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How can this be an origin movie and there's no reference to Snake Eye's vow of silence? Did he decide to stop talking when he joined the Joes?

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You know a movie is bad when you end up sleeping in it, I've never seen an action movie that was this boring or maybe I have but I just forgot. Henry Golding sweetie, I'm so sorry but you can do better. The camera was very shaky during the fighting sequences which was very distracting. He literally got his name from a villain that killed his father, like that's where his iconic name came from? Tragic, I can write a better backstory than this mess. Also in the battle, why the hell was the villain just standing still when the entire group of heroes were in front of him, must have been blinded by the power of family.

Story = 5
Cinematography = 5
Soundtrack = 5
Production Design = 6
Acting = 5

Overall score = 5/10

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This movie left me at the altar! I wanted it to be awesome. But, sucked. Snake Eyes is the baddest G.I. Joe IMO. The story doesn't live up to it's own description. He isn't taught anything by the clan, except mystical shit you can read in any meditation book!!! And he gets the suit as an afterthought!!!! In the climactic scene, it almost felt like the pose at the end of Street Fighter. Total cheese! Baroness and Scarlett were as "bad" as Michael Jackson. And the fact that the G.I. Joe organization drives around in Hyundais is deplorable! Wait for HBO MAX.

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I've rarely seen such a predictable plot. No surprise, no suspense, no entertainment. You really must have only the most rudimentary writing skills for such a lacklustre performance.
The action scenes aren't too exciting either.

But the greatest joke were the performances of The Baroness and Scarlett. Felt like a parody.

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What the f*** have I Just watched? This movie is just bad. Bad actors, particularly storm shadow, bad plot, bad action scenes, bad fights, bad pacing... The only thing it had going for it was the scenary.

You know when someone says a 12 year old wrote something... That applies to this movie story. I Don't remember watching a movie where so many characters change allegeance so fast in that short span.
If you came thinking you'd see the interesting snake eyes from the first movie, just forget it. Unless we're talking about the ending where all the sudden he turns into the master of ninjas, after no training what so ever... And no... those ridiculous challenges don't count as training.

Some one must have lost a bet to make this s**t.

And that final fight... Please... If you can endure purely bad movies you should watch just for that... It's so ridiculous, I couldn't stop laughing. Seriously... My face got numb. It looks like those parody movies like the ones from 300, and fast and furious.

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This movie was terrible. Even if you are watching it just for the action and not for the story or acting, it still leaves much to be desired. Knowing that Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow are probably the 2 most beloved characters of the franchise, you think they would have tried harder. The actor that played Snake Eyes was decent, but pretty much everyone else with lines was garbage. Especially Baroness, Scarlett and Storm Shadow. I really wish someone would have got this right. Even WB DC comic shows have been better than this and that is saying a lot. Woulda been nice if they coulda captured the feel of a show like Daredevil or Punisher and brought that to this movie, instead it felt like…I don’t even know?…but not good.

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Boring, how can they even make shit like this?

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Couldn’t continue - it was so terrible !!!!

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A better movie than Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.

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A bit boring, shallow plot and too predictable. But at least an action movie without yet another DC/Marvel powered-one. Although that jewel was a bit b.s. Kinda in doubt if its 6 out of 10 or 7 out of 10. It was entertaining enough.

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For a movie based on an action figure this takes itself far too seriously. Its needlessly complicated too. I expected something better than the last two Joe movies but this is on a par with them. By which I mean something that is very average!

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Snake Eyes was just...not good.

I had a bit of hope for this one, but I ended up being disappointed...again.

Boring, ever so predictable, and no adherence to the source material whatsoever.

...and why ruin every action scene with that lazy shaky cam shit. It's incredibly annoying.

Just skip this one. There are better ways to spend 2 hours. Like rewatching the old G.I. Joe cartoon.

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Dear Hollywood, please let this franchise RIP back in the 80's. thankyoumuch

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Stunk up the joint. Acting was good but the story was pointless and dull. Made me long for really bad Shaw Brothers movies. Not bad in a good way either. Just prefunctionary.

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Boring, slept more than once, nowadays movies become more action mpre than the story itself

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another generic bubble gum action flick....geez Hollywood!

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Only reason I was always crazy about G.I. Joe movies is because of Snake Eyes. This whole movie is about him, but I didn't feel his presence in it. The original Snake Eyes actor is Ray Park. When i found out a different guy is cast in this new movie, the posture, the move, the walk, everything felt out of place for me. Why was it so hard for y'all to cast the same guy!

Not to mention the predictable, clichéd, boring story. Even the action scenes were laughable. A total let down. I'm not going below 5 because the acting was somewhat decent.

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Not bad. But this guy sneaks in past the Ninja's from the roof? And steals the gem just like that? Very unlikely.

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Although she had read a different origin, she has been entertained and good for the fights. The Arashikage are very ecological and use electric cars and motorcycles

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Samara Weaving wasn't in this nearly enough!

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I'm not familiar with gi Joe but this was ok. Expected a bit more.

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Crouching Tiger Hidden Story more like. Apart from a guy called Snake Eyes and an outfit called Cobra, this garbage flic has ZERO resemblance to a G.I. Joe movie, there’s literally no connection at all! Origins of what exactly. If your in to Ninja Assassin type movies this might float your boat but the action sequences are poorly shot, the story is limp, the actors decidedly second rate and the characters too much of a joke.

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Iko is on the poster but is essentially an extended cameo. Guess he's too hot for Hollywood to handle.

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This provides the same high as watching something like a Transformers movie. Nothing about it is particularly great, but for some reason you are glued to the seat and enjoying what you are watching. I do think there are better comparable movies out there, hence my score here, but there is a demographic out there that will enjoy their time with this one.

Rating: 2/5 - 65% - Not Recommended to Everyone

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Exciting and action-packed, Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins reboots the franchise. Obsessed with finding his father’s killer, Snake Eyes infiltrates the Arashikage clan to steal a magic jewel; but soon learns that he’s in the middle of a war between a terrorist organization named Cobra and a multinational military team called GI Joe. The fight scenes are pretty good and features some impressive choreography, however the acting is rather weak. Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins has its problems, but overall it’s an entertaining film with an interesting new take on the material.

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it's like everybody says : boring and predictable :))) but it can be fun at times ; more of 6.5 than a 7

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Very boring, bad acting, story is crappy. Only good about the movie was the fights 3/10

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There is a feeling that the film always falls short. It wants to be a solvent yakuza movie, but it's limited by the needs of a defined character. The moral conflict is so malleable that it certainly doesn't work as a reinforcement of the character. And the antagonist is so weak (really, that jewel is useless) that the third act in the castle ends up being a succession of bad fight scenes wrapped in complete darkness.

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There is still a lot we need to learn about Snake Eyes that wasn't covered in this film, such as his vow of silence. However, as an origin to how the character became “Snake Eyes,” I would say that this was a good concept. I enjoyed the film and would definitely recommend it. Although, we might need a sequel, I would love to see more of Storm Shadow vs. Snake Eyes.

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Rather odd. In the GI Joe movies we see flashbacks of him as a young boy living in Japan.

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The trailers were better, just something to watch on a off night.

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Unexpectedly powerful buildup, unexpectedly weak ending

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Hasbro or whoever owns the rights to G.I. Joe sure are trying hard to get a G.I. Joe franchise off the ground.

As an action movie, this does fairly well. But as an origin story, it definitely misses the mark. Watch it for what it is, and enjoy.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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1:12:54 "You brought him among us" SUS IMPOSTER

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Snake eyes talk tooooooo much!

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I really wanted to support this new franchise but looks like they didn't want me too. What a great first movie. Almost worse than the previous two.

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It’s a really generic script, you’ve seen this type of conflict time and time again. But it moves along, and the visuals and action will keep you engaged. I don’t quite get why the action is receiving so much criticism. Sure, there’s some handheld camera, but I didn’t notice any incomprehensible shaky cam. It’s a perfectly fine film.

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It's too hand wavey to by great, but it is fun. I enjoyed my time, it just kinda shot itself in the foot with too much of the cornball at the end. At the same time, that's also pretty true to G.I. Joe. At least it's way better than the other movies.

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That was entertaining movie. Not sure what all the negative reviews are taking about. Just turn of your brain & be entertained for 2 hours. What more can you ask for?

If you think this was boring, you haven’t watched The Green Knight. Now that was boring as fuck. You literally want to shoot your brains out.

If you think this movie is a poor adaptation of the original comic books, you clearly have not watched DC Comics shows and movies….now that’s some serious pile of shit.

Overall this was a good escape from reality for 2 hours.

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Anyway, Snake Eyes is an asshole

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Terrible movie! Snake Eyes motivation basically made him an asshole bad guy for the whole movie then suddenly cos he flipped he's okay. It was his fault that most of the clan has been burned alive and now Tommy is in the dust and his future is fucked...Great move mate. And he didn't even kill the dude who killed his dad, after all that.

The character choices and motivations are terrible and Tommy's absolutely blind trust was just idiotic! And the oh so typical love plot with Akiko that was barely laid out and seemed like she just had the hots for him for no reason and was willing to risk everything despite her initial distrust.

The baroness was laughable and the whole temporary side switching was idiotic!

The fighting was fairly good and I love Warrior so was great to see Andrew Koji but barring that it was very lame!

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After having watched Rise of Cobra and Retaliation this movie came as a monumental disappointment, everything about it was poor, considering the cast ensemble, doubly disappointing.

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This is the only blockbuster movie I've been waiting for this summer!!!! It better be flipping amazing but I have a stronnnnnnng feeling it's gonna be 60% cgi like everything else these days. To be updated soon!

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