Shouts about...

Snow Falls 2023

A young kid could tell you how shit this movie is!

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As someone who enjoys “so bad its good” type of movies, this is not one of those… its just bad. Not even fun bad. Just awful. The characters are non existent, the script is just horrendous. The movie as a whole is just extremely boring. Definitely the worst movie of 2023 so far. Im not a very harsh critic when it comes to movies I dislike. I usually can find at least something I enjoyed or something that was done right. With this I simply cant think of anything i enjoyed even remotely. Not even a singular scene or line of dialogue. Absolutely horrible from the second I pressed play til the credits rolled. A truly thoughtless and stupid film.

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Wow! This is actually a terrible movie. If you have a little bit of respect for your life, DO NOT WATCH!

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Horrible horrible movie. Watched it at my gf with her son. We both wished we watched another movie

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Jack Frost makes an appearance in the Cabin in the Woods while a bunch of drugged friends make the worst decision making in cinematic history. Decent kills, cool snowy setting, average acting, cringey dialogue and intriguing mystery but it melted away pretty fast. Snow Fails.

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