I am sure that some people who started watching this probably were expecting the normal romcom schlock and were disappointed by it. In short, I loved the hell out of this movie. It was an adult drama that didn't fall into the same traps that have pretty much killed the genre over the last couple of decades. It didn't rely on stupid best man speeches or hacky best friend characters. Most importantly, you couldn't guess how it was going to end up ten minutes into the movie. The movie had real characters and there was real development.

And at what point does Alison Brie get the credit that she deserves? Not only is she a great actress, now she is also (co-) writing movies? I have loved everything she has done since Mad Men.

follow me at https://IHATEBadMovies.com or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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I really enjoyed this. First, it was your typical rom-com at all! It was unclear how the story would play out, but on the way, there were twists and turns w/certain characters relating to one another on a level that wasn't prescribed by the film's premise. Also, it was great to see Alison Brie and Danny Pudi back together. They have such great chemistry, so it's not surprising that I've read that they're great friends in real life, too. If you enjoy fairly light-hearted comedies that aren't pre-destined to culminate in a certain way, I think that you'd enjoy this film.

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The movie is stereotypical and just okay. Seeing Alison Brie's boobies made it worth watching though.

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6/10 fair
As far as romcoms go this is just about passable, it’s nothing special and definitely doesn’t have the ending any romcom has had before.
If you have watched all the films you need to watch it’s worth watching the once, but just the once

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One of my favorite sub-genres is the unlikeable dirtbag antihero comedy that is a coming of age story disguised as a romcom. This is a worthy entrant into the class.

Interesting to see the Sean character goes through several years of therapy in about 4 seconds in this film.

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It's was a decent rom-com, but it definitely didn't become one of my favorites though. :person_shrugging_tone1:♂

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The movie was just okay. The premise has been done before, so it doesn't offer up nothing new. It feels like a cross between Young Adult and My Best Friend's Wedding (which they reference). As far as Alison Brie, her character wasn't that likeable.

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This doesn't add up to much so if you're looking for a funny and edgy spin on the romcom genre, you might want to look elsewhere instead.

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I give this movie a C for corny. Predictable. Nah! This is a MUST NOT WATCH. Save yourselves!

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no b00bs ever are worth enough to watch this movie

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She wants to do a documentary about naked people, but it's NOT about having sex! "Nobody wants to see that!!"

This is a movie about a woman who wants to do what she wants even though she's been told no one is interested.

They wasted our time with this whole movie, because nothing you've been watching the movie for happens and then it ends with nude people who aren't even sexy!

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super cool how the lead guy nabbed this role despite being dead.

like ive never seen anyone act so wooden and stale in a role—im sure the actor knew he’d be the romantic lead when he auditioned but yet every scene is just him giving ‘i don’t want to be here vibes’ lmao—but there’s a first for everything. mostly im pissed at how boring and bland this was.

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