By far the biggest flop of the entire “Star Wars” franchise, this is certainly not the worst film in the series. On the contrary, “Solo” is thoroughly entertaining thanks to great casting, a fun crime story, and good effects. Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo and Donald Glover as Lando Calrissian in particular should have taught the producers that it's okay to recast iconic characters. Instead, Disney is now just going for the awful de-aging strategy, which I just can't understand.

Be that as it may, I can only recommend giving “Solo” a chance. Yes, there are some really questionable crumbs of fanservice thrown at you. And it certainly wasn't the right decision to really pack all the experiences that made Han the character we got to know in “Star Wars” into just one story. But the movie is still a lot of fun. It's a flop that shouldn't have been one.

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Truly underrated! I think this one is just great. 8.5/10 :star:

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Solo: A Star Wars Story is a great movie that explores the fascinating origin of Han Solo in the Star Wars saga. The film offers a thrilling and action-packed adventure that dives into the character's past and sheds light on some of his most defining moments. From his early days as a hustler to his daring escapades with Chewbacca and Lando Calrissian, the film captures the spirit and essence of the beloved character in a way that feels both faithful to the original trilogy and fresh and exciting. While it may not be the most essential entry in the Star Wars franchise, it's a great standalone film that offers a unique and entertaining look at one of the series' most beloved characters.

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Well I think this is Great
Alden kills it as Han
Just the way he carried himself and his voice,
Well if I close my eyes I'd swear it's Harrison.
This is a fun experience and I have a damn good time with it.
The pacing is great the action is fantastic and you can tell they really tried to make sure they tied every little thing in from the other movies to make sure this movie fits in flawlessly.
I love the attention to detail. I have nothing bad to say with this installment
It's a good time and
A Great movie
with some nice twists
and a lesson to be learned.
I could not have asked anything more.

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"The Calrissian Chronicles. Chapter Five... continued."

It has been awhile since I've seen any Star Wars related and I felt like dipping my toes into that universe again and I had never seen Solo before so I thought why the heck not.

So let me start by saying that I really, really enjoyed the cast and especially Donald Glover as Calrissian. Loved every scene he was in. Seeing Darth Maul again was a blast too. He was my favorite growing up. Chewie is a treat like always and Alden Ehrenreich wasn't too bad as Han.

I also really enjoyed that heist scene with the train. Lovely stuff and I'm always there for those kind of action scenes. Heisting stuff is great!

But I still have a feeling that they played it too safe. Felt more like a feel-good movie and I thought Han Solo would break more rules. Anyway I hope that there will be a sequel just so that I can hopefully get some more of that Darth Maul stuff.

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Since the droid basically admitted to Lando and her having sex… doesn’t that raise some moral or legal concerns in the empire?

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Great adventure and VFX. It was fun! :heart: L3. Solid 7.5/10

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Shout by Deleted

Could've been interesting, but it is slightly better than the sequel trilogy, so I'll give them that.

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It was a pretty good comedy, i laughed a lot and the characters and scenes were very funny.
Now, as a star wars movie, don't know why it happened, ok Disney needed that. But excellent comedy.
only the last 40 minutes are good and a remind that you are watching something of the saga.

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Yet another story squeezed into the timeline of this franchise. 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' is a good one, though.

The casting is well done, they are all satisfactory in what they give to the film. Alden Ehrenreich is a solid cast as the titular character, I found him enjoyable. Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover and Paul Bettany, meanwhile, are all positive additions.

I like how it connects into its position in the 'Star Wars' universe, sometimes you can tell they jumped through quite a few hoops just to make certain things work but I think they did an admirable job.

The film looks and sounds the part, it's certainly up to the standard that I expect from these productions. I wouldn't say it is anything all that sensational or anything, but I came away from watching in a pleasant mood.

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Not good, I was fairly bored and lacked interest for whatever reason. Solo actor was great, it definitely felt like Solo, and learning how Chewbaca & Solo team began was fasinating. Beyond that I was fairly uninterested.

Im no critique, I just wanted to say something about the movie. :) Thanks for listening.

Im watching all the movies in chronological order, and im really glad "A New Hope" is next, to rid me of my bordem :D

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Shout by Deleted

It's a good grade 6 movie, it wasn't who knows what, as if the trailer looks better, I thought it learned from star wars 3 (This Star Wars comes after 1,2,3). The visual effects are completely missing, they are only in a few scenes but otherwise they are missing, and the final fight is a bit bad and a bit pointless, and very twisted. It's kind of bad for a Star Wars movie.

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Had to watch it again after a few years. It's not very bad especially when compared to sequals. Ron Howard had everything to do with making this story better than what Kennedy could ever come up with. The lame sequals proves it.

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Actually pretty good if you don't look at it as Han's origin story but just some random who's name just happened to be Han

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Solo is a good old-fashioned Star Wars adventure (unlike the travesty that was The Last Jedi). The story follows the exploits of a young Han Solo who joins up with a band of mercenaries to help them pull off a heist. Starring Alden Ehrenreich, Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, and Donald Glover, the film has a solid cast that delivers strong performances. And, the special effects and action sequences are especially well-done, making for some thrilling chases and fight scenes. Additionally, the writing does a fair job at hitting a lot of the marks of an origin story (given what is known about Han from the previous films) and at making callbacks. Considering all the behind-the-scenes turmoil, Solo proves to be a remarkably fun and entertaining film, and one of the better entries in the franchise.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’:

  1. The Darth Maul cameo was quite a shocker — and has inspired me to maybe check out ‘The Clone Wars’ series.
  2. I understand the decision to end these side origin story films. I love the universe, but I couldn’t really get into this as much as I hoped to.
  3. Regardless of my lack of enthusiasm, I enjoyed the peek into the beginning of Han and Chewie.
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Shout by Agent24

Quite a good movie that has a very dark and kind of colorless visual tone but delivers on the characters and the story. Alden Ehrenreich is the perfect casting choice to play a young Han Solo. The resemblance with the young Harrison Ford from the original trilogy is incredible. It's also fun to actually see the card game where Han wins the Falcon from Lando at the end. And the best thing by far is that they actually made a connection to the brilliant animated Clone Wars television show in showing that Darth Maul is the leader of Crimson Tide. This was really unexpected and is absolutely amazing for me as a big fan of the TV show.

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Unwatchable.. I didn't expect it to be so bad. Lots of dark dull scenes and black and white.

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It is hard to get excited about this movie when you already know the future of the main character. For example, you know that nothing serious will happen to the Millennium Falcon.

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childish piece of shit, put a lot of work in, for the hard work, hats off..

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Not sure what all of the criticism is with this movie, I've seen it twice now and I love it.

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Shout by Katnerys
BlockedParent2019-02-22T10:08:31Z— updated 2019-02-25T16:14:25Z

This movie flopped and it is not a surprise because it was badly handled and doomed from the beginning. The change of directors, the reshoots, the mixed reception of The Last Jedi, the bad marketing and the release date just after Infinity War are factors that did not help the movie and they show how Disney did not care about Solo.
But is the movie bad ?
There are some stupid ideas such as the origin of Han's surname and I would have liked to see more of Thandie Newton and learn more about Qi'ra's past. Alden Ehrenreich did his best as Han Solo and the result is not horrible.
Overall, it is not extraordinary, there is nothing really impressive and the plot is not original however it is entertaining and the acting is decent. I enjoyed it more than The Last Jedi and in my opinion it is not the worst Star Wars movie.

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Fun, but too long. Glover and Harrelson stole the show, while Ehrenreich was just okay as Solo... He didn't really seem to have that Solo swagger that Harrison Ford had. LOVED seeing House Targaryen, and especially the little twists her character goes through. Did enjoy the expansion of the Star Wars universe, though I was somewhat disappointed with the "Kessel Run"... Not sure what would have lived up to my expectations though, it was always talked about in such vague terms in previous movies. Also, the whole spaceship fuel scarcity things was waaay too on the nose as well... An aspect of the universe that had never been talked about, and this explanation for how the ships were fueled was pretty lame (hadn't gotten past non-renewable fuel sources yet, eh?).

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enjoyable but not extraordinary ; rogueone was more entertaining ; the lead actor is just not that charismatic as Ford

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It looks good, beacause there was a lot of money in it. It would probably have been better as a non Star Wars story though. Honestly all the Star Wars stuff seems just thrown on top of it and that's it. It's an ok space adventure movie with a way too heavy topping of self imposed Star Wars references.
Sure, it will probably please fanboys but it's not even fun as you already knew these lines and events would be there and it's not like they're told in a new, interesting or original way, no, they're actually both barely present, because they're just exactly that, a not hidden self reference, and at the same time a big thing, because there's not much around it.

So yeah, it's mostly winks at fanboys (yes you, you saw that reference, you understood, that wink's for you, do you see me winking at you ? LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M WINKING AT YOU! WINK! WINK! WINK!) with a lot of money around it.

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Shout by Deleted

I’ve quite enjoyed this, although I would not been disappointed if it never ever has been made. Not a memorable one and I say this as a huge fan of the franchise.

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I put off watching this because of the negative stuff I heard from others.
Turns out I really liked the movie, it's quite an enjoyable addition to the Star Wars franchise!

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Shout by Deleted

Well better than ep 7 and 8. not as good as rogue one. but a nice Sunday afternoon movie. I thought it would be much worse.

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Boring, boring and boring .... I couldn't see completely this movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Well, I guess no one asked for this film to be made and unfortunately that showed up in the box office results, but let me tell you that I really enjoyed this film.

As a standalone film I can say that this is a good flick without any major twists.

I also noticed that the film tried to not take any risks in adding too much to its narrative, but looking at the bigger picture which is the Star Wars universe, the small things that they have done to give a little more depth to Han Solo and a couple other characters, enriches this universe that most of us love.

One of the few things that bothered me a bit was that they could have explored much more the relationship between Qi'ra and Han Solo, giving Qi'ra more depth to its character.

I would recommend this film especially for the long time Star Wars fans, I’m sure they will enjoy It as much as I did.

The acting was mostly good, and I have nothing to point at in a technical perspective, It seemed pretty solid, but nothing worth mentioning.

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Not bad. Way better than episode 7 & 8.
I don't really see why they've cast Alden Ehrenreich as Han. I mean, I don't see any familiar features when I look at him...
and I have trouble to fit this in the general timeline.
Was Qi'ra's character even neccessary?
This forced romance feels not quite as bad as the one in rouge one....

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The movie is the boring and clearly the weakest of the Star Wars cinema films.

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Donald Glover shines as Lando.

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Always a pleasure to see Emilia Clarke. Good romping fun, as Star Wars is meant to be.

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An unfairly maligned film. It's pretty good. Actually good enought that I'm going to go back and give Rogue One another go. I've always been of the opinion that the first films were so good because we all saw them when we nine and the toys were cool. Solo was a fun watch though.

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Man, who thought we could get such a dull Star Wars movie...? Oh yeah, everybody did once Ron Howard came aboard. I mean, it's not terrible. It's entertaining enough to keep you engaged throughout, and the actors are all pretty solid in their roles, though I was never really convinced this guy was actually Han Solo... The plot is just kinda stale and predictable, and the pandering in it kinda makes you roll your eyes.

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Shout by Deleted

It’s like The Fast and the Furious but with Chewbacca. As an avid Star Wars fan I’d say this is one of my least favourite, including the prequels!

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I just watched this for the second time. It was more enjoyable the second time. I'm raising my rating. I suspect unlike The Last Jedi, this will get better for me with each viewing. I rate it higher than The Last Jedi and lower than The Force Awakens.

If I'm not going higher is only because of the horrendous look of the movie. Must be the worst shot movie in history. Instead of firing Lord and Miller, they should have fired the cinematographer, and on day 1.

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Solo: A STAR WARS Story

I suprisingly enjoyed this movie, after being unenthusiastic from the trailers.
Alden really sold me that he was Han, the rest of the cast were great. Except for Clarke.
I found antagonist not very interesting.


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It's A good film, but isn't the best star wars movie. I like it.

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Also whoever lit the scenes needs to be fired. After continuously adjusting my set trying to get some detail in prolonged scenes of grey non contrast mud, I googled. Sure enough it’s epidemic, and no it’s not deficient cinema projectors - they just exasperate the source material problem.

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After the abysmal Last Jedi I was expecting more of the same incoherent snorefest drivel, but instead was pleasantly surprised by actual characters that had more depth than a pancake. Too bad this bombed after fans got burnt by that POS. Perhaps give it a chance.

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Shout by Deleted

I can only say it was fine. Aiden was good but not amazing (it was said he needed an acting coach..) it's great to see Chewie and Lando (good Donald) but Emilia was plain and forgettable. Still I wasn't bored but not impressed at all.

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I want a Lando movie now.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
0 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

5 out of 10

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I was actually surprised by the depth of the plot.  It looked good and I thought it was well-cast.   However.... it felt like it was missing a little something.

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Shout by Deleted

Star Wars needs to keep up with the time. This is just another summer action packed movie with very little substance. I enjoy action movies alot (MCU fan here), but we are at a time where less is alot. The story development is just a bunch of characters meeting and making plans and then some action. I've watched it only for 30 mins, it had 3 action sequences already. It just feels like a cash grab.

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It was actually a good movie!
I loved Qi'ra and L3. Those two characters were powerful.
Lando my love, he was amazing, funny, arrogant and cute at the same time.
Han and Chewbacca are one of the best duos of all time.
Like I say before, good movie. It gets more information of how everything stars.

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Everytime i watch it i love it more! Great soundtrack, great acion scenes, good tie-ins with the universe, Nice Solo, i could picture Ford in several scenes and dialogue pieces. I understand more now how he got in the fringe of the galaxy, always dissappearing from the crimson dawn. He helped start the rebellion wich in the future he helps defeat the empire, and whoa, even the milllenium gets a rebel personallity with L3 combined to her. Good cast, good visuals, a simples story, you can watch it several times, a light hearted adventure in a universe i love!!

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I love this movie I've always loved Han Solo as a character he's actually my favorite at the whole franchise I'm one of the few people that doesn't really care about the Jedi stuff as much as I do the other aspects of Star Wars so this was an awesome movie to watch to see the organized crime and Military aspects of that world featured more

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Fantastic movie from start to finish! It's action-packed and is never unnecessarily slow. The leads are well fleshed out and Ehrenreich plays a convincing Han Solo, complete with mannerisms, without falling into the trap of copying Ford. Glover portrays a pitch-perfect Lando, Bettany a frightening antagonist, and Harrelson an interesting mentor for Han. I'm not always a fan of Harrelson but he was a perfect fit for this role.

There are numerous nods and mentions to other products in the franchise, including the extended universe. I highly recommend having watched The Clone Wars series (and even Rebels) to catch most of these references though it is certainly not required to know any of this before watching Solo.

The music is fantastic and both old and new themes come by.

Not once are Jedi or The Force mentioned. Yet, it's arguably the most Star Wars film since the Original trilogy. It definitely feels very much like the old films as it's filled with action, fun, and "whoa" moments.

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This movie is irrelevant and boring.

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Unfortunately people were always going to be critical of a Solo movie, genuinely a great movie.

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I really enjoyed this movie. Of course the story was a bit predictable, but which movie today isn't? Everything seems to have been done so there's less surprises – especially with a franchise that's been going on for so long.
I think the acting was fine and the story interesting enough to stay that long in the cinema – it's barely over 2h. I found it weird that they didn't seem to promote the movie as much as the other instalments, especially because for me it was way better than last years Last Jedi. It's nice to see some back stories and have the connection between various characters better explained.

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this movie was fun and cute and haters need to calm down

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This is what Star Wars needs... decent ideas, decent acting, decent special effects. Tight, fun, surprising and so much better The Last Jedi :-) 8/10

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I think that one of the advantages that this movie has is that everyone expects it to suck. Since you go in with low expectations you actually end up pleasantly surprised. This isn't epic, it isn't mind blowing, or amazing, but it was good, which was more than I was expecting. I went to see it with my daughter who was super excited to see people meet and see the history, and so I think her excitement and enjoyment upped the experience for me as well.

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Welp...there goes any sequel

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Shout by Arius

They could of cut that kessel run scene in half because it really dragged for such a pivotal moment. Outside of that i really enjoyed it more than i thought i would, a fun adventure and Aiden felt like Han Solo. It has it's logic issues and i can't say this is the movie you should see first this weekend in cinema but do watch the film.

It's weird...but i would like to see more of this Solo one day but i doubt it's going to make enough.

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Okay, you know how it ends, what counts is the way. The actors that make Han Solo and Qira the weakest, the rest better, seen the seen, I would have preferred a solo movie with Lando as a young man. When they are escaping the tie fighters, they play the music of that same scene of the empire strikes back.The millenium falcon scenes are very cool

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It's not as bad as I thought it would be, after all the behind the scenes drama. However, the plot isn't something to write home about. It was top-notch VFX's (the train sequence is THE BEST in the whole movie), and some good action sequences here and there, but I couldn't care any less about the whole story. The main characters are totally underdeveloped by the end of the film, and those I could care about to know more, are dead. It this was a pilot for a TV series about Han Solo, then it's on the spot, because you can take your jolly time to fully flesh out and develop those characters on subsequent episodes. But this is one of the most expensive films ever made, a long and irrelevant side-story in a franchise that it's already in deep trouble since The Force Awakens. Suddenly issues that weren't relevant to the original trilogy (like the hyperfuel) are now the center piece for social commentary and some twisted political agenda that I don't care about. If you haven't seen it, you might as well skip it and wait for it on cable or something.

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There's action, there's fighting, there's Han Solo! This is a fun movie that doesn't take itself too seriously. It's part of the anthology collection and as such, doesn't have the complexity of a full-blown Star Wars. The casting was excellent and while the story was focused more on introducing Hans past than anything it all came together quite nicely. It's not one I'm going to be heading back to see in a hurry, but I certainly enjoyed the ride and look forwards to more!

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For anyone still debating this, let me make it perfectly clear for you: Han shot first.

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Growing up on the first three Star Wars films 4, 5, 6, I wanted to see Han Solo’s past and finally got a chance and it felt good to see Han Solo’s first reaction to the falcon and meeting chewy for the first time and them moments were heart warming for me.

I thought the cast were spot on, specially Alden that played Han Solo and I could see him in him perfectly and not forgetting donald with a super performance playing Lando.

Overall it wasn’t a bad film with lots of action, a good plot and it’s good to see a back story and looking forward to watching more upcoming in the Star Wars universe. It tops some of the recent Star Wars films by far but doesn’t over take rogue one out of the recent 4 for me.

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95percent yawns.

A droid more annoying than Jar Jar, I'm sure was also voiced by Brynn/captain phasma?
I liked the first 10 minutes and two things they did near the end.
Lando at least sounded like Lando.

Wait until it's on Netflix.

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Considering the fact that nobody was waiting for this movie and nobody had any expectations it was really not that bad. The story made sense for the most part, and that's something not that common with the Star Wars franchise these days.

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It’s entertaining enough, but was there anyone who actually needed this movie to exist..?!

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Great action movie but for me it doesn't feel like a star wars movie

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donald glover as lando exuded so much pansexual energy that disney got scared and made him a robot fucker instead

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Shout by stakahashi
BlockedParent2018-05-27T02:22:58Z— updated 2018-06-03T15:19:38Z

Had some problems, but - finally - for me at least, first new star wars that seemed unafraid of doing its own thing and being a little bold. Liked that a lot. Made me think of the classic ones, during it, which the other new ones hadn't really made me do. It's like, George Lucas had a story to tell, through star wars, and created the classics. New movies said, okay, we have star wars, now what should we do with it? And created mediocre movies. Solo was more along the lines of the former, even with its shortcomings, which went a long way, for me. Not that it's in any way comparable to the classics... Characters were the best of the modern movies.

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Imagine - a Star Wars movie about relationships built around action adventure. Fantastic cast giving fantastic performances. Having watched Woody Harrelson throughout his career, this film was the confirmation that he has become a superb actor. The soul of this film, for me, was not Solo, but Qi'Ra and her character arch, played by the luminescent Emilia Clark. I'm hoping the mysteries surrounding her character will fuel a sequel. I give this movie an 8 (great) out of 10. [Action Adventure SciFi Drama]

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A unnecessary, but yet funny and well-made adventure

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Solo is a return to an ADVENTURE film as opposed to the political thrillers and war films the Star Wars flicks became in the prequels and Rogue One. Some folks don't want this, so I see, on the internet. Well, this is exactly what I wanted. I never really needed to see how Han met Chewie or Lando. I never needed to see the card game where Han won the Millenium Falcon. I didn't need to see the Kessel Run. What I did want to see, and I got here, was a good action film set in Star Wars universe with fun and (mostly) likeable characters and a villain to snarl at. It's a good time and fun. 8/10

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Exceeded all expectations, even after the big twist was spoiled for me. I genuinely loved it, and it delivered without even trying.

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Shout by mercuriorosso
BlockedParent2018-05-25T23:37:00Z— updated 2018-06-08T23:52:15Z

Lots of great actors for an enjoyable movie, totally uninspired but good.

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First of all, it is not like other Star Wars movies. if you like the "Indiana Jones" like movies, with some mix of adventure, fun, and action, with little drama and romance parts you will be pleased to see the new/old Han Solo and his pack. :)

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Star Wars isn't really my cuppa tea, although I have watched most of them. I think it's fair to say that this film will be brilliant for true Star Wars fans. The story kept me interested even when I find Sci-Fi hard to follow. The acting was believable, and they certainly chose the right actor for Han Solo. Nice to see Wookie hasn't aged at all since the '70s as well.
All in all, a great film.

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Shout by Cb Uppercut
BlockedParent2018-05-25T02:29:09Z— updated 2018-05-27T10:57:19Z

1st half: boring... slow... predictable... stupid
2nd half well not even the 2nd half the 3rd act is much better but the movie as a whole could be described as medicore - 6.6/10.

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This movie has been a huge surprise after all the controversy it had. The characters were incredibly well writen by the Kasdans and the humor was just on point. The plot, despite the fact that it was a bit predictable, is very consistent.

On the other hand, Alden actually nailed the performance. Many gestures and expressions feel as something Harrison Ford's Han Solo would do.

The best part of the movie is without any doubt the worldbuilding and the countless references to both The Clone Wars series and other Star Wars movies. And well, that little cameo at the end... BREATHTAKING

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I think this is the worst Star Wars film, but I still love it. If you're putting fun characters with dreams on screen, you can't go too wrong in my books.

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Wow. Really liked this movie. The look of it is very dark and kind of dirty but on the other side it's a lot of fun and I thought the stoey was pretty interesting and exciting. Can't wait to watch it at home in 4K.

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great film, great cast, great story dont see why anybody is being negative about it

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While it's frequently visually stunning, it remains overall uninspired. Not a lot is wrong with Han Solo but not enough is right.

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They should have let Lord and Miller do their thing.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2018-05-23T11:41:57Z— updated 2022-01-09T22:20:08Z

This is perfectly adequate.
Fine acting (not really Emilia Clarke’s best performance), fine characters (the droid’s annoying as shit though), fine story (if a little predictable in the third act), fine music, fine comedy and dialogue, it serves perfectly fine as a set up for Han’s character in A New Hope, it’s all fine.
The visuals are a bit … much, it almost looks like black and white photography at times, but there are also times where it looks fantastic.
Still, I don’t get why this easy going and light Star Wars film is presented as if its Lord of the Rings.
The set pieces are very well executed, I love the train heist and Kessel Run in particular, which in the end makes it a mild recommendation.


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Presumably we will finally find out what that "Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs" BS is all about? :-D

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There are too many good actors in this for it to be any good. My expectations are now sky high, you got: Chewey, Woody, Thandie, Khalessi, and Donald Glover, come on now...I smell a dud. But I sure hope not.

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